RealSchur< _MatrixType > Member List
This is the complete list of members for RealSchur< _MatrixType >, including all inherited members.
ColsAtCompileTime enum valueRealSchur< _MatrixType >
ColumnVectorType typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
ComplexScalar typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
compute(const MatrixType &matrix, bool computeU=true)RealSchur< _MatrixType >
computeNormOfT()RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
computeShift(Index iu, Index iter, Scalar &exshift, Vector3s &shiftInfo)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
EigenvalueType typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
findSmallSubdiagEntry(Index iu, Scalar norm)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
Index typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
info() const RealSchur< _MatrixType > [inline]
initFrancisQRStep(Index il, Index iu, const Vector3s &shiftInfo, Index &im, Vector3s &firstHouseholderVector)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_hessRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_infoRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_isInitializedRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_matTRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_matURealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_matUisUptodateRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
m_maxIterationsRealSchur< _MatrixType > [static]
m_workspaceVectorRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
matrixT() const RealSchur< _MatrixType > [inline]
MatrixType typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
matrixU() const RealSchur< _MatrixType > [inline]
MaxColsAtCompileTime enum valueRealSchur< _MatrixType >
MaxRowsAtCompileTime enum valueRealSchur< _MatrixType >
Options enum valueRealSchur< _MatrixType >
performFrancisQRStep(Index il, Index im, Index iu, bool computeU, const Vector3s &firstHouseholderVector, Scalar *workspace)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
RealSchur(Index size=RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic?1:RowsAtCompileTime)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [inline]
RealSchur(const MatrixType &matrix, bool computeU=true)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [inline]
RowsAtCompileTime enum valueRealSchur< _MatrixType >
Scalar typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType >
splitOffTwoRows(Index iu, bool computeU, Scalar exshift)RealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]
Vector3s typedefRealSchur< _MatrixType > [private]

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:34:24