Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 # from cpplint import cpplint
00003 # from cpplint.cpplint import Match, IsBlankLine
00004 from roslint import cpplint
00005 from roslint.cpplint import Match, IsBlankLine, main
00006 from functools import partial
00008 import os.path
00009 import re
00011 # Line length as per the ROS C++ Style Guide
00012 cpplint._line_length = 120
00015 def patch(original_module):
00016     """ Decorator to easily allow wrapping/overriding of the Check* functions in cpplint. Should
00017         decorate a function which matches the signature of the function it replaces expect with
00018         the addition of a fn parameter, which is a pass-through of the replaced function, in case
00019         the replacement would like call through to the original functionality. """
00020     def wrap(override_fn):
00021         original_fn = getattr(original_module, override_fn.__name__)
00022         setattr(original_module, override_fn.__name__, partial(override_fn, original_fn))
00024         # Don't actually modify the function being decorated.
00025         return override_fn
00026     return wrap
00029 def makeErrorFn(original_fn, suppress_categories, suppress_message_matches):
00030     """ Create a return a wrapped version of the error-report function which suppresses specific
00031         error categories. """
00032     def newError(filename, linenum, category, confidence, message):
00033         if category in suppress_categories:
00034             return
00035         #if "should be" in message:
00036         #    print suppress_message_matches, message, [Match(r, message) for r in suppress_message_matches]
00037         if True in [bool(Match(r, message)) for r in suppress_message_matches]:
00038             return
00039         original_fn(filename, linenum, category, confidence, message)
00040     return newError
00043 @patch(cpplint)
00044 def GetHeaderGuardCPPVariable(fn, filename):
00045     """ Replacement for the function which determines the header guard variable, to pick one which
00046         matches ROS C++ Style. """
00047     var_parts = list()
00048     head = filename
00049     while head:
00050         head, tail = os.path.split(head)
00051         var_parts.insert(0, tail)
00052         if head.endswith('include') or tail == "":
00053             break
00054     return re.sub(r'[-./\s]', '_', "_".join(var_parts)).upper()
00057 @patch(cpplint)
00058 def CheckBraces(fn, filename, clean_lines, linenum, error):
00059     """ Complete replacement for cpplint.CheckBraces, since the brace rules for ROS C++ Style
00060         are completely different from the Google style guide ones. """
00061     line = clean_lines.elided[linenum]
00062     if Match(r'^(.*){(.*)}.?$', line):
00063         # Special case when both braces are on the same line together, as is the
00064         # case for one-line getters and setters, for example, or rows of a multi-
00065         # dimenstional array initializer.
00066         pass
00067     else:
00068         # Line does not contain both an opening and closing brace.
00069         m = Match(r'^(.*){(.*)$', line)
00070         if m and not (IsBlankLine(m.group(1))):
00071             # Line contains a starting brace and is not empty, uh oh.
00072             if "=" in line:
00073                 # Opening brace is permissable in case of an initializer.
00074                 pass
00075             else:
00076                 error(filename, linenum, 'whitespace/braces', 4,
00077                       'when starting a new scope, { should be on a line by itself')
00078         m = Match(r'^(.*)}(.*)$', line)
00079         if m and (not IsBlankLine(m.group(1)) or not IsBlankLine(m.group(2))):
00080             if m.group(2) != ";":
00081                 error(filename, linenum, 'whitespace/braces', 4,
00082                       '} should be on a line by itself')
00083     pass
00086 @patch(cpplint)
00087 def CheckIncludeLine(fn, filename, clean_lines, linenum, include_state, error):
00088     """ Run the function to get include state, but suppress all the errors, since
00089         ROS C++ Style is silent on include order, and contains no prohibition on use of streams. """
00090     fn(filename, clean_lines, linenum, include_state,
00091        makeErrorFn(error, ['build/include_order', 'build/include_alpha', 'readability/streams'], []))
00094 @patch(cpplint)
00095 def CheckSpacing(fn, filename, clean_lines, linenum, nesting_state, error):
00096     """ Do most of the original Spacing checks, but suppress the ones related to braces, since
00097         the ROS C++ Style rules are different. """
00098     fn(filename, clean_lines, linenum, nesting_state,
00099        makeErrorFn(error, ['readability/braces', 'whitespace/braces'], []))
00102 @patch(cpplint)
00103 def ProcessLine(fn, filename, file_extension, clean_lines, line,
00104                 include_state, function_state, nesting_state, error,
00105                 extra_check_functions=[]):
00106     """ Squelch the error about access control indents. """
00107     fn(filename, file_extension, clean_lines, line,
00108        include_state, function_state, nesting_state,
00109        makeErrorFn(error, [], [r'(.*)should be indented \+1 space inside class(.*)']),
00110        extra_check_functions=[])

Author(s): Mike Purvis, Jack O'Quin
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 07:06:19