Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 **
00003 ** Copyright (c) 2008-2011 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
00004 ** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.cpp#5 $$Change: 1356 $
00005 ** $DateTime: 2011/04/03 09:01:22 $$Author: bbarber $
00006 **
00007 ****************************************************************************/
00009 #//! Qhull -- invoke qhull from C++
00010 #//! Compile libqhull and Qhull together due to use of setjmp/longjmp()
00012 #include "QhullError.h"
00013 #include "UsingLibQhull.h"
00014 #include "RboxPoints.h"
00015 #include "QhullQh.h"
00016 #include "QhullFacet.h"
00017 #include "QhullFacetList.h"
00018 #include "Qhull.h"
00019 extern "C" {
00020     #include "libqhull/qhull_a.h"
00021 }
00023 #include <iostream>
00025 using std::cerr;
00026 using std::string;
00027 using std::vector;
00028 using std::ostream;
00030 #ifdef _MSC_VER  // Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4
00031 #pragma warning( disable : 4611)  // interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
00032 #pragma warning( disable : 4996)  // function was declared deprecated(strcpy, localtime, etc.)
00033 #endif
00035 namespace orgQhull {
00037 #//Global variables
00039 char s_unsupported_options[]=" Fd TI ";
00040 char s_not_output_options[]= " Fd TI A C d E H P Qb QbB Qbb Qc Qf Qg Qi Qm QJ Qr QR Qs Qt Qv Qx Qz Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 R Tc TC TM TP TR Tv TV TW U v V W ";
00042 #//Constructor, destructor, etc.
00043 Qhull::
00044 Qhull()
00045 : qhull_qh(0)
00046 , qhull_run_id(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId)
00047 , origin_point()
00048 , qhull_status(qh_ERRnone)
00049 , qhull_dimension(0)
00050 , run_called(false)
00051 , qh_active(false)
00052 , qhull_message()
00053 , error_stream(0)
00054 , output_stream(0)
00055 , feasiblePoint()
00056 , useOutputStream(false)
00057 {
00058     initializeQhull();
00059 }//Qhull
00061 Qhull::
00062 Qhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2)
00063 : qhull_qh(0)
00064 , qhull_run_id(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId)
00065 , origin_point()
00066 , qhull_status(qh_ERRnone)
00067 , qhull_dimension(0)
00068 , run_called(false)
00069 , qh_active(false)
00070 , qhull_message()
00071 , error_stream(0)
00072 , output_stream(0)
00073 , feasiblePoint()
00074 , useOutputStream(false)
00075 {
00076     initializeQhull();
00077     runQhull(rboxPoints, qhullCommand2);
00078 }//Qhull rbox
00080 Qhull::
00081 Qhull(const char *rboxCommand2, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *pointCoordinates, const char *qhullCommand2)
00082 : qhull_qh(0)
00083 , qhull_run_id(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId)
00084 , origin_point()
00085 , qhull_status(qh_ERRnone)
00086 , qhull_dimension(0)
00087 , run_called(false)
00088 , qh_active(false)
00089 , qhull_message()
00090 , error_stream(0)
00091 , output_stream(0)
00092 , feasiblePoint()
00093 , useOutputStream(false)
00094 {
00095     initializeQhull();
00096     runQhull(rboxCommand2, pointDimension, pointCount, pointCoordinates, qhullCommand2);
00097 }//Qhull points
00099 Qhull::
00100 Qhull(const Qhull &other)
00101 : qhull_qh(0)
00102 , qhull_run_id(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId)
00103 , origin_point()
00104 , qhull_status(qh_ERRnone)
00105 , qhull_dimension(0)
00106 , run_called(false)
00107 , qh_active(false)
00108 , qhull_message(other.qhull_message)
00109 , error_stream(other.error_stream)
00110 , output_stream(other.output_stream)
00111 , feasiblePoint(other.feasiblePoint)
00112 , useOutputStream(other.useOutputStream)
00113 {
00114     if(other.initialized()){
00115         throw QhullError(10069, "Qhull error: can not use Qhull copy constructor if initialized() is true");
00116     }
00117     initializeQhull();
00118 }//copy constructor
00120 Qhull & Qhull::
00121 operator=(const Qhull &other)
00122 {
00123     if(other.initialized() || initialized()){
00124         throw QhullError(10070, "Qhull error: can not use Qhull copy assignment if initialized() is true");
00125     }
00126     qhull_message= other.qhull_message;
00127     error_stream= other.error_stream;
00128     output_stream= other.output_stream;
00129     feasiblePoint= other.feasiblePoint;
00130     useOutputStream= other.useOutputStream;
00131     return *this;
00132 }//copy constructor
00134 void Qhull::
00135 initializeQhull()
00136 {
00137     #if qh_QHpointer
00138         qhull_qh= new QhullQh;
00139         qhull_qh->old_qhstat= qh_qhstat;
00140         qhull_qh->old_tempstack= qhmem.tempstack;
00141         qh_qh= 0;
00142         qh_qhstat= 0;
00143     #else
00144         qhull_qh= new (&qh_qh) QhullQh;
00145         qhull_qh->old_qhstat= &qh_qhstat;
00146         qhull_qh->old_tempstack= qhmem.tempstack;
00147     #endif
00148     qhmem.tempstack= 0;
00149     qhull_run_id= qhull_qh->run_id;
00150 }//initializeQhull
00152 Qhull::
00153 ~Qhull() throw()
00154 {
00156     UsingLibQhull q(this, QhullError::NOthrow);
00157     if(q.defined()){
00158         int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00159         if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00160 #if qh_QHpointer
00161             delete qhull_qh;
00162             // clears qhull_qh and qh_qh
00163             qh_qh= 0;
00164 #else
00165             qhull_qh->~QhullQh();
00166             qhull_qh= 0;
00167 #endif
00168             qhull_run_id= UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId;
00169             // Except for cerr, does not throw errors
00170             if(hasQhullMessage()){
00171                 cerr<< "\nQhull output at end\n"; //FIXUP QH11005: where should error and log messages go on ~Qhull?
00172                 cerr<<qhullMessage();
00173                 clearQhullMessage();
00174             }
00175         }
00176         maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode, QhullError::NOthrow);
00177     }
00178     s_qhull_output= 0; // Set by UsingLibQhull
00179 }//~Qhull
00181 #//Messaging
00183 void Qhull::
00184 appendQhullMessage(const string &s)
00185 {
00186     if(output_stream && useOutputStream && qh USEstdout){   // threading errors caught elsewhere
00187         *output_stream << s;
00188     }else if(error_stream){
00189         *error_stream << s;
00190     }else{
00191         qhull_message += s;
00192     }
00193 }//appendQhullMessage
00196 void Qhull::
00197 clearQhullMessage()
00198 {
00199     qhull_status= qh_ERRnone;
00200     qhull_message.clear();
00201     RoadError::clearGlobalLog();
00202 }//clearQhullMessage
00205 bool Qhull::
00206 hasQhullMessage() const
00207 {
00208     return (!qhull_message.empty() || qhull_status!=qh_ERRnone);
00209     //FIXUP QH11006 -- inconsistent usage with Rbox.  hasRboxMessage just tests rbox_status.  No appendRboxMessage()
00210 }
00213 std::string Qhull::
00214 qhullMessage() const
00215 {
00216     if(qhull_message.empty() && qhull_status!=qh_ERRnone){
00217         return "qhull: no message for error.  Check cerr or error stream\n";
00218     }else{
00219         return qhull_message;
00220     }
00221 }//qhullMessage
00223 int Qhull::
00224 qhullStatus() const
00225 {
00226     return qhull_status;
00227 }//qhullStatus
00229 void Qhull::
00230 setErrorStream(ostream *os)
00231 {
00232     error_stream= os;
00233 }//setErrorStream
00236 void Qhull::
00237 setOutputStream(ostream *os)
00238 {
00239     output_stream= os;
00240     useOutputStream= (os!=0);
00241 }//setOutputStream
00243 #//GetSet
00245 void Qhull::
00246 checkIfQhullInitialized()
00247 {
00248     if(!initialized()){ // qh_initqhull_buffers() not called
00249         throw QhullError(10023, "Qhull error: checkIfQhullInitialized failed.  Call runQhull() first.");
00250     }
00251 }//checkIfQhullInitialized
00254 int Qhull::
00255 runId()
00256 {
00257     UsingLibQhull u(this);
00258     QHULL_UNUSED(u);
00260     return qhull_run_id;
00261 }//runId
00264 #//GetValue
00266 double Qhull::
00267 area(){
00268     checkIfQhullInitialized();
00269     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00270     if(!qh hasAreaVolume){
00271         int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00272         if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00273             qh_getarea(qh facet_list);
00274         }
00275         maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00276     }
00277     return qh totarea;
00278 }//area
00280 double Qhull::
00281 volume(){
00282     checkIfQhullInitialized();
00283     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00284     if(!qh hasAreaVolume){
00285         int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00286         if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00287             qh_getarea(qh facet_list);
00288         }
00289         maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00290     }
00291     return qh totvol;
00292 }//volume
00294 #//ForEach
00299 void Qhull::
00300 defineVertexNeighborFacets(){
00301     checkIfQhullInitialized();
00302     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00303     if(!qh hasAreaVolume){
00304         int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00305         if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00306             qh_vertexneighbors();
00307         }
00308         maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00309     }
00310 }//defineVertexNeighborFacets
00312 QhullFacetList Qhull::
00313 facetList() const{
00314     return QhullFacetList(beginFacet(), endFacet());
00315 }//facetList
00317 QhullPoints Qhull::
00318 points() const
00319 {
00320     return QhullPoints(hullDimension(), qhull_qh->num_points*hullDimension(), qhull_qh->first_point);
00321 }//points
00323 QhullPointSet Qhull::
00324 otherPoints() const
00325 {
00326     return QhullPointSet(hullDimension(), qhull_qh->other_points);
00327 }//otherPoints
00330 QhullVertexList Qhull::
00331 vertexList() const{
00332     return QhullVertexList(beginVertex(), endVertex());
00333 }//vertexList
00335 #//Modify
00337 void Qhull::
00338 outputQhull()
00339 {
00340     checkIfQhullInitialized();
00341     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00342     int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00343     if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00344         qh_produce_output2();
00345     }
00346     maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00347 }//outputQhull
00349 void Qhull::
00350 outputQhull(const char *outputflags)
00351 {
00352     checkIfQhullInitialized();
00353     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00354     string cmd(" "); // qh_checkflags skips first word
00355     cmd += outputflags;
00356     char *command= const_cast<char*>(cmd.c_str());
00357     int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00358     if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00359         qh_clear_outputflags();
00360         char *s = qh qhull_command + strlen(qh qhull_command) + 1; //space
00361         strncat(qh qhull_command, command, sizeof(qh qhull_command)-strlen(qh qhull_command)-1);
00362         qh_checkflags(command, s_not_output_options);
00363         qh_initflags(s);
00364         qh_initqhull_outputflags();
00365         if(qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2
00366            || (0 != qh KEEParea + qh KEEPmerge + qh GOODvertex
00367                     + qh GOODthreshold + qh GOODpoint + qh SPLITthresholds)){
00368             facetT *facet;
00369             qh ONLYgood= False;
00370             FORALLfacet_(qh facet_list) {
00371                 facet->good= True;
00372             }
00373             qh_prepare_output();
00374         }
00375         qh_produce_output2();
00376         if(qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone){
00377             qh_check_points();
00378         }
00379     }
00380     maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00381 }//outputQhull
00383 void Qhull::
00384 runQhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2)
00385 {
00386     runQhull(rboxPoints.comment().c_str(), rboxPoints.dimension(), rboxPoints.count(), &*rboxPoints.coordinates(), qhullCommand2);
00387 }//runQhull, RboxPoints
00391 void Qhull::
00392 runQhull(const char *rboxCommand2, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2)
00393 {
00394     if(run_called){
00395         throw QhullError(10027, "Qhull error: runQhull called twice.  Only one call allowed.");
00396     }
00397     run_called= true;
00398     string s("qhull ");
00399     s += qhullCommand2;
00400     char *command= const_cast<char*>(s.c_str());
00401     UsingLibQhull q(this);
00402     int exitCode = setjmp(qh errexit);
00403     if(!exitCode){ // no object creation -- destructors skipped on longjmp()
00404         qh_checkflags(command, s_unsupported_options);
00405         qh_initflags(command);
00406         *qh rbox_command= '\0';
00407         strncat( qh rbox_command, rboxCommand2, sizeof(qh rbox_command)-1);
00408         if(qh DELAUNAY){
00409             qh PROJECTdelaunay= True;   // qh_init_B() calls qh_projectinput()
00410         }
00411         pointT *newPoints= const_cast<pointT*>(rboxPoints);
00412         int newDimension= pointDimension;
00413         int newIsMalloc= False;
00414         if(qh HALFspace){
00415             --newDimension;
00416             initializeFeasiblePoint(newDimension);
00417             newPoints= qh_sethalfspace_all(pointDimension, pointCount, newPoints, qh feasible_point);
00418             newIsMalloc= True;
00419         }
00420         qh_init_B(newPoints, pointCount, newDimension, newIsMalloc);
00421         qhull_dimension= (qh DELAUNAY ? qh hull_dim - 1 : qh hull_dim);
00422         qh_qhull();
00423         qh_check_output();
00424         qh_prepare_output();
00425         if(qh VERIFYoutput && !qh STOPpoint && !qh STOPcone){
00426             qh_check_points();
00427         }
00428     }
00429     for(int k= qhull_dimension; k--; ){  // Do not move up (may throw)
00430         origin_point << 0.0;
00431     }
00432     maybeThrowQhullMessage(exitCode);
00433 }//runQhull
00435 #//Helpers -- be careful of allocating C++ objects due to setjmp/longjmp() error handling by qh_... routines
00437 void Qhull::
00438 initializeFeasiblePoint(int hulldim)
00439 {
00440     if(qh feasible_string){
00441         qh_setfeasible(hulldim);
00442     }else{
00443         if(feasiblePoint.empty()){
00444             qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6209, "qhull error: missing feasible point for halfspace intersection.  Use option 'Hn,n' or set qh.feasiblePoint\n");
00445             qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
00446         }
00447         if(feasiblePoint.size()!=(size_t)hulldim){
00448             qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6210, "qhull error: dimension of feasiblePoint should be %d.  It is %u", hulldim, feasiblePoint.size());
00449             qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
00450         }
00451         if (!(qh feasible_point= (coordT*)qh_malloc(hulldim * sizeof(coordT)))) {
00452             qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 6202, "qhull error: insufficient memory for feasible point\n");
00453             qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
00454         }
00455         coordT *t= qh feasible_point;
00456         // No qh_... routines after here -- longjmp() ignores destructor
00457         for(Coordinates::ConstIterator p=feasiblePoint.begin(); p<feasiblePoint.end(); p++){
00458             *t++= *p;
00459         }
00460     }
00461 }//initializeFeasiblePoint
00463 void Qhull::
00464 maybeThrowQhullMessage(int exitCode)
00465 {
00466     if(qhull_status==qh_ERRnone){
00467         qhull_status= exitCode;
00468     }
00469     if(qhull_status!=qh_ERRnone){
00470         QhullError e(qhull_status, qhull_message);
00471         clearQhullMessage();
00472         throw e; // FIXUP QH11007: copy constructor is expensive if logging
00473     }
00474 }//maybeThrowQhullMessage
00476 void Qhull::
00477 maybeThrowQhullMessage(int exitCode, int noThrow)  throw()
00478 {
00479     QHULL_UNUSED(noThrow);
00481     if(qhull_status==qh_ERRnone){
00482         qhull_status= exitCode;
00483     }
00484     if(qhull_status!=qh_ERRnone){
00485         QhullError e(qhull_status, qhull_message);
00486         e.logError();
00487     }
00488 }//maybeThrowQhullMessage
00490 }//namespace orgQhull
00492 /*-<a                             href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
00493  >-------------------------------</a><a name="qh_fprintf">-</a>
00495   qh_fprintf(fp, msgcode, format, list of args )
00496     fp is ignored (replaces qh_fprintf() in userprintf.c)
00497     s_qhull_output == Qhull
00499 notes:
00500     only called from libqhull
00501     same as fprintf() and RboxPoints::qh_fprintf_rbox()
00502     fgets() is not trapped like fprintf()
00503     Do not throw errors from here.  Use qh_errexit;
00504 */
00505 extern "C"
00506 void qh_fprintf(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ) {
00507     va_list args;
00509     using namespace orgQhull;
00511     if(!s_qhull_output){
00512         fprintf(stderr, "QH10025 Qhull error: UsingLibQhull not declared prior to calling qh_...().  s_qhull_output==NULL.\n");
00513         qh_exit(10025);
00514     }
00515     Qhull *out= s_qhull_output;
00516     va_start(args, fmt);
00517     if(msgcode<MSG_OUTPUT || fp == qh_FILEstderr){
00518         if(msgcode>=MSG_ERROR && msgcode<MSG_WARNING){
00519             if(out->qhull_status<MSG_ERROR || out->qhull_status>=MSG_WARNING){
00520                 out->qhull_status= msgcode;
00521             }
00522         }
00523         char newMessage[MSG_MAXLEN];
00524         // RoadError will add the message tag
00525         vsnprintf(newMessage, sizeof(newMessage), fmt, args);
00526         out->appendQhullMessage(newMessage);
00527         va_end(args);
00528         return;
00529     }
00530     if(out->output_stream && out->useOutputStream){
00531         char newMessage[MSG_MAXLEN];
00532         vsnprintf(newMessage, sizeof(newMessage), fmt, args);
00533         *out->output_stream << newMessage;
00534         va_end(args);
00535         return;
00536     }
00537     // FIXUP QH11008: how do users trap messages and handle input?  A callback?
00538     char newMessage[MSG_MAXLEN];
00539     vsnprintf(newMessage, sizeof(newMessage), fmt, args);
00540     out->appendQhullMessage(newMessage);
00541     va_end(args);
00542 } /* qh_fprintf */

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:32:11