File: baxter_core_msgs/SolvePositionIK.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Endpoint Pose(s) to request Inverse-Kinematics joint solutions for.
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] pose_stamp
# (optional) Joint Angle Seed(s) for IK solver.
# * specify a JointState seed for each pose_stamp, using name[] and position[]
# * empty arrays or a non-default seed_mode will cause user seed to not be used
sensor_msgs/JointState[] seed_angles
# Seed Type Mode
# * default (SEED_AUTO) mode: iterate through seed types until first valid
# solution is found
# * setting any other mode: try only that seed type
uint8 SEED_AUTO = 0
uint8 SEED_USER = 1
uint8 SEED_CURRENT = 2
uint8 SEED_NS_MAP = 3
uint8 seed_mode
# joints[i] == joint angle solution for each pose_state[i]
sensor_msgs/JointState[] joints
# NOTE: isValid will be deprecated by result_type in future versions
bool[] isValid
# result_type[i] == seed type used to find valid solution, joints[i];
# otherwise, == RESULT_INVALID (no valid solution found).
uint8[] result_type
Compact Message Definition