00001 #include <stdio.h> 00002 #include <sys/termios.h> 00003 #include <sys/ioctl.h> 00004 #include <cstring> 00005 #include <unistd.h> 00006 #include <cstdlib> 00007 #include <time.h> 00008 #include <errno.h> 00009 #include <bitset> 00010 #include <math.h> 00011 #include <sys/types.h> 00012 #include <fcntl.h> 00013 #include "ros/ros.h" 00014 00015 struct str_ExternControl 00016 { 00017 unsigned char ID; //two 1/0-buttons, not used atm 00018 unsigned char N; // ? something to control the lcd menues?! 00019 unsigned char Throttle; 00020 signed char Yaw; 00021 signed char Pitch; 00022 signed char Roll; 00023 signed char Aux1; 00024 signed char Aux2; 00025 signed char Aux3; 00026 signed char Aux4; 00027 }; 00028 00029 extern struct str_ExternControl ExternControl; //create an instance of the struct 00030 00031 void InitSerialInterface (std::string serialport_name_, uint32_t serialport_speed_); 00032 void CloseSerialInterface (void); 00033 speed_t bitrate (int Bitrate); 00034 void SendOutData(unsigned char ID, struct str_ExternControl cmd, unsigned char N); 00035 void AddCRC_CAN(unsigned int frame_length); 00036 int sendStringToCom (unsigned char *output, int len); 00037 00038