Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 /*****************************************************************************
00010 ** Includes
00011 *****************************************************************************/
00013 #include <ros/ros.h>
00014 #include <ros/network.h>
00015 #include <string>
00016 #include <sstream>
00017 #include "../include/tibi_dabo_gui/qnode_smart.hpp"
00019 /*****************************************************************************
00020 ** Namespaces
00021 *****************************************************************************/
00023 namespace tibi_dabo_gui {
00025 /*****************************************************************************
00026 ** Implementation
00027 *****************************************************************************/
00029 QNode::QNode(int argc, char** argv ) :
00030   init_argc(argc),
00031   init_argv(argv),
00032   hri_action("hri",true),
00033   haod_action("haod",true),
00034   xml_files(NUM_CLIENTS, std::string(""))
00035   {}
00037 QNode::~QNode() {
00038   if(ros::isStarted()) {
00039     ros::shutdown(); // explicitly needed since we use ros::start();
00040     ros::waitForShutdown();
00041   }
00042   wait();
00043 }
00045 bool QNode::initialize()
00046 {
00047   if ( ! ros::master::check() ) {
00048       return false;
00049   }
00050   ros::start(); // explicitly needed since our nodehandle is going out of scope.
00051   ros::NodeHandle n;
00053   joy_publisher          = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Joy>("joy", 1000);
00054   image_subscriber       = n.subscribe("image", 1000, &QNode::imageCallback, this);
00055   imageDetect_subscriber = n.subscribe("imageDetect", 1000, &QNode::imageDetectCallback, this);
00056   faces_subscriber       = n.subscribe("faces", 1000, &QNode::facesCallback, this);
00058   hri_goal.sequence_file   = std::vector<std::string>(NUM_CLIENTS, std::string(""));
00059   hri_goal.num_repetitions = std::vector<int>(NUM_CLIENTS, 0);
00061   this->loadQuestions();
00062   this->imageReady=false;
00063   this->imageDetectReady=false;
00064   this->hri_active=false;
00065   this->haod_active=false;
00066   this->assistance=false;
00068   start();
00069   return true;
00070 }
00072 void QNode::imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &msg)
00073 {
00074     this->image = *msg;
00075     this->imageReady = true;
00076 }
00078 void QNode::imageDetectCallback(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &msg)
00079 {
00080     this->imageDetect = *msg;
00081     this->imageDetectReady = true;
00082 }
00084 void QNode::facesCallback(const face_detector_mono::RectArray::ConstPtr &msg)
00085 {
00086   this->mutex.lock();
00087   //save msg in rects, to be drawn on image by main_window
00088   this->rects.clear();
00089   for(unsigned int i=0; i<msg->rects.size(); i++)
00090   {
00091     std::vector<int> rect;
00092     rect.push_back(msg->rects[i].x);
00093     rect.push_back(msg->rects[i].y);
00094     rect.push_back(msg->rects[i].width);
00095     rect.push_back(msg->rects[i].height);
00096     this->rects.push_back(rect);
00097   }
00098   this->mutex.unlock();
00099 }
00101 void QNode::run() {
00102   ros::Rate loop_rate(100);
00103   int count = 0;
00104   while ( ros::ok() )
00105   {
00106     ros::spinOnce();
00107     loop_rate.sleep();
00108     ++count;
00109   }
00110   std::cout << "Ros shutdown, proceeding to close the gui." << std::endl;
00111   Q_EMIT rosShutdown(); // used to signal the gui for a shutdown (useful to roslaunch)
00112 }
00114 // void QNode::buttonPressed(int button)
00115 // {
00116 //   ROS_INFO("QNode::buttonPressed: %d", button);
00117 //   sensor_msgs::Joy msg;
00118 //   msg.buttons.resize(11);
00119 //   msg.buttons[button] = 1;
00120 //   joy_publisher.publish(msg);
00121 // }
00123 bool QNode::getImage(uchar* & data, int & width, int & height, std::string & encoding)
00124 {
00125   if(imageReady)
00126   {
00127     data     = &this->image.data[0];
00128     width    = this->image.width;
00129     height   = this->image.height;
00130     encoding = this->image.encoding;
00131   }
00132   return imageReady;
00133 }
00135 bool QNode::getImageDetect(uchar* & data, int & width, int & height, std::string & encoding)
00136 {
00137   if(imageDetectReady)
00138   {
00139     data     = &this->imageDetect.data[0];
00140     width    = this->imageDetect.width;
00141     height   = this->imageDetect.height;
00142     encoding = this->imageDetect.encoding;
00143   }
00144   return imageDetectReady;
00145 }
00147 std::string QNode::processAnswer(int question)
00148 {
00149   if(hri_active)
00150   {
00151     ROS_INFO("QNode::processAnswer: Hri active. Cancelling goal.");
00152     hri_action.cancelGoal();
00153     std::string error("...");
00154     return error;
00155   }
00156   else
00157   {
00158     if(unsigned(question)<this->qas.size())
00159     {
00160       ROS_INFO("QNode::processAnswer: %s", (this->hri_prefix+this->qas[question].answer_hri[language]).c_str());
00161       xml_files[TTS_]       = this->hri_prefix+this->qas[question].answer_hri[language];
00162       xml_files[LEDS_]      = "";
00163       xml_files[HEAD_]      = "head_home.xml";
00164       xml_files[RIGHT_ARM_] = "right_arm_home.xml";
00165       xml_files[LEFT_ARM_]  = "left_arm_home.xml";
00166       hriMakeActionRequest(xml_files);
00167       return this->qas[question].answer[language];
00168     }
00169     else
00170     {
00171       ROS_ERROR("QNode::processAnswer: question index out of bounds");
00172       std::string error(":(");
00173       return error;
00174     }
00175   }
00176 }
00178 //hri action client functions
00179 void QNode::hriDone(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state,  const tibi_dabo_msgs::sequenceResultConstPtr& result)
00180 {
00181   if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
00182     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal Achieved!");
00183   else if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::ABORTED)
00184     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal aborted!");
00185   else if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::PREEMPTED)
00186     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal preempted!");
00187   else
00188     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Other termination state: PENDING, ACTIVE, RECALLED, REJECTED, LOST");
00189   this->hri_active=false;
00190 }
00192 void QNode::hriActive()
00193 {
00194   ROS_INFO("QNode::hriActive: Goal just went active!"); 
00195   this->hri_active=true;
00196 }
00198 void QNode::hriFeedback(const tibi_dabo_msgs::sequenceFeedbackConstPtr& feedback)
00199 {
00200   //ROS_INFO("QNode::hriFeedback: feedback received!");
00201   bool feedback_is_ok = true;
00202   if( !feedback_is_ok )
00203     hri_action.cancelGoal();
00204 }
00206 void QNode::hriMakeActionRequest(std::vector<std::string> &xml_files) 
00207 {
00208    hri_action.cancelGoal();
00209    ROS_INFO("QNode::hriMakeActionRequest: Starting New Request. Wait for server!"); 
00210    hri_action.waitForServer();
00211    this->hri_goal.sequence_file[TTS_]       = xml_files[TTS_];
00212    this->hri_goal.sequence_file[LEDS_]      = xml_files[LEDS_];
00213    this->hri_goal.sequence_file[HEAD_]      = xml_files[HEAD_];
00214    this->hri_goal.sequence_file[RIGHT_ARM_] = xml_files[RIGHT_ARM_];
00215    this->hri_goal.sequence_file[LEFT_ARM_]  = xml_files[LEFT_ARM_];
00216    hri_action.sendGoal(this->hri_goal, 
00217                boost::bind(&QNode::hriDone,     this, _1, _2), 
00218                boost::bind(&QNode::hriActive,   this), 
00219                boost::bind(&QNode::hriFeedback, this, _1)); 
00220    ROS_INFO("QNode::hriMakeActionRequest: Goal Sent. Wait for Result!"); 
00221 }
00224 //haod action client functions
00225 void QNode::haodDone(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state,  const tibi_dabo_msgs::haodResultConstPtr& result)
00226 {
00227   if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
00228     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal Achieved!");
00229   else if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::ABORTED)
00230     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal aborted!");
00231   else if(state.state_==actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::PREEMPTED)
00232     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Goal preempted!");
00233   else
00234     ROS_INFO("QNode::HRIDone: Other termination state: PENDING, ACTIVE, RECALLED, REJECTED, LOST");
00235   this->haod_active=false;
00236   this->assistance=false;
00237 }
00239 void QNode::haodActive()
00240 {
00241   ROS_INFO("QNode::haodActive: Goal just went active!"); 
00242   this->haod_active=true;
00243 }
00245 void QNode::haodFeedback(const tibi_dabo_msgs::haodFeedbackConstPtr& feedback)
00246 {
00247   //ROS_INFO("QNode::haodFeedback: feedback received!");
00248   bool feedback_is_ok = true;
00249   this->assistance=feedback->assistance;
00250   if( !feedback_is_ok )
00251     haod_action.cancelGoal();
00252 }
00254 void QNode::haodMakeActionRequest(std::vector<int> &point) 
00255 {
00256    ROS_INFO("QNode::haodMakeActionRequest: Starting New Request. Wait for server!"); 
00257    //haod_action.waitForServer();
00258    this->haod_goal.x=point[0];
00259    this->haod_goal.y=point[1];
00260    haod_action.sendGoal(this->haod_goal, 
00261                boost::bind(&QNode::haodDone,     this, _1, _2), 
00262                boost::bind(&QNode::haodActive,   this), 
00263                boost::bind(&QNode::haodFeedback, this, _1)); 
00264    ROS_INFO("QNode::haodMakeActionRequest: Goal Sent. Wait for Result!"); 
00265 }
00267 void QNode::setImagePoint(std::vector<int> point)
00268 {
00269   ROS_INFO("QNode::setImagePoint: x,y = %d, %d", point[0], point[1]);
00270   //start haod action with xy coordinates
00271   haodMakeActionRequest(point);
00272   this->imageDetectReady=false;
00273 }
00275 void QNode::haodButtonPressed(int button)
00276 {
00277   ROS_INFO("QNode::haodButtonPressed: %d", button);
00278   sensor_msgs::Joy msg;
00279   msg.buttons.resize(11);
00280   msg.buttons[button] = 1;
00281   joy_publisher.publish(msg);
00282 }
00284 bool QNode::needAssistance()
00285 {
00286   return assistance;
00287 }
00289 void QNode::cancelHri()
00290 {
00291   if(this->hri_active)
00292     hri_action.cancelGoal();
00293 }
00295 bool QNode::haodRunning()
00296 {
00297   return this->haod_active;
00298 }
00300 std::vector<std::vector<int> > QNode::getRects()
00301 {
00302   std::vector<std::vector<int> > myRects;
00303   this->mutex.lock();
00304   myRects=this->rects;
00305   this->mutex.unlock();
00306   return myRects;
00307 }
00309 void QNode::setLanguage(int index)
00310 {
00311   this->language=index;
00312   this->setHriPrefix(index);
00314   //publish Joy with index+1 (1,2,3) on button PLUS to tell Language change
00315   sensor_msgs::Joy msg;
00316   msg.buttons.resize(11);
00317   msg.buttons[wiimote::State::MSG_BTN_PLUS] = index+1;
00318   joy_publisher.publish(msg);
00319 }
00321 void QNode::setHriPrefix(int index)
00322 {
00323   if(index==0)
00324   {
00325     this->hri_prefix="\\language=Catalan \\voice=Montserrat ";
00326   }
00327   else if(index==1)
00328   {
00329     this->hri_prefix="\\language=English \\voice=Kate ";
00330   }
00331   else if(index==2)
00332   {
00333     this->hri_prefix="\\language=Spanish \\voice=Leonor ";
00334   }
00335 }
00337 void QNode::loadQuestions()
00338 {
00339   qa_data my_qa;
00341   my_qa.question.push_back("Qui ets?");
00342   my_qa.question.push_back("Who are you?");
00343   my_qa.question.push_back("¿Quién eres?");  
00344   my_qa.answer.push_back("Sóc la Tibi, un robot de servei, social i urbà.");
00345   my_qa.answer.push_back("I am Tibi, a service urban and social robot.");
00346   my_qa.answer.push_back("Soy Tibi, un robot de servicio, social y urbano .");
00347   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Soc la Tibi, un robot de servei, social i urba.");
00348   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"I am Tibi, a service, urban, and social robot.");
00349   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Soy Ti bi, un robot de servicio, social y urbano.");
00350   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00352   my_qa.question.clear();
00353   my_qa.answer.clear();
00354   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00356   my_qa.question.push_back("Què fas?");
00357   my_qa.question.push_back("What do you do?");
00358   my_qa.question.push_back("¿Qué haces?");  
00359   my_qa.answer.push_back("Interacciono amb gent i em puc moure per entorns urbans.");
00360   my_qa.answer.push_back("I interact with people and I can move through urban environments.");
00361   my_qa.answer.push_back("Interacciono con personas y me muevo por entornos urbanos.");
00362   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Interacciono amb gent i em puc moure per entorns urbans.");
00363   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"I interact with people and I can move through urban environments.");
00364   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Interacciono con personas y me muevo por entornos urbanos.");
00365   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00367   my_qa.question.clear();
00368   my_qa.answer.clear();
00369   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00371   my_qa.question.push_back("D'on vens?");
00372   my_qa.question.push_back("Where do you come from?");
00373   my_qa.question.push_back("¿De dónde vienes?");  
00374   my_qa.answer.push_back("Vinc del Institut de Robòtica de la universitat UPC i CSIC.");
00375   my_qa.answer.push_back("I come from the Robotics Institute of the UPC university and CSIC.");
00376   my_qa.answer.push_back("Vengo del Instituto de Robótica de la universidad UPC y CSIC.");
00377   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Vinc del Institut de Robotica de la universitat UPC i C SIC.");
00378   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"I come from the Robotics Institut of the UPC university and C SIC.");
00379   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Vengo del Instituto de Robótica de la universidad UPC y C SIC.");
00380   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00382   my_qa.question.clear();
00383   my_qa.answer.clear();
00384   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00386   my_qa.question.push_back("Quan és el workshop Echord++?");
00387   my_qa.question.push_back("When is the Echord++ workshop? ");
00388   my_qa.question.push_back("¿Cúando es el workshop Echord++?");  
00389   my_qa.answer.push_back("El workshop Echord++ és aquesta tarda a les 15 hores a la sala de reunions C.");
00390   my_qa.answer.push_back("The workshop Echord++ is this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the meeting room C.");
00391   my_qa.answer.push_back("El workshop Echord++ es esta tarde las 15 horas en la sala de reuniones C.");
00392   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"El gu orc xop és aquesta tarda a les 15 hores a la sala de reunions C.");
00393   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"The work shop is this after noon at 3 o'clock in the meeting room C.");
00394   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"El uorc xop es esta tarde a las 15 horas en la sala de reuniones C.");
00395   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00397   my_qa.question.clear();
00398   my_qa.answer.clear();
00399   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00401   my_qa.question.push_back("On et puc trobar?");
00402   my_qa.question.push_back("Where can I find you?");
00403   my_qa.question.push_back("¿Dónde puedo encontrarte?");  
00404   my_qa.answer.push_back("Estem al stand de la universitat UPC.");
00405   my_qa.answer.push_back("We are at the UPC university stand.");
00406   my_qa.answer.push_back("Estamos en el stand de la universidad UPC.");
00407   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Estem al stand de la universitat U P C.");
00408   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"We are at the U P C university stand.");
00409   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Estamos en el stand de la universidad U P C.");
00410   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00412   my_qa.question.clear();
00413   my_qa.answer.clear();
00414   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00416   my_qa.question.push_back("Hola!");
00417   my_qa.question.push_back("Hello!");
00418   my_qa.question.push_back("Hola!");  
00419   my_qa.answer.push_back("Hola. Benvinguts al congrés mundial Smart City Expo 2013.");
00420   my_qa.answer.push_back("Hello. Welcome to the Smart City Expo World Congress 2013.");
00421   my_qa.answer.push_back("Hola. Bienvenidos al congreso mundial Smart City Expo 2013.");
00422   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Hola. Benvinguts al congrés mundial Smart City Expo 2013.");
00423   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Hello. Welcome to the Smart City Expo World Congress 2013.");
00424   my_qa.answer_hri.push_back(this->hri_prefix +"Hola. Bienvenidos al congreso mundial Smart City Expo 2013.");
00425   this->qas.push_back(my_qa);
00427   my_qa.question.clear();
00428   my_qa.answer.clear();
00429   my_qa.answer_hri.clear();
00430 }
00432 }  // namespace tibi_dabo_gui

Author(s): fherrero
autogenerated on Fri Dec 6 2013 22:01:34