Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
00003 import invariant_finder
00004 import pddl
00006 def expand_group(group, task, reachable_facts):
00007     result = []
00008     for fact in group:
00009         try:
00010             pos = list(fact.args).index("?X")
00011         except ValueError:
00012             result.append(fact)
00013         else:
00014             # NOTE: This could be optimized by only trying objects of the correct
00015             #       type, or by using a unifier which directly generates the
00016             #       applicable objects. It is not worth optimizing this at this stage,
00017             #       though.
00018             for obj in task.objects + [pddl.ObjectTerm("undefined")]:
00019                 newargs = list(fact.args)
00020                 newargs[pos] = pddl.ObjectTerm(obj.name)
00021                 atom = pddl.Atom(fact.predicate, newargs)
00022                 if atom in reachable_facts:
00023                     result.append(atom)
00024     return result
00026 def instantiate_groups(groups, task, reachable_facts):
00027     return [expand_group(group, task, reachable_facts) for group in groups]
00029 class GroupCoverQueue:
00030     def __init__(self, groups, partial_encoding, unused_groups=[]):
00031         self.partial_encoding = partial_encoding
00032         if groups:
00033             self.max_size = max([len(group) for group in groups])
00034             self.groups_by_size = [[] for i in range(self.max_size + 1)]
00035             self.groups_by_fact = {}
00036             for group in groups:
00037                 group = set(group) # Copy group, as it will be modified.
00038                 self.groups_by_size[len(group)].append(group)
00039                 for fact in group:
00040                     self.groups_by_fact.setdefault(fact, []).append(group)
00041             for group in unused_groups:
00042                 for fact in group:
00043                     self.groups_by_fact.setdefault(fact, []).append(group)
00044             self._update_top()
00045         else:
00046             self.max_size = 0
00047     def __nonzero__(self):
00048         return self.max_size > 1
00049     def pop(self):
00050         result = list(self.top) # Copy; this group will shrink further.
00051         if self.partial_encoding:
00052             for fact in result:
00053                 for group in self.groups_by_fact[fact]:
00054                     group.remove(fact)
00055         self._update_top()
00056         return result
00057     def _update_top(self):
00058         while self.max_size > 1:
00059             max_list = self.groups_by_size[self.max_size]
00060             while max_list:
00061                 candidate = max_list.pop()
00062                 if len(candidate) == self.max_size:
00063                     self.top = candidate
00064                     return
00065                 self.groups_by_size[len(candidate)].append(candidate)
00066             self.max_size -= 1
00068 def choose_groups(groups, reachable_facts, partial_encoding=True):
00069     queue = GroupCoverQueue(groups, partial_encoding=partial_encoding)
00070     uncovered_facts = reachable_facts.copy()
00071     result = []
00072     while queue:
00073         group = queue.pop()
00074         uncovered_facts.difference_update(group)
00075         result.append(group)
00076     print len(uncovered_facts), "uncovered facts"
00077     result += [[fact] for fact in uncovered_facts]
00078     return result
00080 def choose_groups_with_object_fluents_first(synthesis_groups, object_fluent_groups, 
00081     reachable_facts, partial_encoding=True):
00082     uncovered_facts = reachable_facts.copy()
00083     result = []
00085     # use grous from object fluents first
00086     shrink_groups = [set(group) for group in synthesis_groups]
00087     queue = GroupCoverQueue(object_fluent_groups, partial_encoding=partial_encoding,
00088                             unused_groups=shrink_groups)
00089     while queue:
00090         group = queue.pop()
00091         uncovered_facts.difference_update(group)
00092         result.append(group)
00093     print len(uncovered_facts), \
00094           "uncovered facts (before using the results from the invariant synthesis)"
00096     # try to cover uncovered facts by using the groups from the 
00097     # invariant synthesis
00098     queue = GroupCoverQueue(shrink_groups, partial_encoding=partial_encoding)
00099     while queue:
00100         group = queue.pop()
00101         uncovered_facts.difference_update(group)
00102         result.append(group)
00104     print len(uncovered_facts), "uncovered facts"
00105     result += [[fact] for fact in uncovered_facts]
00106     return result
00108 def build_translation_key(groups):
00109     group_keys = []
00110     for group in groups:
00111         group_key = [str(fact) for fact in group]
00112         group_key.append("<none of those>")
00113         group_keys.append(group_key)
00114     return group_keys
00116 def collect_all_mutex_groups(groups, atoms):
00117     # NOTE: This should be functionally identical to choose_groups
00118     # when partial_encoding is set to False. Maybe a future
00119     # refactoring could take that into account.
00120     all_groups = []      
00121     uncovered_facts = atoms.copy()
00122     for group in groups:
00123         uncovered_facts.difference_update(group)
00124         all_groups.append(group)
00125     all_groups += [[fact] for fact in uncovered_facts]
00126     return all_groups
00128 def create_groups_from_object_fluents(atoms): 
00129     # Build groups that correspond to original object fluents:
00130     # Find atoms marked with '!val' and build a corresponding
00131     # group by finding all atoms that differ only in the last
00132     # argument
00133     groupdict = {}
00134     for a in atoms:
00135         if a.predicate.find("!val") != -1:
00136             groupdict.setdefault(a.predicate+"_".join(map(str, a.args[:-1])), []).append(a)
00138     # Construct the groups
00139     groups = []
00140     for g in groupdict:
00141         tgroup = []
00142         for a in groupdict[g]:
00143             tgroup.append(a);
00144         groups.append(tgroup)
00145     return groups
00147 def compute_groups(task, atoms, reachable_action_params,
00148     return_mutex_groups=True, partial_encoding=True, safe=True):
00149     ## NOTE: exactly one of the following options should be true
00150     # TODO: there should be a configure section for this kind of stuff
00152     # don't use the information from the object fluents at all
00153     no_objectfluents = False
00154     # use only information from objectfluents (all other variables will be
00155     # proposotional
00156     only_objectfluents = False
00157     # use both the information from the objectfluents and the information from
00158     # the invariant syntheses and choose the groups by size
00159     choose_groups_by_size = False
00160     # use first the information from the objectfluents. If there are
00161     # propositional variables left use the information from the invariant
00162     # syntheses to group them
00163     use_objectfluents_first = True
00165     objectfluent_groups = []
00166     groups = []
00167     mutex_groups = []
00169     if not no_objectfluents:
00170         objectfluent_groups = create_groups_from_object_fluents(atoms)
00172     if not only_objectfluents:
00173         print "Finding invariants..."
00174         groups = invariant_finder.get_groups(task, safe, reachable_action_params)
00175         groups = sorted(groups, cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(str([str(a) for a in x]), 
00176                                                     str([str(a) for a in y])))
00177         print "Instantiating groups..."
00178         groups = instantiate_groups(groups, task, atoms)
00180         if return_mutex_groups:
00181             mutex_groups = collect_all_mutex_groups(groups, atoms) + \
00182                            objectfluent_groups
00184     print "Choosing groups..."
00185     if use_objectfluents_first:
00186         groups = choose_groups_with_object_fluents_first(groups, objectfluent_groups,
00187                  atoms, partial_encoding=partial_encoding)
00188     else:
00189         if only_objectfluents:
00190             groups = objectfluent_groups
00191         elif choose_groups_by_size:
00192             groups = objectfluent_groups + groups # slightly prefer objectfluent groups
00193         groups = choose_groups(groups, atoms, partial_encoding=partial_encoding)
00195     print "Building translation key..."
00196     translation_key = build_translation_key(groups)
00197     return groups, mutex_groups, translation_key
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Author(s): Maintained by Christian Dornhege (see AUTHORS file).
autogenerated on Tue Jan 22 2013 12:25:03