Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 typedef Matrix<float,Dynamic,2> DataMatrix;
00002 // let's generate some samples on the 3D plane of equation z = 2x+3y (with some noise)
00003 DataMatrix samples = DataMatrix::Random(12,2);
00004 VectorXf elevations = 2*samples.col(0) + 3*samples.col(1) + VectorXf::Random(12)*0.1;
00005 // and let's solve samples * [x y]^T = elevations in least square sense:
00006 Matrix<float,2,1> xy
00007  = (samples.adjoint() * samples).llt().solve((samples.adjoint()*elevations));
00008 cout << xy << endl;

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:32:58