next_best_view Documentation

next_best_view: next_best_view


+++General Approach:+++ As the robot enters the kitchen, it turns and scans repeatedly to get as much information as possible about its surroundings. Then it drives to a selected reachable location in the provided 2D map that would increase the coverage of the scans further, and repeat the process until it is deemed that the remaining occlusions are either too small or not scannable by the sensor setup.

+++Details:+++ In greater detail, to obtain a list of suggested new scanning poses, we make the following steps:

1# marking each voxel in the volume of the kitchen as free, ocupied or unknown (the remaning ones) based on a raytracing approach;

2# selecting those unknown voxels which have at least one free neighbor (meaning that they could be scanned in the next steps);

3# estimating the normals in some of the points of this boundary surface;

4# marking the connected components that have similar surface normals and filtering those that are either too high or too low, as they are outside of the sensor's reach;

5# assuming that the biggest surface patches cover bigger unknown volumes, multiple scan poses are generated that are directed towards the surface.

These scan poses are then evaluated by the path planner and the most appropriate one selected for the next scan.

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Author(s): Felix Ruess
autogenerated on Sun Oct 6 2013 12:11:35