Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import pddl
00003 class SASTask:
00004   def __init__(self, variables, init, goal, operators, 
00005         temp_operators,axioms, num_axioms, comp_axioms, oplinit, objects, condition_modules, effect_modules, cost_modules, 
00006         translation, module_inits, subplan_generators, init_constant_predicates, init_constant_numerics):
00007     self.variables = variables
00008     self.init = init
00009     self.goal = goal
00010     self.operators = operators
00011     self.temp_operators = temp_operators
00012     self.axioms = axioms
00013     self.num_axioms = num_axioms
00014     self.comp_axioms = comp_axioms
00015     self.oplinit = oplinit
00016     self.objects = objects
00017     self.condition_modules = condition_modules
00018     self.effect_modules = effect_modules
00019     self.cost_modules = cost_modules
00020     self.translation = translation
00021     self.module_inits = module_inits
00022     self.subplan_generators = subplan_generators
00023     self.init_constant_predicates = init_constant_predicates
00024     self.init_constant_numerics = init_constant_numerics
00025   def output(self, stream):
00026     self.variables.output(stream)
00027     print >> stream, "begin_oplinits"
00028     print >> stream, len(self.oplinit)
00029     for init in self.oplinit:
00030       print >> stream, init.init_function
00031     print >> stream, "end_oplinits"
00032     print >> stream, "begin_objects"
00033     print >> stream, len(self.objects)
00034     for object in self.objects:
00035       print >> stream, object.opl_print()
00036     print >> stream, "end_objects"
00037     self.translation.output(stream)
00038     print >> stream, "begin_constant_facts"
00039     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.init_constant_predicates)
00040     for i in self.init_constant_predicates:
00041       print >> stream, "%s %d %s" % (i.predicate, len(i.args),
00042         " ".join(map(lambda o :, i.args)))
00043     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.init_constant_numerics)
00044     for i in self.init_constant_numerics:
00045       print >> stream, "%s %d %s %f" % (i.fluent.symbol, len(i.fluent.args),
00046         " ".join(map(lambda o :, i.fluent.args)), i.expression.value)
00047     print >> stream, "end_constant_facts"
00048     print >> stream, "begin_modules"
00049     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.module_inits)
00050     for mod_init in self.module_inits:
00051       print >> stream, "%s %d %s" % (mod_init.init_function, len(mod_init.parameters), " ".join(mod_init.parameters))
00052     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.subplan_generators)
00053     for spg in self.subplan_generators:
00054       print >> stream, "%s %s %s" % (spg.genFn, spg.outputFn, spg.execFn)
00055     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.condition_modules)
00056     for module in self.condition_modules:
00057       module.output(stream)
00058     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.effect_modules)
00059     for module in self.effect_modules:
00060       module.output(stream)
00061     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.cost_modules)
00062     for module in self.cost_modules:
00063       module.output(stream)
00064     print >> stream, "end_modules"
00065     self.init.output(stream)
00066     self.goal.output(stream)
00067     if len(self.operators) > 0:
00068         assert len(self.temp_operators) == 0
00069         print >> stream, len(self.operators)
00070         for op in self.operators:
00071             op.output(stream)
00072     else:
00073         print >> stream, len(self.temp_operators)
00074         for op in self.temp_operators:
00075           op.output(stream)
00076     print >> stream, len(self.axioms)
00077     for axiom in self.axioms:
00078       axiom.output(stream)
00079     print >> stream, len(self.comp_axioms)
00080     for axiom in self.comp_axioms:
00081       axiom.output(stream)
00082     print >> stream, len(self.num_axioms)
00083     for axiom in self.num_axioms:
00084       axiom.output(stream)
00086 class SASVariables:
00087   def __init__(self, ranges, axiom_layers):
00088     self.ranges = ranges
00089     self.axiom_layers = axiom_layers
00090   def dump(self):
00091     for var, (rang, axiom_layer) in enumerate(zip(self.ranges, self.axiom_layers)):
00092       if axiom_layer != -1:
00093         axiom_str = " [axiom layer %d]" % axiom_layer
00094       else:
00095         axiom_str = ""
00096       print "v%d in {%s}%s" % (var, range(rang), axiom_str)
00097   def output(self, stream):
00098     print >> stream, "begin_variables"
00099     print >> stream, len(self.ranges)
00100     for var, (rang, axiom_layer) in enumerate(zip(self.ranges, self.axiom_layers)):
00101       print >> stream, "var%d %d %d" % (var, rang, axiom_layer)
00102     print >> stream, "end_variables"
00104 class SASInit:
00105   def __init__(self, values):
00106     self.values = values
00107   def dump(self):
00108     for var, val in enumerate(self.values):
00109       if val != -1:
00110         print "v%d: %d" % (var, val)
00111   def output(self, stream):
00112     print >> stream, "begin_state"
00113     for val in self.values:
00114       print >> stream, val
00115     print >> stream, "end_state"
00117 class SASGoal:
00118   def __init__(self, pairs):
00119     self.pairs = sorted(pairs)
00120   def dump(self):
00121     for var, val in self.pairs:
00122       print "v%d: %d" % (var, val)
00123   def output(self, stream):
00124     print >> stream, "begin_goal"
00125     print >> stream, len(self.pairs)
00126     for var, val in self.pairs:
00127       print >> stream, var, val
00128     print >> stream, "end_goal"
00130 class SASOperator:
00131   def __init__(self, name, prevail, pre_post, assign_effects):
00132 = name
00133     self.prevail = sorted(prevail)
00134     self.pre_post = sorted(pre_post)
00135     self.assign_effects = assign_effects
00136   def dump(self):
00137     print
00138     print "Prevail:"
00139     for var, val in self.prevail:
00140       print "  v%d: %d" % (var, val)
00141     print "Pre/Post:"
00142     for var, pre, post, cond in self.pre_post:
00143       if cond:
00144         cond_str = " [%s]" % ", ".join(["%d: %d" % tuple(c) for c in cond])
00145       else:
00146         cond_str = ""
00147       print "  v%d: %d -> %d%s" % (var, pre, post, cond_str)
00148   def output(self, stream):
00149     print >> stream, "begin_operator"
00150     print >> stream,[1:-1]
00151     print >> stream, len(self.prevail)
00152     for var, val in self.prevail:
00153       print >> stream, var, val
00154     num = len(self.pre_post) + len(self.assign_effects)
00155     print >> stream, num
00156     for var, pre, post, cond in self.pre_post:
00157       print >> stream, len(cond),
00158       for cvar, cval in cond:
00159         print >> stream, cvar, cval,
00160       print >> stream, var, pre, post
00161     for assignment in self.assign_effects:
00162       assignment.output(stream)
00163     print >> stream, "end_operator"
00165 class SASTemporalOperator:
00166   def __init__(self, name, duration, prevail, pre_post, assign_effects, mod_effects):
00167 = name
00169     ## Currently we assume in the knowledge compilation
00170     ## and search that there is a single exact at start
00171     ## duration constraint. If someone wants to change 
00172     ## this it is only necessary to adapt the output
00173     ## method and to remove this assertion
00174     assert (len(duration[1]) == 0 and len(duration[0]) == 1
00175             and duration[0][0].op == "="), \
00176             "unsupported duration constraint"
00177     self.duration = duration
00178     self.prevail = prevail
00179     self.pre_post = pre_post
00180     self.assign_effects = assign_effects
00181     self.module_effects = mod_effects
00182   def output(self, stream):
00183     print >> stream, "begin_operator"
00184     print >> stream,[1:-1]
00185     self.duration[0][0].output(stream)
00186     for time in range(3):
00187         print >> stream, len(self.prevail[time])
00188         for var, val in self.prevail[time]:
00189             print >> stream, var, val
00190     for time in range(2):
00191         num = len(self.pre_post[time]) + len(self.assign_effects[time]) + len(self.module_effects[time])
00192         print >> stream, num
00193         for var, pre, post, cond in self.pre_post[time]:
00194             for cond_time in range(3):
00195                 print >> stream, len(cond[cond_time]),
00196                 for cvar, cval in cond[cond_time]:
00197                     print >> stream, cvar, cval,
00198             print >> stream, var, pre, post
00199         for assignment in self.assign_effects[time]:
00200             assignment.output(stream)
00201         mod_eff = self.module_effects[time]
00202         for me, cond in mod_eff.iteritems():
00203             for c in cond:
00204                 # I hope condition handling is correct like this.
00205                 for cond_time in range(3):
00206                     print >> stream, len(c[cond_time]),
00207                     for cvar, cval in c[cond_time]:
00208                         print >> stream, cvar, cval,
00209                 print >> stream, "me-%d" % me
00210     print >> stream, "end_operator"
00212 class SASDuration:
00213   def __init__(self, op, var):
00214     self.op = op
00215     self.var = var
00216   def output(self, stream):
00217     print >> stream, self.op, self.var 
00219 class SASAssignmentEffect:
00220   def __init__(self, var, op, valvar, prevail, temporal=False):
00221     self.var = var
00222     self.op = op
00223     self.valvar = valvar
00224     self.prevail = prevail
00225     self.temporal = temporal
00226   def output(self, stream):
00227     if self.temporal:
00228         for time in range(3):
00229             print >> stream, len(self.prevail[time]),
00230             for var, val in self.prevail[time]:
00231                 print >> stream, var, val,
00232     else:
00233         print >> stream, len(self.prevail),
00234         for var, val in self.prevail:
00235             print >> stream, var, val,
00236     print >> stream, self.var, self.op, self.valvar
00238 class SASAxiom:
00239   def __init__(self, condition, effect):
00240     self.condition = condition
00241     self.effect = effect
00242     assert self.effect[1] in (0, 1)
00244     for _, val in condition:
00245       assert val >= 0, condition
00246   def dump(self):
00247     print "Condition:"
00248     for var, val in self.condition:
00249       print "  v%d: %d" % (var, val)
00250     print "Effect:"
00251     var, val = self.effect
00252     print "  v%d: %d" % (var, val)
00253   def output(self, stream):
00254     print >> stream, "begin_rule"
00255     print >> stream, len(self.condition)
00256     for var, val in self.condition:
00257       print >> stream, var, val
00258     var, val = self.effect
00259     print >> stream, var, 1 - val, val
00260     print >> stream, "end_rule"
00262 class SASCompareAxiom:
00263   def __init__(self, comp, parts, effect):
00264     self.comp = comp
00265 = parts
00266     self.effect = effect
00267   def dump(self):
00268     values = (self.effect, self.comp, 
00269         " ".join([str(var) for var in]))
00270     print "v%d: %s %s" % values
00271   def output(self, stream):
00272     values = (self.effect, self.comp, 
00273         " ".join([str(var) for var in]))
00274     print >> stream, "%d %s %s" % values
00276 class SASNumericAxiom:
00277   def __init__(self, op, parts, effect):
00278     self.op = op
00279 = parts
00280     self.effect = effect
00282   def dump(self):
00283     values = (self.effect, self.op, 
00284         " ".join([str(var) for var in]))
00285     print "v%d: %s %s" % values
00286   def output(self, stream):
00287     values = (self.effect, self.op, 
00288         " ".join([str(var) for var in]))
00289     print >> stream, "%d %s %s" % values
00291 class SASConditionModule:
00292   def __init__(self, modulecall, parameters, var):
00293     self.modulecall = modulecall
00294     self.parameters = parameters
00295     self.var = var
00296   def output(self, stream):
00297     print >> stream, "%s %d" % (self.modulecall, len(self.parameters)),
00298     for param in self.parameters:
00299       print >> stream, "%s %s %s" % (param[0], param[1], param[2]),
00300     print >> stream, "%d" % self.var
00302 class SASEffectModule:
00303   def __init__(self, modulecall, parameters, effect_num, effect_vars):
00304     self.modulecall = modulecall
00305     self.parameters = parameters
00306     self.effect_num = effect_num
00307     self.effect_vars = effect_vars
00308   def output(self, stream):
00309     print >> stream, "%s %d" % (self.modulecall, len(self.parameters)),
00310     for param in self.parameters:
00311       print >> stream, "%s %s %s" % (param[0], param[1], param[2]),
00312     print >> stream, "me-%d" % self.effect_num,
00313     print >> stream, "%d" % len(self.effect_vars),
00314     for eff_var in self.effect_vars:
00315       print >> stream, "%d" % eff_var,
00316     print >> stream, ""
00318 class SASTranslation:
00319   def __init__(self, dict):
00320     self.dict = dict
00321   def output(self, stream):
00322     print >> stream, "begin_pddl_translation"
00323     keys = self.dict.keys()
00324     keys.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(str(x), str(y)))
00325     predKeys = [key for key in keys if isinstance(key, pddl.Atom)
00326                   and not key.predicate.startswith("defined!") and not key.predicate.startswith("new-axiom@")]
00327     pneKeys = [key for key in keys 
00328                if isinstance(key, pddl.PrimitiveNumericExpression)
00329                   and not key.symbol.startswith("derived!")]
00330     constPneKeys = [key for key in pddl.Task.CONSTANT_MAPPING.keys()]
00331     constPneKeys.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(str(x), str(y)))
00332     print >> stream, "%d" % len(predKeys)
00333     for key in predKeys:
00334       print >> stream, "%s %d" % (key.predicate, len(key.args)),
00335       for arg in key.args:
00336         print >> stream, "%s" %,
00337       vals = self.dict[key]
00338       assert len(vals) == 1
00339       for val in vals:
00340         print >> stream, val[0], val[1]
00341     print >> stream, "%d" % (len(pneKeys) + len(constPneKeys))
00342     for key in pneKeys:
00343       print >> stream, "%s %d" % (key.symbol, len(key.args)),
00344       for arg in key.args:
00345         print >> stream, "%s" %,
00346       vals = self.dict[key]
00347       assert len(vals) == 1
00348       for val in vals:
00349         print >> stream, val[0]
00350     for key in constPneKeys:
00351         vals = self.dict[pddl.Task.CONSTANT_MAPPING[key]]
00352         print >> stream, "%s" % key, 
00353         assert len(vals) == 1
00354         for val in vals:
00355             print >> stream, val[0]
00356     print >> stream, "end_pddl_translation"

Author(s): Maintained by Christian Dornhege (see AUTHORS file).
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 07:52:06