Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PARALLEL_SOLVER_H
00002 #define PARALLEL_SOLVER_H
00004 #include "parallel_array.h"
00005 #include "parallel_batch.h"
00006 #include "parallel_math.h"
00007 #include "parallel_reduce.h"
00008 #include "parallel_timer.h"
00010 #include "util.h"
00012 namespace parallel_ode
00013 {
00015 using ::parallel_utils::ParallelHDArray;
00016 using ::parallel_utils::MemManager;
00017 using ::parallel_utils::CopyType;
00020 namespace ParallelFlags
00021 {
00023 enum ParallelFlag { PARALLEL_NONE       = 0x000,
00024                     PARALLEL_PREPROCESS = 0x001,
00025                     PARALLEL_ASYNC      = 0x002,
00026                     PARALLEL_RANDOMIZE  = 0x004,
00027                     PARALLEL_ATOMICS    = 0x008,
00028                     PARALLEL_ALIGN      = 0x010,
00029                     PARALLEL_PINNED     = 0x020,
00030                     PARALLEL_WC         = 0x040,
00031                     PARALLEL_REDUCE     = 0x080,
00032                     PARALLEL_COMPACT    = 0x100};
00033 }
00034 typedef ParallelFlags::ParallelFlag ParallelFlag;
00037 const int DEFAULT_FLAGS =
00038     ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_ALIGN
00039     | ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_PINNED
00040     | ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_REDUCE
00041     | ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_ASYNC
00042     | ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_RANDOMIZE
00043     ;//| PARALLEL_ATOMICS;
00046 /*  ParallelPGSSolver is the abstract base class encapsulating functionality common to each of the parallel
00047  *  Quickstep solvers.  It takes the data from ODE, batches it appropriately, and relies on derived classes
00048  *  to actually drive the solver.  From there the data is transferred back to ODE.
00049  */
00050 template<typename CudaT, typename ParamsT, ParallelType PType>
00051 class ParallelPGSSolver
00052 {
00053 public:
00054   struct SolverParams;
00055   typedef typename vec4<CudaT>::Type Vec4T;
00056   typedef const CudaT* CudaTPtr;
00057   typedef CudaT* CudaTMutablePtr;
00058   typedef const ParamsT* ParamsTPtr;
00059   typedef ParamsT* ParamsTMutablePtr;
00060   typedef MemManager<CudaT,PType> PMemManager;
00061   typedef typename PMemManager::mem_flags MemFlags;
00071   ParallelPGSSolver( int parallelFlags = DEFAULT_FLAGS,
00072                      BatchType batchType = BatchTypes::DEFAULT_BATCH_TYPE,
00073                      ReduceType reduceType = ReduceTypes::DEFAULT_REDUCE_TYPE,
00074                      uint numBatches = ParallelOptions::MAXBATCHES )
00075       : parallelFlags_( parallelFlags ),
00076         parallelParams_( NULL ),
00077         batchStrategyType_( batchType ),
00078         batchStrategy_( NULL ),
00079         reduceStrategyType_( reduceType),
00080         reduceStrategy_( NULL ),
00081         batchRepetitionCount_( numBatches, 0 ),
00082         batchIndices_( numBatches, -1 ),
00083         batchSizes_( numBatches, 0 ),
00084         numBatches_( numBatches ),
00085         m_(0),
00086         constraintStride_(0),
00087         n_(0),
00088         bodyStride_(0),
00089         reduceStride_(0),
00090         bInit_(false) {
00091   }
00096   virtual ~ParallelPGSSolver( ) {
00097     delete batchStrategy_;
00098     delete reduceStrategy_;
00099   }
00106   virtual void worldSolve( SolverParams* params );
00111   virtual void initialize( );
00113 protected:
00117   void syncODEToDevice( );
00118   void syncDeviceToODE( );
00119   void loadBatches( int* jb );
00121   void setConstraintSize( int m, bool bResizeArrays = true );
00122   void setBodySize( int n, bool bResizeArrays = true );
00126   virtual void preProcessHost( );
00127   virtual void preProcessDevice( const CudaT sorParam, const CudaT stepsize );
00128   virtual void solveAndReduce( const int offset, const int batchSize ) = 0;
00130   virtual void loadBodies( );
00131   virtual void loadConstraints( );
00132   virtual void loadConstants( );
00133   virtual void loadKernels( );
00134   virtual void loadSolution( );
00136   virtual void setMemFlags( MemFlags flags );
00140   inline void checkInit( ) { if(!bInit_) this->initialize(); }
00141   inline void setBodyStride( int bodyStride ) { bodyStride_ = bodyStride; }
00142   inline void setConstraintStride( int constraintStride ) { constraintStride_ = constraintStride; }
00143   inline void setReduceStride( int reduceStride ) { reduceStride_ = reduceStride; }
00145   inline int getNumBatches( ) const { return (int)batchSizes_.size(); }
00146   inline int getNumBodies( ) const { return n_; }
00147   inline int getBodyStride( ) const { return bodyStride_; }
00148   inline int getNumConstraints( ) const { return m_; }
00149   inline int getConstraintStride( ) const { return constraintStride_; }
00150   inline int getReduceStride( ) const { return reduceStride_; }
00151   inline int getDefaultAlign( ) const { return ParallelOptions::DEFAULTALIGN; }
00152   inline CopyType getCopyType( ) const { return asyncEnabled( ) ? parallel_utils::CopyTypes::COPY_ASYNC : parallel_utils::CopyTypes::COPY_SYNC; }
00154   inline int bID(const int index, const int offset) const { return index + offset * getBodyStride(); }
00155   inline int cID(const int index, const int offset) const { return index + offset * getConstraintStride(); }
00156   inline int rID(const int index, const int offset) const { return index + offset * getReduceStride(); }
00158   inline bool preprocessEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_PREPROCESS ); }
00159   inline bool asyncEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_ASYNC ); }
00160   inline bool randomizeEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_RANDOMIZE ); }
00161   inline bool atomicsEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_ATOMICS ); }
00162   inline bool alignEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_ALIGN ); }
00163   inline bool pinnedMemEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_PINNED ); }
00164   inline bool wcMemEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_WC ); }
00165   inline bool reduceEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_REDUCE ); }
00166   inline bool compactScalarsEnabled( ) const { return isEnabled( ParallelFlags::PARALLEL_COMPACT ); }
00168   inline bool isEnabled( const ParallelFlag flag ) const { return parallelFlags_ & flag; }
00170   void printConfig( );
00174   int parallelFlags_;                   
00175   SolverParams* parallelParams_;        
00177   BatchType batchStrategyType_;         
00178   BatchStrategy *batchStrategy_;        
00179   ReduceType reduceStrategyType_;       
00180   ReduceStrategy *reduceStrategy_;      
00182   IntVector constraintIndices_;         
00183   IntVector reductionOffsets0_;         
00184   IntVector reductionOffsets1_;         
00185   IntVector batchRepetitionCount_;      
00186   IntVector batchIndices_;              
00187   IntVector batchSizes_;                
00191   int numBatches_;                      
00193   int m_;                               
00194   int constraintStride_;                
00195   int n_;                               
00196   int bodyStride_;                      
00198   int reduceStride_;                    
00200   bool bInit_;                          
00202   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> j0;      
00203   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> ij0;     
00204   ParallelHDArray<CudaT,PType> lambda0;     
00205   ParallelHDArray<CudaT,PType> adcfm;       
00206   ParallelHDArray<CudaT,PType> rhs;         
00207   ParallelHDArray<CudaT,PType> lohiD;       
00208   ParallelHDArray<int4,PType> bodyIDs;  
00209   ParallelHDArray<int,PType> fIDs;      
00211   ParallelHDArray<CudaT,PType> iMass;       
00212   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> i0;      
00214   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> bodyFAcc; 
00215   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> bodyTAcc; 
00216   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> bodyFAccReduction; 
00217   ParallelHDArray<Vec4T,PType> bodyTAccReduction; 
00219 public:
00222   struct SolverParams {
00223     SolverParams( dxWorldProcessContext *contextIn, const dxQuickStepParameters *qsIn,
00224                   const int mIn, const int nbIn, ParamsTMutablePtr JIn, int *jbIn, dxBody * const *bodyIn,
00225                   ParamsTPtr invIIn, ParamsTMutablePtr lambdaIn, ParamsTMutablePtr fcIn, ParamsTMutablePtr bIn,
00226                   ParamsTPtr loIn, ParamsTPtr hiIn, ParamsTPtr cfmIn, ParamsTMutablePtr iMJIn, ParamsTMutablePtr AdcfmIn,
00227                   const int *findexIn, const ParamsT stepsizeIn )
00228     : context(contextIn), qs(qsIn), m(mIn),  nb(nbIn),  J(JIn), jb(jbIn), body(bodyIn),
00229       invI(invIIn),  lambda(lambdaIn),  fc(fcIn),  b(bIn),  lo(loIn),  hi(hiIn),  cfm(cfmIn),
00230       iMJ(iMJIn),  Adcfm(AdcfmIn), findex(findexIn),  stepsize(stepsizeIn) { }
00232     dxWorldProcessContext *context;
00233     const dxQuickStepParameters *qs;
00234     const int m;
00235     const int nb;
00236     ParamsTMutablePtr J;
00237     int *jb;
00238     dxBody * const *body;
00239     ParamsTPtr invI;
00240     ParamsTMutablePtr lambda;
00241     ParamsTMutablePtr fc;
00242     ParamsTMutablePtr b;
00243     ParamsTPtr lo;
00244     ParamsTPtr hi;
00245     ParamsTPtr cfm;
00246     ParamsTMutablePtr iMJ;
00247     ParamsTMutablePtr Adcfm;
00248     const int *findex;
00249     const ParamsT stepsize;
00250   };
00252 };
00254 }
00256 #endif

Author(s): Jared Duke
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:36:56