Package concert_conductor :: Module concert_client :: Class ConcertClient
[frames] | no frames]

Class ConcertClient

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object --+

Instance Methods
__init__(self, client_name, gateway_name, is_local_client=False)
Initialise, finally ending with a call on the service to the client's platform info service.
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Returns the updated client information status in ros-consumable msg format.
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invite(self, concert_gateway_name, client_local_name, ok_flag)
Bit messy with ok_flag here as we are mid-transition to using 'cancel' flag in the invite services.
source code
start_app(self, app_name, remappings) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, client_name, gateway_name, is_local_client=False)

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Initialise, finally ending with a call on the service to the client's platform info service.

  • client_name - a string (+ index) human consumable form of the name @type str
  • gateway_name - the name with 16 byte hash attached @type str
  • is_local_client - differentiates an interactive local client from a gateway client @type bool
Overrides: object.__init__


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Returns the updated client information status in ros-consumable msg format.

@return the client information as a ros message. @rtype concert_msgs.ConcertClient

  • rospy.service.ServiceException - when assumed service link is unavailable

invite(self, concert_gateway_name, client_local_name, ok_flag)

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Bit messy with ok_flag here as we are mid-transition to using 'cancel' flag in the
invite services.

@param concert_gateway_name : have to let the client know the concert gateway name
                              so they can flip us topics...
@type str

start_app(self, app_name, remappings)

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  • app_name - string unique identifier for the app @type string
  • remappings - list of (from,to) pairs @type list of tuples