Package utils


class  AddNodeAsStringVisitor
class  BinaryHeap
class  BinarySearchTree
interface  Condition
class  ConditionVisitor
class  DoubleLinkedDAG
class  DoubleLinkedDAGNode
class  DoubleLinkedDAGVisitor
class  DoubleLinkedTree
class  DoubleLinkedTreeIterator
class  DoubleLinkedTreeNode
class  DoubleLinkedTreeVisitor
class  FloatT
class  GMLGraph
interface  GMLNode
class  GraphMatrix
class  IntPair
class  MSortedCollection
class  MSortedCollectionNode
class  MSortedCollectionTest
interface  MSortedElementInterface
class  MSortedInteger
class  ObjectPair
class  SearchNodeVisitor
class  SortedIntList
class  StringPair
class  TwoDTree
class  TwoDTreeExample
class  UniqueRandomNumbers

Detailed Description

1, DATE: 16.03.2005
Joerg Weber

A sorted linked list containing integers. The order is ascending. A value can occur only once in the list. If one tries to add an already existing item, it is not added. Therefore, this data structure can be used for representing sets of integers. Some set operations are implemented.

For this class, an invariant (see method invariant()) is defined: it must be sorted. The invariant is checked in assertions. Furthermore, assertions are used to check pre- and postconditions for methods. Some postconditions are implemented in seperate methods.

Author(s): Safdar Zaman, Gerald Steinbauer
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:51:16