Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __WINDOWS_TYPES__
00002 #define __WINDOWS_TYPES__
00004 #define WINAPI
00006 #define MAX_NUM_DEVICES 50
00007 #include <sys/time.h>
00009 typedef unsigned int                    DWORD;
00010 typedef unsigned int                    ULONG;
00011 typedef unsigned short                  USHORT;
00012 typedef unsigned short                  SHORT;
00013 typedef unsigned char                   UCHAR;
00014 typedef unsigned short                  WORD;
00015 typedef unsigned char                   BYTE;
00016 typedef BYTE                                    *LPBYTE;
00017 typedef unsigned int                    BOOL;
00018 typedef unsigned char                   BOOLEAN;
00019 typedef unsigned char                   CHAR;
00020 typedef BOOL                                    *LPBOOL;
00021 typedef UCHAR                                   *PUCHAR;
00022 typedef const char                              *LPCSTR;
00023 typedef char                                    *PCHAR;
00024 typedef void                                    *PVOID;
00025 typedef void                                    *HANDLE;
00026 typedef unsigned int                    LONG;
00027 typedef int                                             INT;
00028 typedef unsigned int                    UINT;
00029 typedef char                                    *LPSTR;
00030 typedef char                                    *LPTSTR;
00031 typedef const char                              *LPCTSTR;
00032 typedef DWORD                                   *LPDWORD;
00033 typedef WORD                                    *LPWORD;
00034 typedef ULONG                                   *PULONG;
00035 typedef LONG                                    *LPLONG;
00036 typedef PVOID                                   LPVOID;
00037 typedef void                                    VOID;
00038 typedef unsigned long long int  ULONGLONG;
00040 typedef struct _OVERLAPPED {
00041         DWORD Internal;
00042         DWORD InternalHigh;
00043         DWORD Offset;
00044         DWORD OffsetHigh;
00045         HANDLE hEvent;
00048 typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
00049         DWORD nLength;
00050         LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor;
00051         BOOL bInheritHandle;
00054 typedef struct timeval SYSTEMTIME;
00055 typedef struct timeval FILETIME;
00056 #ifndef TRUE
00057 #define TRUE    1
00058 #endif
00059 #ifndef FALSE
00060 #define FALSE   0
00061 #endif
00063 //
00064 // Modem Status Flags
00065 //
00066 #define MS_CTS_ON           ((DWORD)0x0010)
00067 #define MS_DSR_ON           ((DWORD)0x0020)
00068 #define MS_RING_ON          ((DWORD)0x0040)
00069 #define MS_RLSD_ON          ((DWORD)0x0080)
00071 //
00072 // Error Flags
00073 //
00074 #define CE_RXOVER           0x0001  // Receive Queue overflow
00075 #define CE_OVERRUN          0x0002  // Receive Overrun Error
00076 #define CE_RXPARITY         0x0004  // Receive Parity Error
00077 #define CE_FRAME            0x0008  // Receive Framing error
00078 #define CE_BREAK            0x0010  // Break Detected
00079 #define CE_TXFULL           0x0100  // TX Queue is full
00080 #define CE_PTO              0x0200  // LPTx Timeout
00081 #define CE_IOE              0x0400  // LPTx I/O Error
00082 #define CE_DNS              0x0800  // LPTx Device not selected
00083 #define CE_OOP              0x1000  // LPTx Out-Of-Paper
00084 #define CE_MODE             0x8000  // Requested mode unsupported
00086 //
00087 // Events
00088 //
00089 #define EV_RXCHAR           0x0001  // Any Character received
00090 #define EV_RXFLAG           0x0002  // Received certain character
00091 #define EV_TXEMPTY          0x0004  // Transmit Queue Empty
00092 #define EV_CTS              0x0008  // CTS changed state
00093 #define EV_DSR              0x0010  // DSR changed state
00094 #define EV_RLSD             0x0020  // RLSD changed state
00095 #define EV_BREAK            0x0040  // BREAK received
00096 #define EV_ERR              0x0080  // Line status error occurred
00097 #define EV_RING             0x0100  // Ring signal detected
00098 #define EV_PERR             0x0200  // Printer error occured
00099 #define EV_RX80FULL         0x0400  // Receive buffer is 80 percent full
00100 #define EV_EVENT1           0x0800  // Provider specific event 1
00101 #define EV_EVENT2           0x1000  // Provider specific event 2
00103 //
00104 // Escape Functions
00105 //
00106 #define SETXOFF             1       // Simulate XOFF received
00107 #define SETXON              2       // Simulate XON received
00108 #define SETRTS              3       // Set RTS high
00109 #define CLRRTS              4       // Set RTS low
00110 #define SETDTR              5       // Set DTR high
00111 #define CLRDTR              6       // Set DTR low
00112 #define RESETDEV            7       // Reset device if possible
00113 #define SETBREAK            8       // Set the device break line.
00114 #define CLRBREAK            9       // Clear the device break line.
00116 //
00117 // PURGE function flags.
00118 //
00119 #define PURGE_TXABORT       0x0001  // Kill the pending/current writes to the comm port.
00120 #define PURGE_RXABORT       0x0002  // Kill the pending/current reads to the comm port.
00121 #define PURGE_TXCLEAR       0x0004  // Kill the transmit queue if there.
00122 #define PURGE_RXCLEAR       0x0008  // Kill the typeahead buffer if there.
00126 #endif
00128 #endif

Author(s): William Woodall
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:28:21