octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT > Member List
This is the complete list of members for octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >, including all inherited members.
ButOctomapROS(double resolution)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
ButOctomapROS(OctreeT *tree)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
castRay(const PointT &origin, const PointT &direction, PointT &end, bool ignoreUnknownCells=false, double maxRange=-1.0) const octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
getTree()octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT > [inline]
insertRay(const PointT &origin, const PointT &end, double maxRange=-1.0)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
insertScan(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &scan, const PointT &origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
insertScan(const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &scan, const PointT &origin, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
insertScan(const pcl::PointCloud< PCLPointT > &scan, const PCLPointT &sensor_origin, const PCLPointT &frame_origin_trans, const PCLQuaternionT &frame_origin_rot, double maxrange=-1., bool pruning=true, bool dirty=false)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
NodeType typedefoctomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
octreeoctomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT > [protected]
OctreePtr typedefoctomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
OcTreeType typedefoctomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
search(const PointT &point) const octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
search(const tf::Point &point) const octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
setTree(OctreeT *tree)octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT >
~ButOctomapROS()octomap::ButOctomapROS< OctreeT > [inline, virtual]

Author(s): Vit Stancl (stancl@fit.vutbr.cz), Tomas Lokaj, Jan Gorig, Michal Spanel (spanel@fit.vutbr.cz)
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:50:50