Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/python
00003 import os
00004 import time
00005 from threading import Lock
00006 from collections import deque
00008 import roslib
00009 roslib.load_manifest("kelsey_sandbox")
00011 import rospy
00012 from std_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyResponse
00013 from std_msgs.msg import String
00015 from srv import BehaviorRegistration, BehaviorRequest, BehaviorRequestRequest, BehaviorRelinquish
00016 from srv import BehaviorRegistrationResponse, BehaviorRequestResponse, BehaviorRelinquishResponse
00017 from srv import BehaviorResume, BehaviorResumeResponse
00019 ALLOWED_RESOURCES = ['l_arm', 'r_arm', 'l_gripper', 'r_gripper', 'base', 'head', 'torso']
00021 HEARTBEAT_RATE = 10.
00023 class BMPriorities:
00024     TOP = 255
00025     HIGH = 100
00026     MEDIUM = 50
00027     LOW = 10
00028     BOTTOM = 0
00030 def log(s):
00031     rospy.loginfo("[behavior_manager] %s" % s)
00033 def warn(s):
00034     rospy.logwarn("[behavior_manager] %s" % s)
00036 def err(s):
00037     rospy.logerr("[behavior_manager] %s" % s)
00039 class BehaviorManager(object):
00040     def __init__(self):
00041         self._resource_lock = Lock()
00042         self._heartbeat_lock = Lock()
00043         with self._resource_lock:
00044             self._clear_manager()
00045             self._register_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/register_behavior', 
00046                                                BehaviorRegistration, self._register_cb)
00047             self._request_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/request_resource',
00048                                               BehaviorRequest, self._request_cb)
00049             self._relinquish_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/relinquish_resource',
00050                                                  BehaviorRelinquish, self._relinquish_cb)
00051             self._clear_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/clear_manager',
00052                                             Empty, self._clear_cb)
00054     def _clear_manager(self):
00055         self._active_resources = {}
00056         self._registered_behaviors = {}
00057         self._behavior_preempts = {}
00058         self._behavior_resumes = {}
00059         self._preempted_stacks = {}
00060         self._heartbeat_timers = {}
00061         self._hb_last_times = {}
00062         for resource in ALLOWED_RESOURCES:
00063             self._active_resources[resource] = None
00064             self._preempted_stacks[resource] = deque()
00066     def _register_cb(self, req):
00067         with self._resource_lock:
00068             bname = req.behavior_name
00069             if req.ctrl_resource not in ALLOWED_RESOURCES:
00070                 err("Resource %s not reservable." % req.ctrl_resource)
00071                 return BehaviorRegistrationResponse(False)
00072             if bname in self._registered_behaviors:
00073                 err("Behavior %s already registered." % bname)
00074                 return BehaviorRegistrationResponse(False)
00075             self._registered_behaviors[bname] = req.ctrl_resource
00076             rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/%s/preempt' % bname)
00077             rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/%s/resume' % bname)
00078             self._behavior_preempts[bname] = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/%s/preempt' % bname,
00079                                                                 Empty)
00080             self._behavior_resumes[bname] = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/%s/resume' % bname,
00081                                                                BehaviorResume)
00082             log("Behavior %s successfully registered in the behavior manager." % bname)
00083             return BehaviorRegistrationResponse(True)
00085     def _heartbeat_monitor(self, te):
00086         cur_time = rospy.get_time()
00087         for resource in self._active_resources:
00088             running_resource = self._active_resources[resource]
00089             if running_resource is None:
00090                 continue
00091             bname = running_resource[1]
00092             if cur_time - self._hb_last_times[bname] > HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT:
00093                 resource = self._registered_behaviors[bname]
00094                 warn("Behavior %s has timed out and will release %s" % 
00095                              (bname, resource))
00096                 self._relinquish_from_behavior(bname)
00098     def _heartbeat_sub_cb(self, msg):
00099         with self._heartbeat_lock:
00100             self._hb_last_times[] = rospy.get_time()
00102     def _request_cb(self, req):
00103         with self._resource_lock:
00104             bname = req.behavior_name
00105             priority = req.priority
00106             if bname not in self._registered_behaviors:
00107                 err("Behavior %s not registered." % bname)
00108                 return BehaviorRequestResponse(False)
00109             resource = self._registered_behaviors[bname]
00111             if self._active_resources[resource] is None:
00112                 # resource is free, give it out
00113                 self._active_resources[resource] = [priority, bname]
00114                 success = True
00115             elif priority >= self._active_resources[resource][0]:
00116                 # behavior is of higher importance, preempt currently running
00117                 preempted_behavior = self._active_resources[resource]
00118                 self._preempted_stacks[resource].append(preempted_behavior)
00119                 self._behavior_preempts[bname]()
00120                 self._active_resources[resource] = [priority, bname]
00121                 success = True
00122             else:
00123                 # current behavior is of higher importance, reject request
00124                 success = False
00125             if success:
00126                 self._hb_last_times[bname] = rospy.get_time()
00127                 self._heartbeat_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/behavior_manager/%s/heartbeat' % bname, 
00128                                                        String, self._heartbeat_sub_cb)
00129                 self._heartbeat_timers[bname] = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1./HEARTBEAT_RATE),
00130                                                             self._heartbeat_monitor)
00131             return BehaviorRequestResponse(success)
00133     def _relinquish_cb(self, req):
00134         bname = req.behavior_name
00135         self._relinquish_from_behavior(bname)
00136         return BehaviorRelinquishResponse()
00138     def _relinquish_from_behavior(self, bname):
00139         with self._resource_lock:
00140             if bname not in self._registered_behaviors:
00141                 err("Behavior %s not registered.")
00142                 return
00143             resource = self._registered_behaviors[bname]
00144             while len(self._preempted_stacks[resource]) > 0:
00145                 # we have resume the FIFO preempted behavior
00146                 resumed_behavior = self._preempted_stacks[resource].pop()
00147                 will_resume = self._behavior_resumes[resumed_behavior[1]]()
00148                 if will_resume:
00149                     self._active_resources[resource] = resumed_behavior
00150                     return 
00151             self._active_resources[resource] = None
00153     def _clear_cb(self, req):
00154         self._clear_manager()
00155         return EmptyResponse()
00157 class BehaviorManagerClient(object):
00159     ##
00160     # Interfaces with the behavior manager to control who has access to each of
00161     # the robot resources at any given time.
00162     # @param resource Name of the resource this behavior will register (must be in ALLOWED_RESOURCES)
00163     #                 ['l_arm', 'r_arm', 'l_gripper', 'r_gripper', 'base', 'head', 'torso']
00164     # @param preempt_cb Function to be called preempt_cb() when behavior needs to be preempted.
00165     #                   Make sure this function is non-blocking.
00166     # @param resume_cb Function to be called will_resume = resume_cb() when the preemptor has released
00167     #                  control.  The bool will_resume, if True, will give that behavior back control.
00168     #                  Make sure this function is non-blocking.
00169     # @param priority The strength of the behavior to overrule others.  A behavior with equal or
00170     #                 greater priority will be able to preempt the current active behavior.
00171     # @param name Optional prefix given to the behavior to make services more readable
00172     def __init__(self, resource, preempt_cb, resume_cb=None,
00173                  priority=BMPriorities.MEDIUM, name="behavior"):
00174         if resource not in ALLOWED_RESOURCES:
00175             err("Resource %s is not an allowed resource to reserve." % resource)
00176         self._resource = resource
00177         self._default_priority = priority
00178         # this makes the behavior anonymous (exactly like init_node)
00179         self._bname = "%s_%s_%s" % (name, os.getpid(), int(time.time()*1000))
00180         self._preempt_cb = preempt_cb
00181         if resume_cb is None:
00182             def resume_cb_tmp():
00183                 return False
00184             self._resume_cb = resume_cb_tmp
00185         else:
00186             self._resume_cb = resume_cb
00188         self._preempt_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/%s/preempt' % self._bname, 
00189                                           Empty, self._call_preempt)
00190         self._resume_srv = rospy.Service('/behavior_manager/%s/resume' % self._bname, 
00191                                          BehaviorResume, self._call_resume)
00192         self._heartbeat_pub = rospy.Publisher('/behavior_manager/%s/heartbeat' % self._bname, String)
00194         rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/register_behavior')
00195         register_behavior = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/register_behavior', BehaviorRegistration)
00196         register_behavior(behavior_name=self._bname, ctrl_resource=resource)
00198         rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/request_resource')
00199         rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/relinquish_resource')
00200         self._request_resource = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/request_resource',
00201                                                     BehaviorRequest)
00202         self._relinquish_resource = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/relinquish_resource',
00203                                                        BehaviorRelinquish)
00205     def _call_preempt(self, req):
00206         self._preempt_cb()
00207         return EmptyResponse()
00209     def _call_resume(self, req):
00210         return BehaviorResumeResponse(self._resume_cb())
00212     def set_preempt_cb(self, preempt_cb):
00213         self._preempt_cb = preempt_cb
00215     def set_resume_cb(self, resume_cb):
00216         self._resume_cb = resume_cb
00218     def _heartbeat_cb(self, te):
00219         self._heartbeat_pub.publish(String(self._bname))
00221     ##
00222     # Requests control of the resource from the behavior manager
00223     # @param priority Override the default priority set in the initialization.
00224     # @result Returns True if the resource is available, False if not.
00225     def request(self, priority=None):
00226         if priority is None:
00227             priority = self._default_priority
00228         try:
00229             success = self._request_resource(behavior_name=self._bname, priority=priority)
00230             if success:
00231                 self._heartbeat_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1./HEARTBEAT_RATE), self._heartbeat_cb)
00232             return success
00233         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00234             err("Request service connection issue: %s" % str(e))
00235             return False
00237     ##
00238     # Relinquishes control of the resource to the behavior manager
00239     def relinquish(self):
00240         try:
00241             self._relinquish_resource(behavior_name=self._bname)
00242         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00243             err("Relinquish service connection issue: %s" % str(e))
00246 ##
00247 # Resets control of all resources in the behavior manager (CAREFUL WITH THIS).
00248 def clear_behavior_manager():
00249     clear_manager = rospy.ServiceProxy('/behavior_manager/clear_manager', Empty)
00250     rospy.wait_for_service('/behavior_manager/clear_manager')
00251     try:
00252         clear_manager()
00253     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00254         err("Clear manager service connection issue: %s" % str(e))
00256 class Behavior(object):
00257     def __init__(self, resource, priority, name="behavior"):
00258 = name
00259         self.priority = priority
00260         self.bmc = BehaviorManagerClient(resource, self._preempt_cb, self._resume_cb,
00261                                          priority=priority, name=name)
00262         self._execute = self.execute
00263         def wrap_execute(*args, **kwargs):
00264             if self.bmc.request():
00265                 self._execute(*args, **kwargs)
00266                 self.bmc.relinquish()
00267                 return True
00268             else:
00269                 return False
00270         self.execute = wrap_execute
00272     def _preempt_cb(self):
00273         self.preempt()
00275     def _resume_cb(self):
00276         return self.resume()
00278     def preempt(self):
00279         rospy.logerror("[behavior] preempt must be overrided!")
00281     def resume(self):
00282         return False
00284     def execute(self):
00285         rospy.logerror("[behavior] execute must be overrided!")
00287 def main():
00288     rospy.init_node("behavior_manager")
00289     bm = BehaviorManager()
00290     rospy.spin()
00292 if __name__ == "__main__":
00293     main()

Author(s): Kelsey Hawkins
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:14:05