segway_rmpX/SegwayStatus Message

File: segway_rmpX/SegwayStatus.msg

Raw Message Definition

# This is the msg definition for the Segway Status struct.

# Gain Schedule Constants
int8    LIGHT=1
int8    TALL=2
int8    HEAVY=3

# Operation Mode Constants
int8    BALANCE=1
int8    TRACTOR=2
int8    POWER_DOWN=3

float32 pitch_angle                 # radians
float32 pitch_rate                  # radians/s
float32 roll_angle                  # radians
float32 roll_rate                   # radians/s
float32 left_wheel_velocity         # meters/s
float32 right_wheel_velocity        # meters/s
float32 yaw_rate                    # radians/s
float32 servo_frames                # frames/second
float32 left_wheel_displacement     # meters
float32 right_wheel_displacement    # meters
float32 forward_displacement        # meters
float32 yaw_displacement            # revolutions
float32 left_motor_torque           # Newton-meters
float32 right_motor_torque          # Newton-meters
int8    operation_mode              # Balance, Tractor, or Powered Down
int8    gain_schedule               # Light, Tall, or Heavy
float32 ui_battery                  # Volts
float32 powerbase_battery           # Volts

bool    motors_enabled              # Enabled (true) or E-Stopped (false)

Compact Message Definition

int8 LIGHT=1
int8 TALL=2
int8 HEAVY=3
int8 BALANCE=1
int8 TRACTOR=2
float32 pitch_angle
float32 pitch_rate
float32 roll_angle
float32 roll_rate
float32 left_wheel_velocity
float32 right_wheel_velocity
float32 yaw_rate
float32 servo_frames
float32 left_wheel_displacement
float32 right_wheel_displacement
float32 forward_displacement
float32 yaw_displacement
float32 left_motor_torque
float32 right_motor_torque
int8 operation_mode
int8 gain_schedule
float32 ui_battery
float32 powerbase_battery
bool motors_enabled