Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00003 import argparse
00004 import random
00005 import numpy
00006 import sys
00008 _EPS = numpy.finfo(float).eps * 4.0
00010 def transform44(l):
00011     t = l[1:4]
00012     q = numpy.array(l[4:8], dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
00013     nq = numpy.dot(q, q)
00014     if nq < _EPS:
00015         return numpy.array((
00016         (                1.0,                 0.0,                 0.0, t[0])
00017         (                0.0,                 1.0,                 0.0, t[1])
00018         (                0.0,                 0.0,                 1.0, t[2])
00019         (                0.0,                 0.0,                 0.0, 1.0)
00020         ), dtype=numpy.float64)
00021     q *= numpy.sqrt(2.0 / nq)
00022     q = numpy.outer(q, q)
00023     return numpy.array((
00024         (1.0-q[1, 1]-q[2, 2],     q[0, 1]-q[2, 3],     q[0, 2]+q[1, 3], t[0]),
00025         (    q[0, 1]+q[2, 3], 1.0-q[0, 0]-q[2, 2],     q[1, 2]-q[0, 3], t[1]),
00026         (    q[0, 2]-q[1, 3],     q[1, 2]+q[0, 3], 1.0-q[0, 0]-q[1, 1], t[2]),
00027         (                0.0,                 0.0,                 0.0, 1.0)
00028         ), dtype=numpy.float64)
00030 def read_trajectory(filename):
00031     file = open(filename)
00032     data = file.read()
00033     lines = data.replace(","," ").replace("\t"," ").split("\n") 
00034     list = [[float(v.strip()) for v in line.split(" ") if v.strip()!=""] for line in lines if len(line)>0 and line[0]!="#"]
00035     list_ok = []
00036     for i,l in enumerate(list):
00037         if l[4:8]==[0,0,0,0]:
00038             continue
00039         isnan = False
00040         for v in l:
00041             if numpy.isnan(v): 
00042                 isnan = True
00043                 break
00044         if isnan:
00045             sys.stderr.write("Warning: line %d of file '%s' has NaNs, skipping line\n"%(i,filename))
00046             continue
00047         list_ok.append(l)
00048     traj = dict([(l[0],transform44(l[0:])) for l in list_ok])
00049     return traj
00051 def find_closest_index(L,t):
00052     beginning = 0
00053     difference = abs(L[0] - t)
00054     best = 0
00055     end = len(L)
00056     while beginning < end:
00057         middle = int((end+beginning)/2)
00058         if abs(L[middle] - t) < difference:
00059             difference = abs(L[middle] - t)
00060             best = middle
00061         if t == L[middle]:
00062             return middle
00063         elif L[middle] > t:
00064             end = middle
00065         else:
00066             beginning = middle + 1
00067     return best
00069 def ominus(a,b):
00070     return numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(a),b)
00072 def scale(a,scalar):
00073     return numpy.array(
00074         [[a[0,0], a[0,1], a[0,2], a[0,3]*scalar],
00075          [a[1,0], a[1,1], a[1,2], a[1,3]*scalar],
00076          [a[2,0], a[2,1], a[2,2], a[2,3]*scalar],
00077          [a[3,0], a[3,1], a[3,2], a[3,3]]]
00078                        )
00080 def compute_distance(transform):
00081     return numpy.linalg.norm(transform[0:3,3])
00083 def compute_angle(transform):
00084     # an invitation to 3-d vision, p 27
00085     return numpy.arccos( min(1,max(-1, (numpy.trace(transform[0:3,0:3]) - 1)/2) ))
00087 def distances_along_trajectory(traj):
00088     keys = traj.keys()
00089     keys.sort()
00090     motion = [ominus(traj[keys[i+1]],traj[keys[i]]) for i in range(len(keys)-1)]
00091     distances = [0]
00092     sum = 0
00093     for t in motion:
00094         sum += compute_distance(t)
00095         distances.append(sum)
00096     return distances
00098 def rotations_along_trajectory(traj,scale):
00099     keys = traj.keys()
00100     keys.sort()
00101     motion = [ominus(traj[keys[i+1]],traj[keys[i]]) for i in range(len(keys)-1)]
00102     distances = [0]
00103     sum = 0
00104     for t in motion:
00105         sum += compute_angle(t)*scale
00106         distances.append(sum)
00107     return distances
00110 def evaluate_trajectory(traj_gt,traj_est,param_max_pairs=10000,param_fixed_delta=False,param_delta=1.00,param_delta_unit="s",param_offset=0.00,param_scale=1.00):
00111     stamps_gt = list(traj_gt.keys())
00112     stamps_est = list(traj_est.keys())
00113     stamps_gt.sort()
00114     stamps_est.sort()
00116     stamps_est_return = []
00117     for t_est in stamps_est:
00118         t_gt = stamps_gt[find_closest_index(stamps_gt,t_est + param_offset)]
00119         t_est_return = stamps_est[find_closest_index(stamps_est,t_gt - param_offset)]
00120         t_gt_return = stamps_gt[find_closest_index(stamps_gt,t_est_return + param_offset)]
00121         if not t_est_return in stamps_est_return:
00122             stamps_est_return.append(t_est_return)
00123     if(len(stamps_est_return)<2):
00124         raise Exception("Number of overlap in the timestamps is too small. Did you run the evaluation on the right files?")
00126     if param_delta_unit=="s":
00127         index_est = list(traj_est.keys())
00128         index_est.sort()
00129     elif param_delta_unit=="m":
00130         index_est = distances_along_trajectory(traj_est)
00131     elif param_delta_unit=="rad":
00132         index_est = rotations_along_trajectory(traj_est,1)
00133     elif param_delta_unit=="deg":
00134         index_est = rotations_along_trajectory(traj_est,180/numpy.pi)
00135     elif param_delta_unit=="f":
00136         index_est = range(len(traj_est))
00137     else:
00138         raise Exception("Unknown unit for delta: '%s'"%param_delta_unit)
00140     if not param_fixed_delta:
00141         if(param_max_pairs==0 or len(traj_est)<numpy.sqrt(param_max_pairs)):
00142             pairs = [(i,j) for i in range(len(traj_est)) for j in range(len(traj_est))]
00143         else:
00144             pairs = [(random.randint(0,len(traj_est)-1),random.randint(0,len(traj_est)-1)) for i in range(param_max_pairs)]
00145     else:
00146         pairs = []
00147         for i in range(len(traj_est)):
00148             j = find_closest_index(index_est,index_est[i] + param_delta)
00149             if j!=len(traj_est)-1: 
00150                 pairs.append((i,j))
00151         if(param_max_pairs!=0 and len(pairs)>param_max_pairs):
00152             pairs = random.sample(pairs,param_max_pairs)
00154     gt_interval = numpy.median([s-t for s,t in zip(stamps_gt[1:],stamps_gt[:-1])])
00155     gt_max_time_difference = 2*gt_interval
00157     result = []
00158     for i,j in pairs:
00159         stamp_est_0 = stamps_est[i]
00160         stamp_est_1 = stamps_est[j]
00162         stamp_gt_0 = stamps_gt[ find_closest_index(stamps_gt,stamp_est_0 + param_offset) ]
00163         stamp_gt_1 = stamps_gt[ find_closest_index(stamps_gt,stamp_est_1 + param_offset) ]
00165         if(abs(stamp_gt_0 - (stamp_est_0 + param_offset)) > gt_max_time_difference  or
00166            abs(stamp_gt_1 - (stamp_est_1 + param_offset)) > gt_max_time_difference):
00167             continue
00169         error44 = ominus(  scale(
00170                            ominus( traj_est[stamp_est_1], traj_est[stamp_est_0] ),param_scale),
00171                            ominus( traj_gt[stamp_gt_1], traj_gt[stamp_gt_0] ) )
00173         trans = compute_distance(error44)
00174         rot = compute_angle(error44)
00176         result.append([stamp_est_0,stamp_est_1,stamp_gt_0,stamp_gt_1,trans,rot])
00178     if len(result)<2:
00179         raise Exception("Couldn't find matching timestamp pairs between groundtruth and estimated trajectory!")
00181     return result
00183 def percentile(seq,q):
00184     seq_sorted = list(seq)
00185     seq_sorted.sort()
00186     return seq_sorted[int((len(seq_sorted)-1)*q)]
00188 if __name__ == '__main__':
00189     random.seed(0)
00191     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
00192     This script computes the relative pose error from the ground truth trajectory and the estimated trajectory. 
00193     ''')
00194     parser.add_argument('groundtruth_file', help='ground-truth trajectory file (format: "timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw")')
00195     parser.add_argument('estimated_file', help='estimated trajectory file (format: "timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw")')
00196     parser.add_argument('--max_pairs', help='maximum number of pose comparisons (default: 10000, set to zero to disable downsampling)', default=10000)
00197     parser.add_argument('--fixed_delta', help='only consider pose pairs that have a distance of delta delta_unit (e.g., for evaluating the drift per second/meter/radian)', action='store_true')
00198     parser.add_argument('--delta', help='delta for evaluation (default: 1.0)',default=1.0)
00199     parser.add_argument('--delta_unit', help='unit of delta (options: \'s\' for seconds, \'m\' for meters, \'rad\' for radians, \'f\' for frames; default: \'s\')',default='s')
00200     parser.add_argument('--offset', help='time offset between ground-truth and estimated trajectory (default: 0.0)',default=0.0)
00201     parser.add_argument('--scale', help='scaling factor for the estimated trajectory (default: 1.0)',default=1.0)
00202     parser.add_argument('--save', help='text file to which the evaluation will be saved (format: stamp_est0 stamp_est1 stamp_gt0 stamp_gt1 trans_error rot_error)')
00203     parser.add_argument('--plot', help='plot the result to a file (requires --fixed_delta, output format: png)')
00204     parser.add_argument('--plot_rot', help='plot the result to a file (requires --fixed_delta, output format: png)')
00205     parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='print all evaluation data (otherwise, only the mean translational error measured in meters will be printed)', action='store_true')
00206     args = parser.parse_args()
00208     if args.plot and not args.fixed_delta:
00209         sys.exit("The '--plot' option can only be used in combination with '--fixed_delta'")
00210     if args.plot_rot and not args.fixed_delta:
00211         sys.exit("The '--plot_rot' option can only be used in combination with '--fixed_delta'")
00214     traj_gt = read_trajectory(args.groundtruth_file)
00215     traj_est = read_trajectory(args.estimated_file)
00217     result = evaluate_trajectory(traj_gt,
00218                                  traj_est,
00219                                  int(args.max_pairs),
00220                                  args.fixed_delta,
00221                                  float(args.delta),
00222                                  args.delta_unit,
00223                                  float(args.offset),
00224                                  float(args.scale))
00226     stamps = numpy.array(result)[:,0]
00227     trans_error = numpy.array(result)[:,4]
00228     rot_error = numpy.array(result)[:,5]
00230     if args.save:
00231         f = open(args.save,"w")
00232         f.write("\n".join([" ".join(["%f"%v for v in line]) for line in result]))
00233         f.close()
00235     if args.verbose:
00236         print "compared_pose_pairs %d pairs"%(len(trans_error))
00238         print "translational_error.rmse %f m"%numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(trans_error,trans_error) / len(trans_error))
00239         print "translational_error.mean %f m"%numpy.mean(trans_error)
00240         print "translational_error.median %f m"%numpy.median(trans_error)
00241         print "translational_error.std %f m"%numpy.std(trans_error)
00242         print "translational_error.min %f m"%numpy.min(trans_error)
00243         print "translational_error.max %f m"%numpy.max(trans_error)
00245         print "rotational_error.rmse %f deg"%(numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(rot_error,rot_error) / len(rot_error)) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00246         print "rotational_error.mean %f deg"%(numpy.mean(rot_error) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00247         print "rotational_error.median %f deg"%(numpy.median(rot_error) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00248         print "rotational_error.std %f deg"%(numpy.std(rot_error) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00249         print "rotational_error.min %f deg"%(numpy.min(rot_error) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00250         print "rotational_error.max %f deg"%(numpy.max(rot_error) * 180.0 / numpy.pi)
00251     else:
00252         print numpy.mean(trans_error)
00254     import matplotlib
00255     matplotlib.use('Agg')
00256     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
00257     import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
00259     if args.plot:    
00260         fig = plt.figure()
00261         ax = fig.add_subplot(111)        
00262         ax.plot(stamps - stamps[0],trans_error,'-',color="blue")
00263         #ax.plot([t for t,e in err_rot],[e for t,e in err_rot],'-',color="red")
00264         ax.set_xlabel('time [s]')
00265         ax.set_ylabel('translational error [m]')
00266         plt.savefig(args.plot,dpi=90)
00268     if args.plot_rot:    
00269         #import matplotlib
00270         #matplotlib.use('Agg')
00271         #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
00272         #import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
00273         fig = plt.figure()
00274         ax = fig.add_subplot(111)        
00275         ax.plot(stamps - stamps[0],rot_error * 180.0 / numpy.pi,'-',color="red")
00276         #ax.plot([t for t,e in err_rot],[e for t,e in err_rot],'-',color="red")
00277         ax.set_xlabel('time [s]')
00278         ax.set_ylabel('rotation error [deg]')
00279         plt.savefig(args.plot_rot,dpi=90)

Author(s): Henrik Andreasson, Todor Stoyanov
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:36:18