rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > Member List
This is the complete list of members for rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >, including all inherited members.
call(const ReqConstPtr &req)rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline]
call_fn_rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [private]
callAsync(const ReqConstPtr &req, const ResponseCallback &cb)rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline]
callAsync(const ReqConstPtr &req)rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline]
CallFn typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
Method()rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline]
Method(const std::string &name, const CallFn &c, const PumpFn &pump)rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline]
name_rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [private]
pump_fn_rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [private]
PumpFn typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
ReqConstPtr typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
ReqPtr typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
ResConstPtr typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
ResponseCallback typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >
responseCallback(const ResponseWrapperConstPtr &res, const ResponseCallback &cb)rve_rpc::Method< Req, Res > [inline, private]
ResPtr typedefrve_rpc::Method< Req, Res >

Author(s): Josh Faust
autogenerated on Wed Dec 11 2013 14:30:53