Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | untuck_arms |
Functions | |
def | untuck_arms.go |
def | untuck_arms.shutdown |
def | untuck_arms.start_controller |
Variables | |
tuple | untuck_arms.list_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers) |
tuple | untuck_arms.list_resp = list_controller() |
string | untuck_arms.name_left = 'l_arm_controller' |
string | untuck_arms.name_right = 'r_arm_controller' |
list | untuck_arms.positions |
list | untuck_arms.positions_l |
list | untuck_arms.positions_r |
untuck_arms.prev_handler = None | |
tuple | untuck_arms.pub_left = rospy.Publisher('%s/command'%name_left, JointTrajectory, latch=True) |
tuple | untuck_arms.pub_right = rospy.Publisher('%s/command'%name_right, JointTrajectory, latch=True) |
tuple | untuck_arms.resp = SwitchControllerResponse() |
list | untuck_arms.side = sys.argv[1] |
string | untuck_arms.state_left = "undefined" |
string | untuck_arms.state_right = "undefined" |
list | untuck_arms.stop_list = [] |
tuple | untuck_arms.switch_controller = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_controller_manager/switch_controller', SwitchController) |
string | untuck_arms.USAGE = 'tuckarm.py <arms> ; <arms> is \'(r)ight\', \'(l)eft\', or \'(b)oth\' arms' |