Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "GazeboInterface.h"
00002 #include "physics/Model.hh"
00003 #include "physics/Joint.hh"
00004 #include "physics/World.hh"
00006 #include "r2_msgs/JointStatusArray.h"
00008 using namespace gazebo;
00010 GazeboInterface::GazeboInterface()
00011 : ModelPlugin()
00012 , advancedMode(false)
00013 {
00014 }
00016 GazeboInterface::~GazeboInterface()
00017 {
00018     // shutdown ros
00019     rosNodePtr->shutdown();
00020 }
00022 void GazeboInterface::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
00023 {
00024     // Store the pointer to the model
00025     modelPtr = _model;
00027     prevStatesUpdateTime = _model->GetWorld()->GetSimTime();
00028     prevStatusUpdateTime = _model->GetWorld()->GetSimTime();
00030     // create controller
00031     robotControllerPtr.reset(new RobotController(modelPtr));
00033     // load parameters
00034     std::string robotNamespace = "";
00035     if (_sdf->HasElement("robotNamespace"))
00036     {
00037         robotNamespace = _sdf->GetElement("robotNamespace")->GetValueString() + "/";
00038     }
00040     std::string paramsNamespace = "";
00041     if (_sdf->HasElement("paramsNamespace"))
00042     {
00043         paramsNamespace = _sdf->GetElement("paramsNamespace")->GetValueString() + "/";
00044     }
00046     if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointCommandsTopic"))
00047     {
00048         ROS_FATAL("GazeboInterface plugin missing <jointCommandsTopic>, cannot proceed");
00049         return;
00050     }
00051     else
00052         jointCommandsTopic = _sdf->GetElement("jointCommandsTopic")->GetValueString();
00054     if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointStatesTopic"))
00055     {
00056         ROS_FATAL("GazeboInterface plugin missing <jointStatesTopic>, cannot proceed");
00057         return;
00058     }
00059     else
00060         jointStatesTopic = _sdf->GetElement("jointStatesTopic")->GetValueString();
00062     if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointStatesRate"))
00063     {
00064         jointStatesStepTime = 0.;
00065     }
00066     else
00067         jointStatesStepTime = 1./_sdf->GetElement("jointStatesRate")->GetValueDouble();
00069     if (!_sdf->HasElement("advancedMode"))
00070     {
00071         ROS_INFO("GazeboInterface plugin missing <advancedMode>, defaults to false");
00072         advancedMode = false;
00073     }
00074     else
00075     {
00076         std::string strVal = _sdf->GetElement("advancedMode")->GetValueString();
00077         if (strVal == "1")
00078             advancedMode = true;
00079         else if (strVal == "0")
00080             advancedMode = false;
00081         else
00082         {
00083             ROS_WARN("GazeboInterface plugin <advancedMode> should be type bool (true/false), defaults to false");
00084             advancedMode = false;
00085         }
00086     }
00088     ROS_INFO("GazeboInterface plugin advancedMode: %s", advancedMode ? "true" : "false");
00090     if (advancedMode)
00091     {
00092         if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointControlTopic"))
00093         {
00094             ROS_FATAL("GazeboInterface plugin missing <jointControlTopic>, cannot proceed");
00095             return;
00096         }
00097         else
00098             jointControlTopic = _sdf->GetElement("jointControlTopic")->GetValueString();
00100         if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointStatusTopic"))
00101         {
00102             ROS_FATAL("GazeboInterface plugin missing <jointStatusTopic>, cannot proceed");
00103             return;
00104         }
00105         else
00106             jointStatusTopic = _sdf->GetElement("jointStatusTopic")->GetValueString();
00108         if (!_sdf->HasElement("jointStatusRate"))
00109         {
00110             jointStatusStepTime = 0.;
00111         }
00112         else
00113             jointStatusStepTime = 1./_sdf->GetElement("jointStatusRate")->GetValueDouble();
00114     }
00116     // create ros nodes
00117     rosNodePtr.reset(new ros::NodeHandle(robotNamespace));
00118     paramsNodePtr.reset(new ros::NodeHandle(paramsNamespace));
00120     // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every
00121     // simulation iteration.
00122     updateConnectionPtr = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(boost::bind(&GazeboInterface::update, this));
00124     ROS_INFO("Gazebo Interface plugin loaded");
00125 }
00127 void GazeboInterface::traverseParams(XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue param, std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue>& valMap, std::string searchKey,
00128                     std::string ns, std::string name)
00129 {
00130     std::string fullName;
00131     if (name.empty())
00132     {
00133         fullName = ns;
00134     }
00135     else
00136     {
00137         fullName = ns + "/" + name;
00138     }
00140     if (param.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct)
00141     {
00142         // if it is a struct, recurse
00143         for (XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::iterator paramIt = param.begin(); paramIt != param.end(); ++paramIt)
00144         {
00145             traverseParams(paramIt->second, valMap, searchKey, fullName, paramIt->first);
00146         }
00147     }
00148     else if (searchKey == "")
00149     {
00150         // if there is no search key, add to map with fully qualified name
00151         valMap.insert(std::make_pair(fullName, param));
00152     }
00153     else if (searchKey == name)
00154     {
00155         // if the searchKey matches the name, add to map omitting searchKey
00156         valMap.insert(std::make_pair(ns, param));
00157     }
00159     // if searchKey is not matched, the function does nothing
00160 }
00162 bool GazeboInterface::getDoubleVal(XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue& val, double& doubleVal)
00163 {
00164     if (val.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt)
00165     {
00166         doubleVal = (double)(int)val;
00167     }
00168     else if (val.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble)
00169     {
00170         doubleVal = (double)val;
00171     }
00172     else
00173     {
00174         return false;
00175     }
00177     return true;
00178 }
00180 void GazeboInterface::Init()
00181 {
00182     ROS_DEBUG("add joints");
00183     // add all joints to controller
00184     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modelPtr->GetJointCount(); ++i)
00185     {
00186         physics::JointPtr jPtr = modelPtr->GetJoint(i);
00187         robotControllerPtr->addJoint(jPtr, advancedMode);
00188         ROS_DEBUG("Add %s to controller", jPtr->GetName().c_str());
00189     }
00191     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue param;
00192     // set joint dependencies
00193     if (paramsNodePtr->getParam("dependency", param))
00194     {
00195         ROS_DEBUG("set dependencies");
00196         // get dependent children
00197         std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue> dependentChildrenMap;
00198         traverseParams(param, dependentChildrenMap, "children");
00199         // get dependent factors
00200         std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue> dependentFactorsMap;
00201         traverseParams(param, dependentFactorsMap, "factors");
00203         // iterate through and add dependencies
00204         for (std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue>::iterator depIt = dependentChildrenMap.begin();
00205              depIt != dependentChildrenMap.end(); ++depIt)
00206         {
00207             XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue factorVal = dependentFactorsMap[depIt->first];
00208             // value can be a string or an array of strings
00209             if (depIt->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
00210             {
00211                 double val;
00212                 if (getDoubleVal(factorVal, val))
00213                 {
00214                     // child, parent, factor
00215                     ROS_DEBUG("Add joint dependency: %s, %s, %f", ((std::string)depIt->second).c_str(), depIt->first.c_str(), (double)factorVal);
00216                     robotControllerPtr->addJointDependency((std::string)depIt->second, depIt->first, (double)factorVal);
00217                 }
00218                 else
00219                 {
00220                     ROS_WARN("Add dependency for %s (child) to %s (parent) not completed because factor not an appropriate type (double or int)",
00221                              ((std::string)depIt->second).c_str(), depIt->first.c_str());
00222                 }
00223             }
00224             else if (depIt->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
00225             {
00226                 if (factorVal.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && factorVal.size() == depIt->second.size())
00227                 {
00228                     for (int i = 0; i < depIt->second.size(); ++i)
00229                     {
00230                         if (depIt->second[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
00231                         {
00232                             double val;
00233                             if (getDoubleVal(factorVal[i], val))
00234                             {
00235                                 // child, parent, factor
00236                                 ROS_DEBUG("Add joint dependency: %s, %s, %f", ((std::string)depIt->second[i]).c_str(), depIt->first.c_str(), val);
00237                                 robotControllerPtr->addJointDependency((std::string)depIt->second[i], depIt->first, val);
00238                             }
00239                             else
00240                             {
00241                                 ROS_WARN("Add dependency for %s (child) to %s (parent) not completed because factor not an appropriate type (double or int)",
00242                                          ((std::string)depIt->second[i]).c_str(), depIt->first.c_str());
00243                             }
00244                         }
00245                         else
00246                         {
00247                             ROS_WARN("A dependency to %s (parent) not added because type is invalid", depIt->first.c_str());
00248                         }
00249                     }
00250                 }
00251                 else
00252                 {
00253                     ROS_WARN("Add dependency to %s (parent) not completed because children/factors array size not the same",
00254                              depIt->first.c_str());
00255                 }
00256             }
00257         }
00258     }
00260     // get initial positions
00261     if (paramsNodePtr->getParam("initial_position", param))
00262     {
00263         ROS_DEBUG("set initial positions");
00264         bool radians = true;
00265         if (param.hasMember("radians") && param["radians"].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean)
00266         {
00267             radians = (bool)param["radians"];
00268             ROS_DEBUG("radians: %d", radians);
00269         }
00270         else
00271         {
00272             ROS_WARN("No 'radians' member provided (or invalid type) in 'initial_position'; assumed true");
00273         }
00275         std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue> initialPoseMapParams;
00276         traverseParams(param, initialPoseMapParams);
00277         // remove '/radians'
00278         initialPoseMapParams.erase("/radians");
00280         // get positions
00281         std::map<std::string, double> initialPoseMap;
00282         for (std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue>::iterator poseIt = initialPoseMapParams.begin();
00283              poseIt != initialPoseMapParams.end(); ++poseIt)
00284         {
00285             double val;
00286             if (getDoubleVal(poseIt->second, val))
00287             {
00288                 if (radians == false)
00289                 {
00290                     val = GZ_DTOR(val);
00291                 }
00293                 if (modelPtr->GetJoint(poseIt->first))
00294                 {
00295                     initialPoseMap.insert(std::make_pair(poseIt->first, val));
00296                     ROS_DEBUG("initial position of %s set to %f", poseIt->first.c_str(), val);
00297                 }
00298                 else
00299                 {
00300                     ROS_INFO("initial position of %s ignored because model doesn't contain joint", poseIt->first.c_str());
00301                 }
00302             }
00303             else
00304             {
00305                 ROS_WARN("Sim initial position value (%s) ignored because it is not a valid type (double or int)", poseIt->first.c_str());
00306             }
00307         }
00309         // set positions
00310         robotControllerPtr->setJointPositions(initialPoseMap);
00311     }
00313     // get position PIDsmodelPtr->GetWorld()->GetSimTime()
00314     if (paramsNodePtr->getParam("position_pid", param))
00315     {
00316         ROS_DEBUG("set position PIDs");
00317         std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue> positionPidMap;
00318         traverseParams(param, positionPidMap);
00320         // iterate through and add PIDs
00321         for (std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue>::iterator pidIt = positionPidMap.begin();
00322              pidIt != positionPidMap.end(); ++pidIt)
00323         {
00324             if (pidIt->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && pidIt->second.size() >= 3)
00325             {
00326                 std::vector<double> gains(7, 0.0);
00327                 bool valid = true;
00328                 for (int i = 0; i < pidIt->second.size(); ++ i)
00329                 {
00330                     valid &= getDoubleVal(pidIt->second[i], gains[i]);
00331                 }
00333                 if (valid)
00334                 {
00335                     ROS_DEBUG("setPosPid: %s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", pidIt->first.c_str(), gains[0], gains[1], gains[2], gains[3], gains[4], gains[5], gains[6]);
00336                     robotControllerPtr->setPosPid(pidIt->first, gains[0], gains[1], gains[2], gains[3], gains[4], gains[5], gains[6]);
00337                 }
00338                 else
00339                 {
00340                     ROS_WARN("position PID for %s not set because the values are not valid (double or int)", pidIt->first.c_str());
00341                 }
00342             }
00343             else
00344             {
00345                 ROS_WARN("position PID values for %s not set because it is not an array of size 3 or greater", pidIt->first.c_str());
00346             }
00347         }
00348     }
00350     // get velocity PIDs
00351     if (paramsNodePtr->getParam("velocity_pid", param))
00352     {
00353         ROS_DEBUG("set velocity PIDs");
00354         std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue> velocityPidMap;
00355         traverseParams(param, velocityPidMap);
00357         // iterate through and add PIDs
00358         for (std::map<std::string, XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue>::iterator pidIt = velocityPidMap.begin();
00359              pidIt != velocityPidMap.end(); ++pidIt)
00360         {
00361             if (pidIt->second.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && pidIt->second.size() >= 3)
00362             {
00363                 std::vector<double> gains(7, 0.0);
00364                 bool valid = true;
00365                 for (int i = 0; i < pidIt->second.size(); ++ i)
00366                 {
00367                     valid &= getDoubleVal(pidIt->second[i], gains[i]);
00368                 }
00370                 if (valid)
00371                 {
00372                     ROS_DEBUG("setVelPid: %s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", pidIt->first.c_str(), gains[0], gains[1], gains[2], gains[3], gains[4], gains[5], gains[6]);
00373                     robotControllerPtr->setVelPid(pidIt->first, gains[0], gains[1], gains[2], gains[3], gains[4], gains[5], gains[6]);
00374                 }
00375                 else
00376                 {
00377                     ROS_WARN("velocity PID for %s not set because the values are not valid (double or int)", pidIt->first.c_str());
00378                 }
00379             }
00380             else
00381             {
00382                 ROS_WARN("velocity PID values for %s not set because it is not an array of size 3 or greater", pidIt->first.c_str());
00383             }
00384         }
00385     }
00387     // if not in advanced mode, tell the controller to hold the joint positions
00388     if (!advancedMode)
00389     {
00390         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modelPtr->GetJointCount(); ++i)
00391         {
00392             physics::JointPtr jPtr = modelPtr->GetJoint(i);
00393             robotControllerPtr->setJointPosTarget(jPtr->GetName(), jPtr->GetAngle(0).GetAsRadian());
00394         }
00395     }
00397     // subscribe to ROS joint commands
00398     jointCommandsSub  = rosNodePtr->subscribe(jointCommandsTopic,  5, &GazeboInterface::commandJoints,  this);
00400     // advertise joint state publishing
00401     jointStatePub = rosNodePtr->advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>(jointStatesTopic, true);
00403     if (advancedMode)
00404     {
00405         // subscribe to ROS joint control messages
00406         jointControlSub  = rosNodePtr->subscribe(jointControlTopic,  5, &GazeboInterface::controlJoints,  this);
00408         // advertise joint status publishing
00409         jointStatusPub = rosNodePtr->advertise<r2_msgs::JointStatusArray>(jointStatusTopic, true);
00410     }
00412     ROS_INFO("Gazebo Interface plugin initialized");
00413 }
00415 void GazeboInterface::update()
00416 {
00417     common::Time currTime = modelPtr->GetWorld()->GetSimTime();
00419     // update joint controller
00420     robotControllerPtr->update();
00422     //publish joint states
00423     if ((currTime - prevStatesUpdateTime).Double() >= jointStatesStepTime)
00424     {
00425         prevStatesUpdateTime = currTime;
00426         sensor_msgs::JointStatePtr msgPtr(new sensor_msgs::JointState);
00427         msgPtr->header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00428         // add all joints to jointState message
00429         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modelPtr->GetJointCount(); ++i)
00430         {
00431             physics::JointPtr jPtr = modelPtr->GetJoint(i);
00433             // joint
00434             std::string name = jPtr->GetName();
00435             msgPtr->name.push_back(name);
00436             msgPtr->position.push_back(jPtr->GetAngle(0).GetAsRadian());
00437             msgPtr->velocity.push_back(jPtr->GetVelocity(0));
00438             msgPtr->effort.push_back(jPtr->GetForce(0));
00440             // motor
00441             std::string::size_type index = name.find("/joint");
00442             if (index != std::string::npos)
00443             {
00444                 msgPtr->name.push_back(name.replace(index, 6, "/motor"));
00445                 msgPtr->position.push_back(jPtr->GetAngle(0).GetAsRadian());
00446                 msgPtr->velocity.push_back(jPtr->GetVelocity(0));
00447                 msgPtr->effort.push_back(jPtr->GetForce(0));
00449                 // encoder
00450                 msgPtr->name.push_back(name.replace(index, 6, "/encoder"));
00451                 msgPtr->position.push_back(jPtr->GetAngle(0).GetAsRadian());
00452                 msgPtr->velocity.push_back(jPtr->GetVelocity(0));
00453                 msgPtr->effort.push_back(jPtr->GetForce(0));
00454             }
00455         }
00456         jointStatePub.publish(msgPtr);
00457     }
00459     //publish joint status
00460     if (advancedMode && (currTime - prevStatusUpdateTime).Double() >= jointStatusStepTime)
00461     {
00462         prevStatusUpdateTime = currTime;
00463         robotControllerPtr->publishJointStatuses(jointStatusPub);
00464     }
00465 }
00467 void GazeboInterface::commandJoints(const sensor_msgs::JointState::ConstPtr& msg)
00468 {
00469     bool setPos = msg->position.size() >= msg->name.size();
00470     bool setVel  = msg->velocity.size() >= msg->name.size();
00471     bool setEffort  = msg->effort.size() >= msg->name.size();
00473     ROS_DEBUG("GazeboInterface received joint command");
00474     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg->name.size(); ++i)
00475     {
00476         if (setPos)
00477         {
00478             robotControllerPtr->setJointPosTarget(msg->name[i], msg->position[i]);
00479         }
00480         if (setVel)
00481         {
00482             robotControllerPtr->setJointVelTarget(msg->name[i], msg->velocity[i]);
00483         }
00484         if (setEffort)
00485         {
00486             robotControllerPtr->setJointEffortTarget(msg->name[i], msg->effort[i]);
00487         }
00488     }
00489 }
00491 // handle control message
00492 void GazeboInterface::controlJoints(const r2_msgs::JointControl::ConstPtr& msg)
00493 {
00494     ROS_DEBUG("GazeboInterface received joint control");
00495     robotControllerPtr->setJointControl(msg);
00496 }
00498 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN(GazeboInterface)

Author(s): rctaylo2
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:32:19