This is the complete list of members for
OcTree, including all inherited members.
Allocator typedef | OcTree | |
AllocatorPtr typedef | OcTree | |
buildOctree(const PointCloudType &pointCloud) | OcTree | |
checkGetAllLeafs() const | OcTree | [inline] |
checkOctreeNodes(const NodePointers &nodePointers) const | OcTree | [inline] |
checkSamplingMap() const | OcTree | [inline] |
findFinestNormal(Vec3 &normal, const Vec3 &point) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getAllLeafs(NodePointers &leafNodes, const NodePtr &topNode) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getCellSizeFromDepth(const unsigned int &depth) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getMaxDepth() const | OcTree | [inline] |
getNeighboringNodes(NodePointers &neighborNodes, const NodePtr &node, const unsigned int &maxSearchDepth, const float &neighborhoodSize=1.f) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getNeighboringNodes(NodePointers &neighborNodes, const NodePtr &currNode, const unsigned int &maxSearchDepth, const unsigned int &currDepth, const OctreeKey &minPos, const OctreeKey &maxPos) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getNodeListOnDepth(const unsigned int &depth) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getNodesOnDepth(const unsigned int &depth) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getOctreePtr() const | OcTree | [inline] |
getPointsFromNodeId(const unsigned int &nodeId) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getPointsFromNodePtr(const NodePtr &nodePtr) const | OcTree | [inline] |
getSamplingMap() const | OcTree | [inline] |
mAllocatorPtr | OcTree | [private] |
mCurv2Threshold | OcTree | [private] |
mCurvThreshold | OcTree | [private] |
mMinOctreeResolution | OcTree | [private] |
mMinPointsForNormal | OcTree | [private] |
mNodeIdToPointIdxVector | OcTree | [private] |
mOctreeDepth | OcTree | [private] |
mOctreePtr | OcTree | [private] |
mPrincipalVarFactor | OcTree | [private] |
mRho_max | OcTree | [private] |
mSamplingMap | OcTree | [private] |
mSqDistFactor | OcTree | [private] |
NodeIdToPointIdxVector typedef | OcTree | |
NodePointerList typedef | OcTree | |
NodePointers typedef | OcTree | |
NodePtr typedef | OcTree | |
Octree typedef | OcTree | |
OcTree(float minOctreeResolution, float rho_max, float principalVarFactor, float minPointsForNormal, float curvThreshold, float curv2Threshold, float sqDistFactor, size_t numPoints) | OcTree | [inline] |
OctreeKey typedef | OcTree | |
OctreePtr typedef | OcTree | |
PointIndices typedef | OcTree | |
preAllocate(const size_t &numPoints) | OcTree | [inline] |
SamplingMap typedef | OcTree | |
ValueClass typedef | OcTree | |
Vec3 typedef | OcTree | |
~OcTree() | OcTree | [inline] |