Namespaces | Functions
KroneckerTensorProduct.h File Reference

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namespace  Eigen
namespace  Eigen::internal


template<typename A , typename B , typename CScalar , int CRows, int CCols, int COptions, int CMaxRows, int CMaxCols>
void Eigen::kroneckerProduct (const MatrixBase< A > &a, const MatrixBase< B > &b, Matrix< CScalar, CRows, CCols, COptions, CMaxRows, CMaxCols > &c)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void Eigen::kroneckerProduct (const MatrixBase< A > &a, const MatrixBase< B > &b, MatrixBase< C > const &c_)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void Eigen::kroneckerProduct (const MatrixBase< A > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< B > &b, SparseMatrixBase< C > &c)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void Eigen::kroneckerProduct (const SparseMatrixBase< A > &a, const MatrixBase< B > &b, SparseMatrixBase< C > &c)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void Eigen::kroneckerProduct (const SparseMatrixBase< A > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< B > &b, SparseMatrixBase< C > &c)
template<typename Derived_A , typename Derived_B , typename Derived_AB >
void Eigen::internal::kroneckerProduct_full (const Derived_A &A, const Derived_B &B, Derived_AB &AB)
template<typename Derived_A , typename Derived_B , typename Derived_AB >
void Eigen::internal::kroneckerProduct_sparse (const Derived_A &A, const Derived_B &B, Derived_AB &AB)

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 12:27:00