Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #       
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #   https://raw.github.com/robotics-in-concert/rocon_multimaster/master/rocon_gateway_tests/LICENSE 
00005 #
00007 ##############################################################################
00008 # Imports
00009 ##############################################################################
00011 import roslib
00012 roslib.load_manifest('rocon_gateway_demos')
00013 import rospy
00014 from gateway_msgs.msg import *
00016 ##############################################################################
00017 # Functions
00018 ##############################################################################
00020 def createTutorialDictionaries(regex):
00021     '''
00022       Creates and returns names and nodes dictionaries for the xxx_tutorials.
00024       @param regex : true if it should test regex patterns instead of strings
00025       @type bool
00026       @return names, nodes : two dictionaries with connection type keys and names, node string values
00027     '''
00028     names = {}
00029     nodes = {}
00030     if regex:
00031         names = { ConnectionType.PUBLISHER : '.*ter',
00032                   ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER : '.*ter',
00033                   ConnectionType.SERVICE : '/add_two_.*',
00034                   ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT : '/fibonacci/cli.*',
00035                   ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER : '/fibonacci/ser.*'
00036                 }
00037         nodes = { ConnectionType.PUBLISHER : '/t.*er',
00038                   ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER : '',
00039                   ConnectionType.SERVICE : '',
00040                   ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT : '',
00041                   ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER : ''
00042                 }
00043     else:
00044         names = { ConnectionType.PUBLISHER : '/chatter',
00045                   ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER : '/chatter',
00046                   ConnectionType.SERVICE : '/add_two_ints',
00047                   ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT : '/fibonacci/client',
00048                   ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER : '/fibonacci/server'
00049                 }
00050         nodes = { ConnectionType.PUBLISHER : '',
00051                   ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER : '',
00052                   ConnectionType.SERVICE : '',
00053                   ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT : '',
00054                   ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER : ''
00055                  }
00056     return names, nodes
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Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Fri Nov 23 2012 14:51:15