Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "tibi_dabo_intro_alg_node.h"
00002 #include <wiimote/State.h>
00004 TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::TibiDaboIntroAlgNode(void) :
00005   algorithm_base::IriBaseAlgorithm<TibiDaboIntroAlgorithm>(),
00006   hri_client_client_("hri_client", true)
00007 {
00008   //init class attributes if necessary
00009   //this->loop_rate_ = 2;//in [Hz]
00011   // [init publishers]
00013   // [init subscribers]
00014   this->joy_subscriber_ = this->public_node_handle_.subscribe("joy", 1, &TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback, this);
00016   // [init services]
00018   // [init clients]
00020   // [init action servers]
00022   // [init action clients]
00024   // [init class attributes]
00025   this->hriActive       =false;
00026   this->trigger_forward =false;
00027   this->trigger_backward=false;
00028   this->current_language=0;
00029   this->robot=1; //tibi
00030   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file.resize(5); 
00032   std::locale::global(std::locale(""));
00033   this->loadSequences();
00034 }
00036 TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::~TibiDaboIntroAlgNode(void)
00037 {
00038   // [free dynamic memory]
00039 }
00041 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::mainNodeThread(void)
00042 {
00043   static int state=1;
00044   //static int timeout=0;
00045   // if(!this->trigger_forward)
00046   // {
00047   //   ROS_INFO("trigger_forward");
00048   //   this->trigger_forward=true;
00049   // }
00051   alg_.lock(); 
00052   switch(state)
00053   {
00054     case 0: //hola benvinguts
00055       if(this->trigger_forward)
00056       {
00057 //        if(this->doHri(state))
00058         {
00059           this->trigger_forward=false;
00060           state=1;
00061         }
00062       }
00063       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00064       {
00065         this->trigger_backward=false;
00066         state=6;
00067       }
00068       break;
00069     case 1: //jo soc dabo
00070       if(this->trigger_forward)
00071       {
00072         if(this->doHri(state))
00073         {
00074           this->trigger_forward=false;
00075           state=2;
00076         }
00077       }
00078       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00079       {
00080         this->trigger_backward=false;
00081         state=6;
00082       }
00083       break;
00084     case 2: //teo
00085       if(this->trigger_forward)
00086       {
00087         if(this->doHri(state))
00088         {
00089           this->trigger_forward=false;
00090           state=4;
00091         }
00092       }
00093       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00094       {
00095         this->trigger_backward=false;
00096         state=1;
00097       }
00098       break;
00099     case 3: // humanoides
00100       if(this->trigger_forward)
00101       {
00102 //        if(this->doHri(state))
00103         {
00104           this->trigger_forward=false;
00105           state++;
00106         }
00107       }
00108       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00109       {
00110         this->trigger_backward=false;
00111         state--;
00112       }
00113       break;
00114     case 4: //kinton
00115       if(this->trigger_forward)
00116       {
00117         if(this->doHri(state))
00118         {
00119           this->trigger_forward=false;
00120           state=6;
00121         }
00122       }
00123       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00124       {
00125         this->trigger_backward=false;
00126         state=2;
00127       }
00128       break;
00129     case 5: //preguntas
00130       if(this->trigger_forward)
00131       {
00132 //        if(this->doHri(state))
00133         {
00134           this->trigger_forward=false;
00135           state++;
00136         }
00137       }
00138       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00139       {
00140         this->trigger_backward=false;
00141         state--;
00142       }
00143       break;
00144     case 6: //gracias
00145       if(this->trigger_forward)
00146       {
00147         if(this->doHri(state))
00148         {
00149           this->trigger_forward=false;
00150           state=1;
00151         }
00152       }
00153       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00154       {
00155         this->trigger_backward=false;
00156         state=4;
00157       }
00158       break;
00159     case 7: //adios
00160       if(this->trigger_forward)
00161       {
00162 //        if(this->doHri(state))
00163         {
00164           this->trigger_forward=false;
00165           state=0;
00166         }
00167       }
00168       else if(this->trigger_backward)
00169       {
00170         this->trigger_backward=false;
00171         state--;
00172       }
00173       break;
00174   }
00175   //this->current_state=state;
00176   this->alg_.unlock();
00178   // [fill msg structures]
00180   // [fill srv structure and make request to the server]
00182   // [fill action structure and make request to the action server]
00184   // [publish messages]
00185 }
00187 bool TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::doHri(int state)
00188 {
00189   bool done=false;
00190   static int index = 0;
00191   int number = this->speech[state].size();
00193   if(!hriActive)
00194   {
00195     if(index<number)
00196     {
00197       this->fillHriGoal(state,index);
00198       hri_clientMakeActionRequest();
00199       ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode:doHri: speech[%d][%d][%d]: %s", state, index, this->current_language, this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[0].c_str());
00200       index++;
00201     }
00202     else
00203     {
00204       done=true;
00205       index=0;
00206     }
00207   }
00208   return done;
00209 }
00211 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::fillHriGoal(int state, int index)
00212 {
00213   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[0] = this->hri_prefix[this->robot][this->current_language] + this->speech[state][index][this->current_language];
00214   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[1] = "";
00215   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[2] = this->head_sequence[state][index][0];
00216   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[3] = this->left_arm_sequence[state][index][0];
00217   this->hri_client_goal_.sequence_file[4] = this->right_arm_sequence[state][index][0];
00218 }
00220 /*  [subscriber callbacks] */
00221 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback(const sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr& msg) 
00222 { 
00223   //ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback: New Message Received");
00224   static std::vector<int> prev_buttons(msg->buttons);
00226   this->alg_.lock(); 
00228   if(msg->buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_PLUS]==1 && prev_buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_PLUS]==0)
00229   {
00230     ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback: trigger forward"); 
00231     this->trigger_forward =true;
00232     this->trigger_backward=false;
00233   }
00234   else if(msg->buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_MINUS]==1 && prev_buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_MINUS]==0)
00235   {
00236     ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback: trigger backward"); 
00237     this->trigger_backward=true;
00238     this->trigger_forward =false;
00239   }
00240   else if(msg->buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_HOME]==1 && prev_buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_HOME]==0)
00241   {
00242    ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::joy_callback: cancel hri");
00243    this->hri_client_client_.cancelGoal();   
00244   }
00245   prev_buttons=msg->buttons;
00246   this->alg_.unlock(); 
00247 }
00249 /*  [service callbacks] */
00251 /*  [action callbacks] */
00252 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientDone(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state,  const tibi_dabo_msgs::sequenceResultConstPtr& result) 
00253 { 
00254   this->alg_.lock();
00255   if( state.toString().compare("SUCCEEDED") == 0 ) 
00256     ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientDone: Goal Achieved!"); 
00257   else 
00258     ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientDone: %s", state.toString().c_str()); 
00260   //copy & work with requested result 
00261   this->hriActive=false;
00262   this->alg_.unlock();
00263 } 
00265 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientActive() 
00266 { 
00267   this->alg_.lock();
00268   //ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientActive: Goal just went active!"); 
00269   this->hriActive=true;
00270   this->alg_.unlock();
00271 } 
00273 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientFeedback(const tibi_dabo_msgs::sequenceFeedbackConstPtr& feedback) 
00274 { 
00275   this->alg_.lock();
00276   //ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientFeedback: Got Feedback!"); 
00278   bool feedback_is_ok = true; 
00280   //analyze feedback 
00281   //my_var = feedback->var; 
00283   //if feedback is not what expected, cancel requested goal 
00284   if( !feedback_is_ok ) 
00285   { 
00286     hri_client_client_.cancelGoal(); 
00287     //ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientFeedback: Cancelling Action!"); 
00288   } 
00289   this->alg_.unlock();
00290 }
00292 /*  [action requests] */
00293 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientMakeActionRequest() 
00294 { 
00295   ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientMakeActionRequest: Starting New Request!"); 
00297   //wait for the action server to start 
00298   //will wait for infinite time 
00299   hri_client_client_.waitForServer();  
00300   ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientMakeActionRequest: Server is Available!"); 
00302   //send a goal to the action 
00303   //hri_client_goal_.data = my_desired_goal; 
00304   hri_client_client_.sendGoal(hri_client_goal_, 
00305               boost::bind(&TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientDone,     this, _1, _2), 
00306               boost::bind(&TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientActive,   this), 
00307               boost::bind(&TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientFeedback, this, _1)); 
00308   ROS_INFO("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::hri_clientMakeActionRequest: Goal Sent. Wait for Result!"); 
00309   this->hriActive=true;
00310 }
00312 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::loadSequences()
00313 {
00314   std::vector < std::vector < std::string > > sequence;
00315   std::vector < std::string > sentence;
00317   //speech[0]: intro
00318   sentence.push_back("Hola, bienvenidos al laboratorio de robótica móvil.");
00319   sentence.push_back("Hola, benvinguts al laboratori de robòtica mòbil.");
00320   sentence.push_back("Hello, welcome to the mobile robotics laboratory.");
00321   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00322   sentence.clear();
00323   sentence.push_back("Ahora os presentaremos algunos de los robots que tenemos por aquí.");
00324   sentence.push_back("Ara us presentarem alguns dels robots que tenim per aquí.");
00325   sentence.push_back("Now we will present some of the robots we have here.");
00326   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00327   sentence.clear();
00328   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00329   sequence.clear();
00331   //speech[1]: tibidabo
00332   sentence.push_back("Yo soy Dabo. Un robot de servicio, social, y urbano.");
00333   sentence.push_back("Jo sóc Dàbo. Un robot de servei, social, i urbà.");
00334   sentence.push_back("I am Dabo. A service, social, and urban robot.");
00335   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00336   sentence.clear();
00337   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00338   sequence.clear();
00340   //speech[2]: teo
00341   sentence.push_back("Continuemos. Por aquí tenemos a Teo. Es un robot todo terreno de cuatro ruedas, que puede hacer mapas 3 d.");
00342   sentence.push_back("Continuem. Per aquí tenim el el Téóh. Es un robot tot terreny de quatre rodes, que pot fer mapes 3 d.");
00343   sentence.push_back("Let's continue. Here we have Teo. It's an all terrain robot with four wheels.");
00344   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00345   sentence.clear();
00346   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00347   sequence.clear();
00349   //speech[3]: humanoides
00350   sentence.push_back("Ahora os enseñaremos los humanoides.");
00351   sentence.push_back("Ara us ensenyarem els humanoides.");
00352   sentence.push_back("Now we will show you the humanoids.");
00353   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00354   sentence.clear();
00355   sentence.push_back("Son unos pequeños robots con piernas y brazos que pueden caminar, subir escaleras, jugar a sumo, e incluso jugar a fútbol.");
00356   sentence.push_back("Són uns petits robots amb cames i braços que poden caminar, pujar escales, jugar a sumo, i fins i tot jugar a futbol.");
00357   sentence.push_back("They are little robots with legs and arms who can walk, climb stairs, play sumo, and even soccer.");
00358   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00359   sentence.clear();
00360   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00361   sequence.clear();
00363   //speech[4]: kinton
00364   sentence.push_back("Y aquí veis a Kinton, nuestro robot volador. Es como un helicóptero con cuatro hélices.");
00365   sentence.push_back("I aquí veieu el kíntoun, el nostre robot volador. És com un helicòpter amb quatre hèlices.");
00366   sentence.push_back("And here you can see Kinton, our flying robot. Is like a helicopter with four helixs.");
00367   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00368   sentence.clear();
00369   sentence.push_back("Aunque no puede volar aquí, lo utilizamos en investigación de vehículos aéreos, y vuelo autònomo.");
00370   sentence.push_back("Encara que aquí no pot volar, el fem servir en investigació de vehicles aeris i, vol autònom.");
00371   sentence.push_back("Although it can not fly here, we use it for air vehicle research and autonomous flight.");
00372   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00373   sentence.clear();
00374   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00375   sequence.clear();
00377   //speech[5]: preguntas
00378   sentence.push_back("Si teneis preguntas, ahora es el momento. No dudeis en preguntar, intentaremos responderlas todas.");
00379   sentence.push_back("Si teniu preguntes, ara és el moment. No dubteu en demanar-les, intentarem resoldre-les totes.");
00380   sentence.push_back("If you have questions, now is the moment. Don't doubt to ask them to us, we will try to solve them all.");
00381   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00382   sentence.clear();
00383   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00384   sequence.clear();
00386   //speech[6]: gracias
00387   sentence.push_back("Muchas gracias por haber venido. Esperamos que os haya gustado esta visita virtual.");
00388   sentence.push_back("Moltes gràcies per haver vingut. Esperem que us hagi agradat aquesta visita virtual.");
00389   sentence.push_back("Thank you for coming, We hope you have enjoyed this virtual visit.");
00390   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00391   sentence.clear();
00392   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00393   sequence.clear();
00395   //speech[7]: adios
00396   sentence.push_back("Ha sido un placer. Hasta la próxima. Adiós!");
00397   sentence.push_back("Ha estat un plaer. Fins la propera. Adeu!");
00398   sentence.push_back("It's been a pleasure. See you next time. Bye!");
00399   sequence.push_back(sentence);
00400   sentence.clear();
00401   this->speech.push_back(sequence);
00402   sequence.clear();
00404   int max_sentences = 2; //max sentences per speech level
00405   //head_sequence[0]
00406   sentence.resize(3,"head_home.xml");
00407   sequence.resize(max_sentences,sentence);
00408   sentence.clear();
00409   this->head_sequence.resize(8,sequence);
00410   sequence.clear();
00412   //left_arm_sequence[0]
00413   sentence.resize(3,"left_arm_home.xml");
00414   sequence.resize(max_sentences,sentence);
00415   sentence.clear();
00416   this->left_arm_sequence.resize(8,sequence);
00417   sequence.clear();
00419   //right_arm_sequence[0]
00420   sentence.resize(3,"right_arm_home.xml");
00421   sequence.resize(max_sentences,sentence);
00422   sentence.clear();
00423   this->right_arm_sequence.resize(8,sequence);
00424   sequence.clear();
00426   //head and arms movements 
00427   //intro
00428   this->head_sequence[0][0][0]     ="head_hi.xml";
00429   this->left_arm_sequence[0][0][0] ="left_arm_home.xml";
00430   this->right_arm_sequence[0][0][0]="right_arm_home.xml";
00432   this->head_sequence[0][1][0]     ="head_home.xml";
00433   this->left_arm_sequence[0][1][0] ="left_arm_home.xml";
00434   this->right_arm_sequence[0][1][0]="right_arm_home.xml";
00435   //tibidabo 
00436   this->head_sequence[1][0][0]     ="head_talk_circle_6s.xml";
00437   this->left_arm_sequence[1][0][0] ="left_arm_talk.xml";
00438   this->right_arm_sequence[1][0][0]="right_arm_talk.xml";
00440   this->head_sequence[1][1][0]     ="head_talk_l_4s.xml";
00441   //this->left_arm_sequence[1][1][0] ="left_arm_talk_2.xml";
00442   //this->right_arm_sequence[1][1][0]="right_arm_talk_2.xml";
00443   //teo
00444   this->head_sequence[2][0][0] = "head_down.xml";
00445   //humanoides
00446   this->head_sequence[3][0][0]     ="head_talk_right_6s.xml";
00447   this->left_arm_sequence[3][0][0] ="left_arm_right.xml";
00448   this->right_arm_sequence[3][0][0]="right_arm_right.xml";
00449   //kinton
00450   this->head_sequence[4][0][0] = "head_talk_l_4s.xml";
00451   //preguntes
00452   this->head_sequence[5][0][0] = "head_yes_4s.xml";
00453   //gracies
00454   this->head_sequence[6][0][0] = "head_roll.xml";
00455   //adeu
00456   this->head_sequence[7][0][0] = "head_side.xml";
00458   //left_arm_sequence[0]
00459   sentence.resize(3,"left_arm_home.xml");
00460   sequence.resize(max_sentences,sentence);
00461   sentence.clear();
00462   this->left_arm_sequence.resize(8,sequence);
00463   sequence.clear();
00465   //right_arm_sequence[0]
00466   sentence.resize(3,"right_arm_home.xml");
00467   sequence.resize(max_sentences,sentence);
00468   sentence.clear();
00469   this->right_arm_sequence.resize(8,sequence);
00470   sequence.clear();
00473   std::vector < std::string > prefix;
00474   prefix.push_back("\\language=Spanish \\voice=Leonor ");
00475   prefix.push_back("\\language=Catalan \\voice=Montserrat ");
00476   prefix.push_back("\\language=English \\voice=Kate ");
00477   this->hri_prefix.push_back(prefix);
00478   prefix.clear();
00479   prefix.push_back("\\language=Spanish \\voice=Jorge ");
00480   prefix.push_back("\\language=Catalan \\voice=Jordi ");
00481   prefix.push_back("\\language=English \\voice=Simon ");
00482   this->hri_prefix.push_back(prefix);
00483   prefix.clear();
00484 }
00486 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::node_config_update(Config &config, uint32_t level)
00487 {
00488   this->alg_.lock();
00489   if(config.trigger_forward)
00490   {
00491     this->trigger_forward=config.trigger_forward;
00492     config.trigger_forward=false;
00493   }
00494   else if(config.trigger_backward)
00495   {
00496     this->trigger_backward=config.trigger_backward;
00497     config.trigger_backward=false;
00498   }
00499   this->current_language=config.language;
00500   if(config.robot=="tibi")
00501   {
00502     this->robot=0;
00503   }
00504   else if(config.robot=="dabo")
00505   {
00506     this->robot=1;
00507   }
00508   else
00509   {
00510     ROS_ERROR("TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::node_config_update: wrong parameter robot, must be tibi or dabo");
00511     config.robot="tibi";
00512   }
00513   if(config.stop_hri)
00514   {
00515     this->hri_client_client_.cancelGoal();
00516     config.stop_hri=false;
00517   }
00518   this->alg_.unlock();
00519 }
00521 void TibiDaboIntroAlgNode::addNodeDiagnostics(void)
00522 {
00523 }
00525 /* main function */
00526 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
00527 {
00528   return algorithm_base::main<TibiDaboIntroAlgNode>(argc, argv, "tibi_dabo_intro_alg_node");
00529 }

Author(s): fherrero
autogenerated on Fri Dec 6 2013 21:58:14