Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* Auto-generated by genmsg_cpp for file /home/rosbuild/hudson/workspace/doc-groovy-ias_common/doc_stacks/2014-10-06_00-40-46.541507/ias_common/ias_table_msgs/msg/TableWithObjects.msg */
00004 #include <string>
00005 #include <vector>
00006 #include <map>
00007 #include <ostream>
00008 #include "ros/serialization.h"
00009 #include "ros/builtin_message_traits.h"
00010 #include "ros/message_operations.h"
00011 #include "ros/time.h"
00013 #include "ros/macros.h"
00015 #include "ros/assert.h"
00017 #include "std_msgs/Header.h"
00018 #include "geometry_msgs/Polygon.h"
00019 #include "geometry_msgs/Point32.h"
00020 #include "geometry_msgs/Point32.h"
00021 #include "ias_table_msgs/TableObject.h"
00023 namespace ias_table_msgs
00024 {
00025 template <class ContainerAllocator>
00026 struct TableWithObjects_ {
00027   typedef TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> Type;
00029   TableWithObjects_()
00030   : header()
00031   , table()
00032   , table_min()
00033   , table_max()
00034   , objects()
00035   {
00036   }
00038   TableWithObjects_(const ContainerAllocator& _alloc)
00039   : header(_alloc)
00040   , table(_alloc)
00041   , table_min(_alloc)
00042   , table_max(_alloc)
00043   , objects(_alloc)
00044   {
00045   }
00047   typedef  ::std_msgs::Header_<ContainerAllocator>  _header_type;
00048    ::std_msgs::Header_<ContainerAllocator>  header;
00050   typedef  ::geometry_msgs::Polygon_<ContainerAllocator>  _table_type;
00051    ::geometry_msgs::Polygon_<ContainerAllocator>  table;
00053   typedef  ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator>  _table_min_type;
00054    ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator>  table_min;
00056   typedef  ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator>  _table_max_type;
00057    ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator>  table_max;
00059   typedef std::vector< ::ias_table_msgs::TableObject_<ContainerAllocator> , typename ContainerAllocator::template rebind< ::ias_table_msgs::TableObject_<ContainerAllocator> >::other >  _objects_type;
00060   std::vector< ::ias_table_msgs::TableObject_<ContainerAllocator> , typename ContainerAllocator::template rebind< ::ias_table_msgs::TableObject_<ContainerAllocator> >::other >  objects;
00063   typedef boost::shared_ptr< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > Ptr;
00064   typedef boost::shared_ptr< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator>  const> ConstPtr;
00065   boost::shared_ptr<std::map<std::string, std::string> > __connection_header;
00066 }; // struct TableWithObjects
00067 typedef  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<std::allocator<void> > TableWithObjects;
00069 typedef boost::shared_ptr< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects> TableWithObjectsPtr;
00070 typedef boost::shared_ptr< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects const> TableWithObjectsConstPtr;
00073 template<typename ContainerAllocator>
00074 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> & v)
00075 {
00076   ros::message_operations::Printer< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, "", v);
00077   return s;}
00079 } // namespace ias_table_msgs
00081 namespace ros
00082 {
00083 namespace message_traits
00084 {
00085 template<class ContainerAllocator> struct IsMessage< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > : public TrueType {};
00086 template<class ContainerAllocator> struct IsMessage< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator>  const> : public TrueType {};
00087 template<class ContainerAllocator>
00088 struct MD5Sum< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > {
00089   static const char* value() 
00090   {
00091     return "0222f521841551bfb4e109b86f6a86fa";
00092   }
00094   static const char* value(const  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> &) { return value(); } 
00095   static const uint64_t static_value1 = 0x0222f521841551bfULL;
00096   static const uint64_t static_value2 = 0xb4e109b86f6a86faULL;
00097 };
00099 template<class ContainerAllocator>
00100 struct DataType< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > {
00101   static const char* value() 
00102   {
00103     return "ias_table_msgs/TableWithObjects";
00104   }
00106   static const char* value(const  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> &) { return value(); } 
00107 };
00109 template<class ContainerAllocator>
00110 struct Definition< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > {
00111   static const char* value() 
00112   {
00113     return "Header header\n\
00114 geometry_msgs/Polygon table\n\
00115 geometry_msgs/Point32 table_min\n\
00116 geometry_msgs/Point32 table_max\n\
00117 TableObject[] objects\n\
00118 \n\
00119 #geometry_msgs/Point32 table_center\n\
00120 #geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped table_polygon\n\
00121 #sensor_msgs/PointCloud[] point_clusters\n\
00122 \n\
00123 \n\
00124 ================================================================================\n\
00125 MSG: std_msgs/Header\n\
00126 # Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n\
00127 # This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n\
00128 # in a particular coordinate frame.\n\
00129 # \n\
00130 # sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID \n\
00131 uint32 seq\n\
00132 #Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:\n\
00133 # * stamp.secs: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch\n\
00134 # * stamp.nsecs: nanoseconds since stamp_secs\n\
00135 # time-handling sugar is provided by the client library\n\
00136 time stamp\n\
00137 #Frame this data is associated with\n\
00138 # 0: no frame\n\
00139 # 1: global frame\n\
00140 string frame_id\n\
00141 \n\
00142 ================================================================================\n\
00143 MSG: geometry_msgs/Polygon\n\
00144 #A specification of a polygon where the first and last points are assumed to be connected\n\
00145 Point32[] points\n\
00146 \n\
00147 ================================================================================\n\
00148 MSG: geometry_msgs/Point32\n\
00149 # This contains the position of a point in free space(with 32 bits of precision).\n\
00150 # It is recommeded to use Point wherever possible instead of Point32.  \n\
00151 # \n\
00152 # This recommendation is to promote interoperability.  \n\
00153 #\n\
00154 # This message is designed to take up less space when sending\n\
00155 # lots of points at once, as in the case of a PointCloud.  \n\
00156 \n\
00157 float32 x\n\
00158 float32 y\n\
00159 float32 z\n\
00160 ================================================================================\n\
00161 MSG: ias_table_msgs/TableObject\n\
00162 geometry_msgs/Point32 center\n\
00163 geometry_msgs/Point32 min_bound\n\
00164 geometry_msgs/Point32 max_bound\n\
00165 \n\
00166 uint64 object_cop_id\n\
00167 uint64 lo_id\n\
00168 \n\
00169 sensor_msgs/PointCloud points\n\
00170 sensor_msgs/Image roi\n\
00171 \n\
00172 string perception_method\n\
00173 string sensor_type\n\
00174 string object_type\n\
00175 string object_color\n\
00176 string object_geometric_type\n\
00177 uint64 table_id\n\
00178  \n\
00179 ================================================================================\n\
00180 MSG: sensor_msgs/PointCloud\n\
00181 # This message holds a collection of 3d points, plus optional additional\n\
00182 # information about each point.\n\
00183 \n\
00184 # Time of sensor data acquisition, coordinate frame ID.\n\
00185 Header header\n\
00186 \n\
00187 # Array of 3d points. Each Point32 should be interpreted as a 3d point\n\
00188 # in the frame given in the header.\n\
00189 geometry_msgs/Point32[] points\n\
00190 \n\
00191 # Each channel should have the same number of elements as points array,\n\
00192 # and the data in each channel should correspond 1:1 with each point.\n\
00193 # Channel names in common practice are listed in ChannelFloat32.msg.\n\
00194 ChannelFloat32[] channels\n\
00195 \n\
00196 ================================================================================\n\
00197 MSG: sensor_msgs/ChannelFloat32\n\
00198 # This message is used by the PointCloud message to hold optional data\n\
00199 # associated with each point in the cloud. The length of the values\n\
00200 # array should be the same as the length of the points array in the\n\
00201 # PointCloud, and each value should be associated with the corresponding\n\
00202 # point.\n\
00203 \n\
00204 # Channel names in existing practice include:\n\
00205 #   \"u\", \"v\" - row and column (respectively) in the left stereo image.\n\
00206 #              This is opposite to usual conventions but remains for\n\
00207 #              historical reasons. The newer PointCloud2 message has no\n\
00208 #              such problem.\n\
00209 #   \"rgb\" - For point clouds produced by color stereo cameras. uint8\n\
00210 #           (R,G,B) values packed into the least significant 24 bits,\n\
00211 #           in order.\n\
00212 #   \"intensity\" - laser or pixel intensity.\n\
00213 #   \"distance\"\n\
00214 \n\
00215 # The channel name should give semantics of the channel (e.g.\n\
00216 # \"intensity\" instead of \"value\").\n\
00217 string name\n\
00218 \n\
00219 # The values array should be 1-1 with the elements of the associated\n\
00220 # PointCloud.\n\
00221 float32[] values\n\
00222 \n\
00223 ================================================================================\n\
00224 MSG: sensor_msgs/Image\n\
00225 # This message contains an uncompressed image\n\
00226 # (0, 0) is at top-left corner of image\n\
00227 #\n\
00228 \n\
00229 Header header        # Header timestamp should be acquisition time of image\n\
00230                      # Header frame_id should be optical frame of camera\n\
00231                      # origin of frame should be optical center of cameara\n\
00232                      # +x should point to the right in the image\n\
00233                      # +y should point down in the image\n\
00234                      # +z should point into to plane of the image\n\
00235                      # If the frame_id here and the frame_id of the CameraInfo\n\
00236                      # message associated with the image conflict\n\
00237                      # the behavior is undefined\n\
00238 \n\
00239 uint32 height         # image height, that is, number of rows\n\
00240 uint32 width          # image width, that is, number of columns\n\
00241 \n\
00242 # The legal values for encoding are in file src/image_encodings.cpp\n\
00243 # If you want to standardize a new string format, join\n\
00244 # and send an email proposing a new encoding.\n\
00245 \n\
00246 string encoding       # Encoding of pixels -- channel meaning, ordering, size\n\
00247                       # taken from the list of strings in include/sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h\n\
00248 \n\
00249 uint8 is_bigendian    # is this data bigendian?\n\
00250 uint32 step           # Full row length in bytes\n\
00251 uint8[] data          # actual matrix data, size is (step * rows)\n\
00252 \n\
00253 ";
00254   }
00256   static const char* value(const  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> &) { return value(); } 
00257 };
00259 template<class ContainerAllocator> struct HasHeader< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > : public TrueType {};
00260 template<class ContainerAllocator> struct HasHeader< const ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> > : public TrueType {};
00261 } // namespace message_traits
00262 } // namespace ros
00264 namespace ros
00265 {
00266 namespace serialization
00267 {
00269 template<class ContainerAllocator> struct Serializer< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> >
00270 {
00271   template<typename Stream, typename T> inline static void allInOne(Stream& stream, T m)
00272   {
00278   }
00281 }; // struct TableWithObjects_
00282 } // namespace serialization
00283 } // namespace ros
00285 namespace ros
00286 {
00287 namespace message_operations
00288 {
00290 template<class ContainerAllocator>
00291 struct Printer< ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> >
00292 {
00293   template<typename Stream> static void stream(Stream& s, const std::string& indent, const  ::ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects_<ContainerAllocator> & v) 
00294   {
00295     s << indent << "header: ";
00296 s << std::endl;
00297     Printer< ::std_msgs::Header_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, indent + "  ", v.header);
00298     s << indent << "table: ";
00299 s << std::endl;
00300     Printer< ::geometry_msgs::Polygon_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, indent + "  ", v.table);
00301     s << indent << "table_min: ";
00302 s << std::endl;
00303     Printer< ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, indent + "  ", v.table_min);
00304     s << indent << "table_max: ";
00305 s << std::endl;
00306     Printer< ::geometry_msgs::Point32_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, indent + "  ", v.table_max);
00307     s << indent << "objects[]" << std::endl;
00308     for (size_t i = 0; i < v.objects.size(); ++i)
00309     {
00310       s << indent << "  objects[" << i << "]: ";
00311       s << std::endl;
00312       s << indent;
00313       Printer< ::ias_table_msgs::TableObject_<ContainerAllocator> >::stream(s, indent + "    ", v.objects[i]);
00314     }
00315   }
00316 };
00319 } // namespace message_operations
00320 } // namespace ros

autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:49:32