Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('move_base_rfn')
00003 import rospy
00004 from rfnserver import RFNServer
00005 from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
00006 from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseGoal
00007 from location_memorizer.srv import GetLocation, GetLocationRequest
00009 from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler
00011 from actionlib import SimpleActionClient, SimpleGoalState
00013 class TNavRFN:
00014     def __init__(self):
00015         self.navclient = SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction)
00016         self.rfnserver = RFNServer("navigation", self.cb_rfn_start)
00017         self.rfnserver.register_with_frame("navigating_to_location")
00018         self.rfnserver.start()
00020     # map: /opt/ros/unstable/stacks/wg_common/willow_maps/willow-sans-whitelab-2010-02-18-0.025.pgm
00021     def location_to_pose(self, location):
00022         position = False
00023         orientation = False
00024         if location == "room": # green room
00025             position = (17.590, 21.611, 0.000)
00026             orientation = (0.000, 0.000, -0.232, 0.973)
00027         elif location == "office": # ken's office
00028             position = (19.243, 26.436, 0.000)
00029             orientation = (0.000, 0.000, 0.534, 0.846)
00030         elif location == "fridge":
00031             position = (21.458, 37.838, 0.000)
00032             orientation = (0.000, 0.000, -0.198, 0.980)
00033         elif location == "hangout":
00034             position = (15.828, 17.155, 0.000)
00035             orientation = (0.000, 0.000, -0.072, 0.997)
00036         # if location == "room": # pool room
00037         #     position = (18.639, 33.727, 0.000)
00038         #     orientation = (0.000, 0.000, 0.714, 0.700)
00039         else:
00040             return False
00041         goal_pose = Pose()
00042         goal_pose.position.x = position[0]
00043         goal_pose.position.y = position[1]
00044         goal_pose.position.z = position[2]
00045         goal_pose.orientation.x = orientation[0]
00046         goal_pose.orientation.y = orientation[1]
00047         goal_pose.orientation.z = orientation[2]
00048         goal_pose.orientation.w = orientation[3]
00049         return goal_pose
00052     def cb_rfn_start(self, filled_semantic_frame):
00053         # Check that the server is alive; give it a few seconds to respond.
00054         if not self.navclient.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(5.0)):
00055             rospy.logwarn("Nav client unavailable!")
00056             self.rfnserver.set_aborted()
00057             return
00058         # Server responded!
00059         # Determine and fill in the goal pose.
00060         goal_location = RFNServer.frame_argument(filled_semantic_frame,
00061                                                  "location")
00062         goal_pose = self.location_to_pose(goal_location)
00063         if goal_pose:
00064             goal = MoveBaseGoal()
00065             goal.target_pose.pose = goal_pose
00066             goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "/map"
00067             rospy.loginfo("Sending goal:\n" + str(goal))
00068             self.navclient.send_goal(goal)
00069         else:
00070             rospy.logerr("I don't know the location " + goal_location)
00071             self.rfnserver.set_aborted()
00072             return
00073         # Wait for the goal to give us a result, or until we're kicked off.
00074         r = rospy.Rate(10) #hz
00075         while(not self.rfnserver.is_preempt_requested() and
00076               # vv Polling equivalent to self.navclient.wait_for_result()
00077               not self.navclient.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE and
00078               not rospy.is_shutdown()):
00079             r.sleep()
00080         if self.rfnserver.is_preempt_requested():
00081             self.navclient.cancel_all_goals()
00082             self.rfnserver.set_preempted()
00083             return
00084         if self.navclient.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE:
00085             self.rfnserver.set_succeeded()
00086             return
00087         if rospy.is_shutdown():
00088             self.rfnserver.set_aborted()
00089             return
00090         self.rfnserver.set_aborted()
00091         return
00094     def cb_rfn_preempt(self):
00095         # Call preempt on the navigation action server.
00096         rospy.loginfo("move_base_rfn: Cancelling goals.")
00097         navclient.cancel_all_goals()
00098         self.rfnserver.set_preempted()
00099         return
00103 def main():
00104     rospy.init_node('move_base_rfn')
00105     t = TNavRFN()
00106     rospy.spin()
00109 if __name__ == '__main__':
00110     main()

Author(s): Brian Thomas
autogenerated on Fri Dec 6 2013 20:37:50