Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 #   Copyright 2013 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
00004 #
00005 #   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 #   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 #   You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008 #
00009 #
00010 #
00011 #   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 #   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 #   limitations under the License.
00016 #
00017 #
00019 ## @package hrl_haptic_mpc
00020 #
00021 # @author Jeff Hawke
00022 # @version 0.1
00023 # @copyright Apache Licence
00027 import math
00028 import numpy as np
00029 import threading
00030 import itertools as it
00031 import sys, signal
00033 import roslib
00034 roslib.load_manifest("hrl_haptic_mpc")
00035 import rospy
00036 import geometry_msgs.msg as geom_msgs
00037 from tf import TransformListener
00038 from std_msgs.msg import Header
00040 from hrl_lib import transforms as tr
00041 import hrl_haptic_manipulation_in_clutter_msgs.msg as haptic_msgs
00042 import multiarray_to_matrix
00043 import haptic_mpc_util
00044 import skin_client as sc
00046 ## @class RobotHapticStateServer Haptic state publisher: publishes all relevant haptic state information on a common interface independent of robot type.
00047 class RobotHapticStateServer():
00048   ## Constructor for robot haptic state server
00049   def __init__(self, opt, node_name=None):
00050     self.opt = opt
00051     # Set up all ros comms to start with
00052     self.node_name = node_name
00053     self.tf_listener = None
00054     self.state_pub = None
00055     self.rate = 100.0 # 100 Hz.
00056     self.msg_seq = 0 # Sequence counter
00058     # ROS Param server paths.
00059     self.base_path = "/haptic_mpc"
00061     # Skin data
00062     self.skin_topic_list = [] # List of topic names
00063     self.skin_client = None
00065     # Robot object. Contains all the subscribers and robot specific kinematics, etc
00066     self.robot = None
00068     # Joint data
00069     self.joint_names = []
00070     self.joint_angles = []
00071     self.desired_joint_angles = []
00072     self.joint_velocities = []
00073     self.joint_stiffness = []
00074     self.joint_damping = []
00075     self.joint_data_lock = threading.RLock()
00076     self.joint_names = []
00078     # End effector pose
00079     self.end_effector_position = None
00080     self.end_effector_orient_cart = None
00081     self.end_effector_orient_quat = None
00083     self.torso_pose = geom_msgs.Pose()
00085     # Jacobian storage
00086     self.Jc = None # Contact jacobians
00087     self.Je = None # End effector jacobian
00088     self.trim_threshold = 1.0 #this is 1.0 for forces
00090     # Jacobian MultiArray to Matrix converter
00091     self.ma_to_m = multiarray_to_matrix.MultiArrayConverter()
00093     # Initialise various parameters.
00094     self.initComms()
00095     self.initRobot(self.opt.robot)
00097   ## Initialise all robot specific parameters (skin topics, robot interfaces, etc). Calls the appropriate init function.
00098   def initRobot(self, robot_type="pr2"):
00099     if robot_type == "pr2":
00100       self.initPR2()
00101     elif robot_type == "cody":
00102       self.initCody()
00103     elif robot_type == "cody5dof":
00104       self.initCody(5)
00105     elif robot_type == "sim3" or robot_type == "sim3_nolim":
00106       self.initSim(robot_type)
00107     elif robot_type == "crona":
00108       self.initCrona()
00109     else:
00110       rospy.logerr("RobotHapticState: Invalid robot type specified")
00111       sys.exit()
00113   ## Initialise parameters for the state publisher when used on the PR2.
00114   def initPR2(self):
00115     # Robot kinematic classes and skin clients. These are specific to each robot
00116     import urdf_arm_darpa_m3 as urdf_arm
00118     #import pr2_arm_darpa_m3_deprecated as pr2_arm # DEPRECATED
00120     # Load parameters from ROS Param server
00121     self.robot_path = "/pr2"    
00122     self.skin_topic_list = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00123                                            self.robot_path +
00124                                            '/skin_list/' + self.opt.sensor)
00125     self.torso_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00126                                        self.robot_path +
00127                                        '/torso_frame' )
00128     self.inertial_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00129                                           self.robot_path +
00130                                           '/inertial_frame')
00131     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising PR2 haptic state publisher" +
00132                   "with the following skin topics: \n%s"
00133                   %str(self.skin_topic_list))
00134     self.skin_client = sc.TaxelArrayClient(self.skin_topic_list,
00135                                              self.torso_frame,
00136                                              self.tf_listener)
00137     self.skin_client.setTrimThreshold(self.trim_threshold)
00138     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising robot interface")
00139     if not self.opt.arm:
00140       rospy.logerr("RobotHapticState: No arm specified for PR2")
00141       sys.exit()
00143     # Create the robot object. Provides interfaces to the robot arm and various kinematic functions.
00144     self.robot = urdf_arm.URDFArm(self.opt.arm, self.tf_listener)
00146     # Push joint angles to the param server.
00147     if self.opt.arm in ['l', 'r']:
00148       arm_path = '/left'
00149       if self.opt.arm == 'r':
00150         arm_path = '/right'
00152     self.joint_limits_max = rospy.get_param(self.base_path + 
00153                                             self.robot_path + 
00154                                             '/joint_limits' +
00155                                             arm_path + '/max')
00156     self.joint_limits_min = rospy.get_param(self.base_path + 
00157                                             self.robot_path + 
00158                                             '/joint_limits' +
00159                                             arm_path + '/min')
00161     # Push the arm specific param to the location the controller looks.
00162     self.setControllerJointLimits(self.joint_limits_max, self.joint_limits_min)
00165   ## Initialise parameters for the state publisher when used on Cody.
00166   def initCody(self, num_of_joints=7):
00167     import hrl_cody_arms.cody_arm_client
00169     # Load the skin list from the param server
00170     self.robot_path = '/cody'
00171     self.skin_topic_list = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00172                                            self.robot_path +
00173                                            '/skin_list/' + self.opt.sensor)
00174     self.torso_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00175                                        self.robot_path +
00176                                        '/torso_frame' )
00177     self.inertial_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00178                                           self.robot_path +
00179                                           '/inertial_frame')
00180     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising Cody haptic state publisher" +
00181                   " with the following skin topics: \n%s"
00182                   %str(self.skin_topic_list))
00184     self.skin_client = sc.TaxelArrayClient(self.skin_topic_list,
00185                                                        self.torso_frame,
00186                                                        self.tf_listener)
00187     self.skin_client.setTrimThreshold(self.trim_threshold)
00188     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising robot interface")
00189     if not self.opt.arm:
00190       rospy.logerr("RobotHapticState: No arm specified for Cody")
00191       sys.exit()
00193     if num_of_joints == 7:
00194       self.robot = hrl_cody_arms.cody_arm_client.CodyArmClient_7DOF(self.opt.arm)
00195     elif num_of_joints == 5:
00196       self.robot = hrl_cody_arms.cody_arm_client.CodyArmClient_5DOF(self.opt.arm)
00198     # Push joint angles to the param server.
00199     if self.opt.arm in ['l', 'r']:
00200       arm_path = '/left'
00201       if self.opt.arm == 'r':
00202         arm_path = '/right'
00204     self.joint_limits_max = rospy.get_param(self.base_path + 
00205                                             self.robot_path + 
00206                                             '/joint_limits' +
00207                                             arm_path + '/max')
00208     self.joint_limits_min = rospy.get_param(self.base_path + 
00209                                             self.robot_path + 
00210                                             '/joint_limits' +
00211                                             arm_path + '/min')
00213     # Push the arm specific param to the location the controller looks.
00214     self.setControllerJointLimits(self.joint_limits_max, self.joint_limits_min)
00216   ## Initialise parameters for the state publisher when used in simulation
00217   #with the 3DOF arm.
00218   def initSim(self, robot_type='sim3'):
00219     import gen_sim_arms as sim_robot
00221     # Load the skin list from the param server
00222     if robot_type == 'sim3':
00223       import hrl_common_code_darpa_m3.robot_config.three_link_planar_capsule as sim_robot_config
00224     elif robot_type == 'sim3_nolim':
00225       import hrl_common_code_darpa_m3.robot_config.three_link_planar_capsule_nolim as sim_robot_config
00227     self.robot_path = '/sim3'
00229     self.skin_topic_list = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00230                                            self.robot_path +
00231                                            '/skin_list/' + self.opt.sensor)
00232     self.torso_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00233                                        self.robot_path +
00234                                        '/torso_frame')
00235     self.inertial_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00236                                           self.robot_path +
00237                                           '/inertial_frame')
00238     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising Sim haptic state publisher" +
00239                   "with the following skin topics: \n%s"
00240                   %str(self.skin_topic_list))
00242     self.skin_client = sc.TaxelArrayClient(self.skin_topic_list,
00243                                             self.torso_frame,
00244                                             self.tf_listener)
00245     self.skin_client.setTrimThreshold(self.trim_threshold)
00247     # TODO: Add config switching here.
00248     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising Sim robot interface")
00249     sim_config = sim_robot_config
00250     self.robot = sim_robot.ODESimArm(sim_config) 
00252     self.joint_limits_max = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00253                                             self.robot_path +
00254                                             '/joint_limits/max')
00255     self.joint_limits_min = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00256                                             self.robot_path +
00257                                             '/joint_limits/min')
00259     # Push the arm specific param to the location the controller looks.
00260     self.setControllerJointLimits(self.joint_limits_max, self.joint_limits_min)
00263   #Initialise parameters for the state publisher when used in simulation
00264   #with the 7DOF cody arm.
00265   def initSimCody(self):
00266     import cody_arm_darpa_m3 as cody_arm
00268     # Load the skin list from the param server
00269     self.robot_path = '/simcody'
00270     self.skin_topic_list = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00271                                            self.robot_path +
00272                                            '/skin_list')
00273     self.torso_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00274                                        self.robot_path +
00275                                        '/torso_frame' )
00276     self.inertial_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00277                                           self.robot_path +
00278                                           '/inertial_frame')
00279     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising Sim haptic state publisher" +
00280                   "with the following skin topics: \n%s"
00281                   %str(self.skin_topic_list))
00282     self.skin_client = sc.TaxelArrayClient(self.skin_topic_list,
00283                                             self.torso_frame,
00284                                             self.tf_listener)
00285     self.skin_client.setTrimThreshold(self.trim_threshold)
00287     # TODO: Add config switching here.
00288     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising robot interface")
00289     if not self.opt.arm:
00290       rospy.logerr("RobotHapticState: No arm specified for Sim Cody")
00291       sys.exit()
00293     self.robot = cody_arm.CodyArmClient(self.opt.arm)
00295   def initCrona(self):
00296     import urdf_arm_darpa_m3 as urdf_arm
00298     self.robot_path = "/crona"
00299     self.skin_topic_list = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00300                                            self.robot_path +
00301                                            '/skin_list/' + self.opt.sensor)
00302     self.torso_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00303                                        self.robot_path +
00304                                        '/torso_frame' )
00305     self.inertial_frame = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00306                                           self.robot_path +
00307                                           '/inertial_frame')
00308     self.skin_client = sc.TaxelArrayClient([],
00309                                              self.torso_frame,
00310                                              self.tf_listener)
00311     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising CRONA haptic state publisher with the following skin topics: \n%s"
00312                   %str(self.skin_topic_list))
00314     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Initialising robot interface")
00315     if not self.opt.arm:
00316       rospy.logerr("RobotHapticState: No arm specified for CRONA")
00317       sys.exit()
00318     self.robot = urdf_arm.URDFArm(self.opt.arm, self.tf_listener, base_link=self.torso_frame, end_link=self.opt.arm+'_hand_link')
00319     self.skins = []
00320     self.Jc = []
00322     # Push joint angles to the param server.
00323     if self.opt.arm in ['l', 'r']:
00324       arm_path = '/left'
00325       if self.opt.arm == 'r':
00326         arm_path = '/right'
00328     self.joint_limits_max = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00329                                             self.robot_path +
00330                                             '/joint_limits' +
00331                                             arm_path + '/max')
00332     self.joint_limits_min = rospy.get_param(self.base_path +
00333                                             self.robot_path +
00334                                             '/joint_limits' +
00335                                             arm_path + '/min')
00337     # Push the arm specific param to the location the controller looks.
00338     self.setControllerJointLimits(self.joint_limits_max, self.joint_limits_min)
00340   # Initialise publishers for the robot haptic state,
00341   # the current gripper pose, and a TF listener.
00342   # NB: The skin client and robot clients will have their own
00343   # publishers/subscribers specific to them.
00344   def initComms(self):
00345     if self.node_name != None:
00346       rospy.init_node(self.node_name)
00347     self.tf_listener = TransformListener()
00348     self.state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/haptic_mpc/robot_state',
00349                                      haptic_msgs.RobotHapticState)
00350     self.gripper_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/haptic_mpc/gripper_pose',
00351                                             geom_msgs.PoseStamped)
00353   ## Pushes the given joint limits to a known location on the param server. 
00354   # The control loads these on startup.
00355   def setControllerJointLimits(self, joint_limits_max, joint_limits_min):
00356     # Push the arm specific param to the location the controller looks.
00357     rospy.set_param(self.base_path + '/joint_limits/max', joint_limits_max)
00358     rospy.set_param(self.base_path + '/joint_limits/min', joint_limits_min)
00361   # Returns a header type with the current timestamp.
00362   # Does not set the frame_id
00363   def getMessageHeader(self):
00364     header = Header()
00365     header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00366     return header
00368   # Updates the stored end effector Jacobian from the current joint angles
00369   # and end effector position
00370   def updateEndEffectorJacobian(self):
00371     self.Je = [self.robot.kinematics.jacobian(self.joint_angles, self.end_effector_position)]
00373   ## Compute contact Jacobians based on the provided taxel array dictionary
00374   # @param skin_data Dictionary containing taxel array messages indexed by topic name
00375   def updateContactJacobians(self, skin_data):
00376     # loc_l = list of taxel locations relative the "torso_lift_link" frame.
00377     # jt_l = list of joints beyond which the jacobian columns are zero.
00378     # loc_l. jt_l from skin client.
00379     Jc_l = []
00380     loc_l, jt_l = self.getTaxelLocationAndJointList(skin_data)
00382     if len(loc_l) != len(jt_l):
00383       rospy.logfatal("Haptic State Publisher: Dimensions don't match. %s, %s" % (len(loc_l), len(jt_l)))
00384       sys.exit()
00386     for jt_li, loc_li in it.izip(jt_l, loc_l):
00387       Jc = self.robot.kinematics.jacobian(self.joint_angles, loc_li)
00388       Jc[:, jt_li+1:] = 0.0
00389       Jc = Jc[0:3, 0:len(self.joint_stiffness)] # trim the jacobian to suit the number of DOFs.
00390       Jc_l.append(Jc)
00391     self.Jc = Jc_l
00393   ## Returns a Pose object for the torso pose in the stated inertial frame
00394   def updateTorsoPose(self):
00395     # Get the transformation from the desired frame to current frame
00396     self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.inertial_frame, self.torso_frame,
00397                                       rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(10.0))
00398     t1, q1 = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.inertial_frame,
00399                                               self.torso_frame,
00400                                               rospy.Time(0))
00401     torso_pose = geom_msgs.Pose()
00402     torso_pose.position = geom_msgs.Point(*t1)
00403     torso_pose.orientation = geom_msgs.Quaternion(*q1)
00404     return torso_pose
00406   ## Store latest joint states from the specified robot class
00407   # @var joint_names: Joint names
00408   # @var joint_angles: Joint angles
00409   # @var joint_velocities: Joint velocities
00410   # @var joint_stiffness: Joint stiffness
00411   # @var joint_damping: Joint damping
00412   # @var q_des: Desired joint angles
00413   def updateJointStates(self):
00414     self.joint_names = self.robot.get_joint_names()
00415     self.joint_angles = self.robot.get_joint_angles()
00416     self.joint_stiffness, self.joint_damping = self.robot.get_joint_impedance()
00417     self.joint_velocities = self.robot.get_joint_velocities()
00418     q_des = self.robot.get_ep()
00419     if q_des != None:
00420       self.desired_joint_angles = q_des
00422   # Compute and store the end effector position, orientation, and jacobian
00423   # from the current joint angles.
00424   def updateEndEffectorPose(self):
00425     pos, rot = self.robot.kinematics.FK(self.joint_angles)
00426     self.end_effector_position = pos
00427     self.end_effector_orient_cart = rot
00428     self.end_effector_orient_quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot)
00430   ## Returns a list of taxel locations and a list of joint numbers after which the
00431   # joint torque will have no effect on the contact force
00432   # @param skin_data Dictionary of TaxelArrays indexed by topic
00433   # @retval locations List of taxel locations where a force is present
00434   # @retval joint_nums List of joints after which the joint torque will have no effect on the contact force 
00435   # @return These arrays will both be the same length (as the joint number corresponds 
00436   def getTaxelLocationAndJointList(self, skin_data):
00437     locations = []
00438     joint_nums = []
00440     for ta_msg in skin_data.values():
00441       # Get points list
00442       ta_locs = self.skin_client.getContactLocationsFromTaxelArray(ta_msg)
00443       # Create list of joints beyond which the joint torque has no effect on contact force
00444       ta_jts = []
00445       for contact_index in range(len(ta_msg.centers_x)):
00446         jt_num = len(self.joint_angles)-1 # Index of last joint, 0 indexed.
00448         # Verify we have the same number of link names as taxel contacts If not, make no assumptions about joints.
00449         if len(ta_msg.link_names) >= len(ta_msg.centers_x):
00450           link_name = ta_msg.link_names[contact_index]
00452           # Iterate over the known joint names looking for the link this is associated with.
00453           # NB: links should be named based on their joint. 
00454           # NB: 
00455           for idx, joint_name in enumerate(self.joint_names):
00456             if joint_name in link_name: 
00457               jt_num = idx
00458               break # 
00460         ta_jts.append(jt_num)
00462       # Attach these lists to the end of the global list (incorporating multiple taxel arrays)
00463       locations.extend(ta_locs)
00464       joint_nums.extend(ta_jts)
00466     return locations, joint_nums
00468   ## Modify taxel data for PR2 specific situations
00469   # TODO: Survy to implement selective taxel ignoring.
00470   # @param skin_data Dictionary containing taxel array messages indexed by topic name
00471   def modifyPR2Taxels(self, skin_data):
00472     #print "modifyPR2Taxels"
00473     return skin_data
00475   ## Modifies data from the taxel array based on robot specific configurations.
00476   # An example of this is ignoring the PR2 wrist taxels when the wrist
00477   # is near its joint limit as the wrist itself will trigger the taxel.
00478   # @param skin_data Dict containing taxel array messages indexed by topic name
00479   # @return skin_data Modified dictionary containing taxel array messages
00480   def modifyRobotSpecificTaxels(self, skin_data):
00481     if self.opt.robot == 'pr2':
00482       return self.modifyPR2Taxels(skin_data)
00483     return skin_data # If this is running on a different robot, don't modify the data.
00485   ## Calls all the sub-component updates
00486   def updateHapticState(self):
00487     self.updateJointStates()
00488     #self.torso_pose = self.updateTorsoPose()
00489     self.updateEndEffectorPose()
00490     self.updateEndEffectorJacobian()
00491     # Skin sensor calculations.
00492     # Get the latest skin data from the skin client
00493     skin_data = self.skin_client.getTrimmedSkinData()
00494     # Trim skin_data based on specific robot state (eg wrist configuration).
00495     skin_data = self.modifyRobotSpecificTaxels(skin_data)
00496     self.updateContactJacobians(skin_data)
00497     # Add the list of  TaxelArray messages to the message
00498     self.skins = skin_data.values()
00500   ## Build the haptic state message data structure
00501   # @return haptic_state_msg Haptic State message object containing relevant data 
00502   def getHapticStateMessage(self):
00503     # Update all haptic state data (jacobians etc)
00504     self.updateHapticState()
00506     msg = haptic_msgs.RobotHapticState()
00508     msg.header = self.getMessageHeader()
00509     msg.header.frame_id = self.torso_frame
00511     # TODO Locking on data? - check these are copies.
00512     # Joint states
00513 #    self.updateJointStates()
00514     msg.joint_names = self.joint_names
00515     msg.joint_angles = self.joint_angles
00516     msg.desired_joint_angles = self.desired_joint_angles
00517     msg.joint_velocities = self.joint_velocities
00518     msg.joint_stiffness = self.joint_stiffness
00519     msg.joint_damping = self.joint_damping
00521     msg.torso_pose = self.torso_pose #self.updateTorsoPose()
00523     # End effector calculations
00524 #    self.updateEndEffectorPose()
00525     msg.hand_pose.position = geom_msgs.Point(*(self.end_effector_position.A1))
00526     msg.hand_pose.orientation = geom_msgs.Quaternion(*self.end_effector_orient_quat)
00528 #    self.updateEndEffectorJacobian()
00529     msg.end_effector_jacobian = self.ma_to_m.matrixListToMultiarray(self.Je)
00531 #    # Skin sensor calculations.
00532 #    # Get the latest skin data from the skin client
00533 #    skin_data = self.skin_client.getTrimmedSkinData()
00534 #    # Trim skin_data based on specific robot state (eg wrist configuration).
00535 #    skin_data = self.modifyRobotSpecificTaxels(skin_data)
00536 #    # Add the list of  TaxelArray messages to the message
00537 #    msg.skins = skin_data.values()
00538 #    self.updateContactJacobians(skin_data)
00539 # Add the list of  TaxelArray messages to the message
00540     msg.skins = self.skins
00541     msg.contact_jacobians = self.ma_to_m.matrixListToMultiarray(self.Jc)
00543     return msg
00545   ## Build and publish the haptic state message.
00546   def publishRobotState(self):
00547     msg = self.getHapticStateMessage()
00549     # Publish the newly formed state message
00550     for i in range(len(msg.joint_names)):
00551         msg.joint_names[i] = str(msg.joint_names[i]) #testing
00552     self.state_pub.publish(msg)
00554     # Publish gripper pose for debug purposes
00555     ps_msg = geom_msgs.PoseStamped()
00556     ps_msg.header = self.getMessageHeader()
00557     ps_msg.header.frame_id = self.torso_frame
00559     ps_msg.pose.position = geom_msgs.Point(*(self.end_effector_position.A1))
00560     ps_msg.pose.orientation = geom_msgs.Quaternion(*self.end_effector_orient_quat)
00562     self.gripper_pose_pub.publish(ps_msg)
00565   ## Handler for Ctrl-C signals. Some of the ROS spin loops don't respond well to
00566   # Ctrl-C without this. 
00567   def signal_handler(self, signal, frame):
00568     print 'Ctrl+C pressed - exiting'
00569     sys.exit(0)
00571   ## Start the state publisher
00572   def start(self):
00573     signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) # Catch Ctrl-Cs
00575     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Starting Robot Haptic State publisher")
00576     rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # 100Hz, nominally.
00578     # Blocking sleep to prevent the node publishing until joint states
00579     # are read by the robot client.
00580     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Waiting for robot state")
00581     joint_stiffness, joint_damping = self.robot.get_joint_impedance()
00582     while (self.robot.get_joint_angles() == None or
00583            self.robot.get_joint_velocities() == None or
00584            joint_stiffness == None):
00585       joint_stiffness, joint_damping = self.robot.get_joint_impedance()
00586       rate.sleep()
00588     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Got robot state")
00590     if self.robot.get_ep() == None:
00591       rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Setting desired joint angles to current joint_angles")
00592       self.robot.set_ep(self.robot.get_joint_angles())
00594     rospy.loginfo("RobotHapticState: Starting publishing")
00595     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00596       self.publishRobotState()
00597 #      rospy.spin() # Blocking spin for debug/dev purposes
00598       rate.sleep()
00601 if __name__ == "__main__":
00602   # Parse an options list specifying robot type
00603   import optparse
00604   p = optparse.OptionParser()
00605   haptic_mpc_util.initialiseOptParser(p)
00606   opt = haptic_mpc_util.getValidInput(p)
00608   if not opt.robot or not opt.sensor or not opt.arm:
00609     p.error("Robot haptic state publisher requires a specified robot, sensor, AND arm to use.")
00611   robot_state = RobotHapticStateServer(opt, "robot_haptic_state_server")
00612   robot_state.start()

Author(s): Jeff Hawke, Phillip Grice, Marc Killpack, Advait Jain. Advisor and Co-author: Prof. Charlie Kemp. Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:27:09