Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * blob.hh
00003  * Mac Mason <>
00004  *
00005  * We need a (C++) object for tracking the variety of things we, well, track.
00006  *
00007  * The Blob object also keeps track of several static function that do useful
00008  * things to blobs, like merging arrays of them.
00009  */
00011 #pragma once
00013 #include <vector>
00014 #include <boost/utility.hpp>  // for boost::noncopyable
00015 #include "pcl16/point_types.h"
00016 #include "pcl16/point_cloud.h"
00017 #include <cstddef>
00019 namespace semanticmodel
00020 {
00022 class Blob : public boost::noncopyable
00023 {
00024   private:
00025     // Keep our typing sane.
00026     typedef pcl16::PointXYZRGB Point;
00027     typedef pcl16::PointCloud<Point> PointCloud;
00029   public:
00030     // The raw cloud of the object.
00031     PointCloud::Ptr cloud;
00032     // The convex hull of the (flattened) data, at z == 0.0.
00033     PointCloud::Ptr hull;
00034     //  Unique id of this blob
00035     unsigned int id;
00037     // Given a cluster (generated by our filter), fill everything in.
00038     Blob(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& cluster);
00040     // No need for a destructor; viva shared_ptr!
00042     // Does this Blob overlap that blob? Our algorithm is to accept any
00043     // overlap between the (flattened) convex hulls.
00044     bool overlaps(const Blob& rhs) const;
00046     // Bring the contents of rhs into this Blob. 
00047     void mergeFrom(const Blob& rhs);
00049     // Compute the (average) color of the object. Given values in the range
00050     // [0.0, 1.0] (for ease of use with visualization_msgs).
00051     void RGB(float& r, float& g, float& b) const;
00053     // Compute the size of the bounding box of the Blob. Note that the
00054     // returned box will be axis-aligned, which is not (necessarily) what you
00055     // meant. Deal with it.
00056     void size(double& x, double& y, double& z) const;
00058     // Return a copy, with all the z-values set to the appropriate value.
00059     // Since shared_ptrs are cheap to copy, let's return one.
00060     static PointCloud::Ptr flatten(PointCloud::Ptr& in, double z = 0.0);
00062     // Given a set of objects (the current set), and a new object, do the
00063     // overlap checking to include this object in the set, merging as
00064     // necessary. ("Smart" merging, with recursive checks). objects is
00065     // expected to hold zero or more blobs, none of which overlap. blob is
00066     // expected to be a new object to merge in. This function takes ownership
00067     // of the passed-in pointer; DO NOT DELETE IT YOURSELF. The objects vector
00068     // will be modified by this function; whoever owned that vector beforehand
00069     // still does.
00070     //
00071     // See also MergeBlobWithSetHelper, below.
00072     static void MergeBlobWithSet(std::vector<Blob*>& objects, Blob* blob);
00074   private:
00076     // This is the one-pass helper for MergeBlobWithSet. This version takes in
00077     // a single vector; the object-to-be-potentially-merged is the last
00078     // element. If it returns true, a merge happened, and the newly-merged
00079     // object is the last element; if it returns false, no edits are made to
00080     // objects.
00081     static bool MergeBlobWithSetHelper(std::vector<Blob*>& objects);
00083     static unsigned int next_id;
00085     // A helper for the constructor; fill in hull from a cloud. This is
00086     // smart about self-hull-assignment; see the usage in mergeFrom.
00087     void hullerize(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& cloud);
00089     // An overlaps() helper; a direct port from
00090     bool oneSidedIntersect(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& p1,
00091                            const PointCloud::ConstPtr& p2) const;
00093     // See previous comment.
00094     void projectOntoNormal(const PointCloud::ConstPtr& poly, 
00095                            const Point& q1, const Point& q2,
00096                            double& inf, double& sup) const;
00097 };
00099 }

Author(s): Julian ("Mac") Mason
autogenerated on Thu Dec 12 2013 12:39:10