File: gazebo/SetLinkProperties.srv
Raw Message Definition
#This message is deprecated. Please use the version in gazebo_msgs instead.
string link_name # name of link
geometry_msgs/Pose com # center of mass location in link frame
# and orientation of the moment of inertias
# relative to the link frame
bool gravity_mode # set gravity mode on/off
float64 mass # linear mass of link
float64 ixx # moment of inertia
float64 ixy # moment of inertia
float64 ixz # moment of inertia
float64 iyy # moment of inertia
float64 iyz # moment of inertia
float64 izz # moment of inertia
bool success # return true if get info is successful
string status_message # comments if available
Compact Message Definition
string link_name
geometry_msgs/Pose com
bool gravity_mode
float64 mass
float64 ixx
float64 ixy
float64 ixz
float64 iyy
float64 iyz
float64 izz
bool success
string status_message