Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //"Echo" example, SimulatedDevice_Echo.cpp
00003 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
00004 #include <uwsim/SimDev_Echo.h>
00006 SimDev_Echo::SimDev_Echo(SimDev_Echo_Config * cfg) :
00007     SimulatedDevice(cfg)
00008 {
00009   this->info = cfg->info;
00010 }
00012 SimulatedDeviceConfig::Ptr SimDev_Echo_Factory::processConfig(const xmlpp::Node* node, ConfigFile * config)
00013 {
00014   SimDev_Echo_Config * cfg = new SimDev_Echo_Config(getType());
00015   xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = node->get_children();
00016   for (xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter)
00017   {
00018     xmlpp::Node* child = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Node*>(*iter);
00019     if (child->get_name() == "info")
00020       config->extractStringChar(child, cfg->info);
00021   }
00022   return SimulatedDeviceConfig::Ptr(cfg);
00023 }
00025 bool SimDev_Echo_Factory::applyConfig(SimulatedIAUV * auv, Vehicle &vehicleChars, SceneBuilder *sceneBuilder,
00026                                       size_t iteration)
00027 {
00028   if (iteration > 0)
00029     return true;
00030   for (size_t i = 0; i < vehicleChars.simulated_devices.size(); ++i)
00031     if (vehicleChars.simulated_devices[i]->getType() == this->getType())
00032     {
00033       SimDev_Echo_Config * cfg = dynamic_cast<SimDev_Echo_Config *>(vehicleChars.simulated_devices[i].get());
00034       if (cfg && cfg->info.length() > 0)
00035       {
00036         auv->devices->all.push_back(SimDev_Echo::Ptr(new SimDev_Echo(cfg)));
00037       }
00038       else
00039         OSG_FATAL << "SimDev_Echo device '" << vehicleChars.simulated_devices[i]->name << "' inside robot '"
00040             << << "' has empty info, discarding..." << std::endl;
00041     }
00042   return true;
00043 }
00045 std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ROSInterface> > SimDev_Echo_Factory::getInterface(
00046     ROSInterfaceInfo & rosInterface, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<SimulatedIAUV> > & iauvFile)
00047 {
00048   std::vector < boost::shared_ptr<ROSInterface> > ifaces;
00049   for (size_t i = 0; i < iauvFile.size(); ++i)
00050     for (size_t d = 0; d < iauvFile[i]->devices->all.size(); ++d)
00051       if (iauvFile[i]->devices->all[d]->getType() == this->getType()
00052           && iauvFile[i]->devices->all[d]->name == rosInterface.targetName)
00053       {
00054         ifaces.push_back(
00055             boost::shared_ptr < ROSInterface
00056                 > (new SimDev_Echo_ROSPublisher(dynamic_cast<SimDev_Echo*>(iauvFile[i]->devices->all[d].get()),
00057                                                 rosInterface.topic, rosInterface.rate)));
00058         //rosInterface.values are for new and non-standard xml configurations, but it looks like currently existing rosInterface fields are enough...
00059         //below is just an example how to get values, alternatively you can use rosInterface.values["name"]
00060         //for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it = rosInterface.values.begin() ;it != rosInterface.values.end();++it)
00061         //      ROS_INFO("rosInterface.values[%s]='%s'",  it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
00062       }
00063   if (ifaces.size() == 0)
00064     ROS_WARN("Returning empty ROS interface for device %s...", rosInterface.targetName.c_str());
00065   return ifaces;
00066 }
00068 void SimDev_Echo_ROSPublisher::createPublisher(ros::NodeHandle &nh)
00069 {
00070   ROS_INFO("SimDev_Echo_ROSPublisher on topic %s", topic.c_str());
00071   pub_ = nh.advertise < std_msgs::String > (topic, 1);
00072 }
00074 void SimDev_Echo_ROSPublisher::publish()
00075 {
00076   std_msgs::String msg;
00077   if (dev != NULL)
00078 = dev->info;
00079   else
00080 = "dev==NULL";
00081   pub_.publish(msg);
00082 }
00084 #if ROS_VERSION_MINIMUM(1, 9, 0)
00085 // new pluginlib API in Groovy and Hydro
00086 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(SimDev_Echo_Factory, uwsim::SimulatedDeviceFactory)
00087 #else
00088 PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS(SimDev_Echo_Factory, SimDev_Echo_Factory, uwsim::SimulatedDeviceFactory)
00089 #endif

Author(s): Mario Prats
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 08:24:07