Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * burst_merger.cpp
00003  * Copyright 2013 University of Massachusetts Lowell
00004  * Author: Jonathan Hasenzahl
00005  */
00007 #include "burst_calc/burst_merger.h"
00008 #include <cstdio>
00013 BurstMerger::BurstMerger()
00014 {
00015     for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
00016         times_[i] = NULL;
00017 }
00022 BurstMerger::~BurstMerger()
00023 {
00024     for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
00025     {
00026         if (times_[i])
00027             delete times_[i];
00028     }
00029 }
00037 void BurstMerger::update()
00038 {
00039     std::vector<int> delete_indexes;
00041     if (list_.size() > 1)
00042     {
00043         // First, compare and merge
00044         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list_.size() - 1; i++)
00045         {
00046             bool stop = false;
00047             for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < list_.size() && !stop; j++)
00048             {
00049                 // Determine if these bursts overlap:
00050                 //   x.start is between y.start and y.finish OR
00051                 //   y.start is between x.start and x.finish
00052                 if ((list_[i].header.stamp >= list_[j].header.stamp &&
00053                      list_[i].header.stamp <= list_[j].end) ||
00054                     (list_[j].header.stamp >= list_[i].header.stamp &&
00055                      list_[j].header.stamp <= list_[i].end))
00056                 {
00057                     printf("**  Merge   : [Sz %4d] [%6.3f - %6.3f] [Ch",
00058                            static_cast<int>(list_[i].dishes.size()),
00059                            list_[i].header.stamp.toSec(), list_[i].end.toSec());
00060                     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < list_[i].channels.size(); k++)
00061                         printf(" %d", list_[i].channels[k]);
00062                     printf("]\n");
00064                     printf("**  +       : [Sz %4d] [%6.3f - %6.3f] [Ch",
00065                            static_cast<int>(list_[j].dishes.size()),
00066                            list_[j].header.stamp.toSec(), list_[j].end.toSec());
00067                     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < list_[j].channels.size(); k++)
00068                         printf(" %d", list_[j].channels[k]);
00069                     printf("]\n");
00071                     // Merge the earlier and later bursts into the later burst
00072                     list_[j] = merge(list_[i], list_[j]);
00074                     printf("**  Result  : [Sz %4d] [%6.3f - %6.3f] [Ch",
00075                            static_cast<int>(list_[j].dishes.size()),
00076                            list_[j].header.stamp.toSec(), list_[j].end.toSec());
00077                     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < list_[j].channels.size(); k++)
00078                         printf(" %d", list_[j].channels[k]);
00079                     printf("]\n");
00081                     delete_indexes.push_back(i);
00082                     stop = true;
00083                 }
00084             }
00085         }
00087         // Delete any elements that were merged (in reverse order so we don't
00088         // lose any elements unintentionally)
00089         if (!delete_indexes.empty())
00090         {
00091             std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator r;
00092             for (r = delete_indexes.rbegin(); r < delete_indexes.rend(); r++)
00093                 list_.erase(list_.begin() + *r);
00094             delete_indexes.clear();
00095         }
00097         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list_.size(); i++)
00098         {
00099             bool stop = false;
00100             for (int j = 0; j < 60 && !stop; j++)
00101             {
00102                 if (times_[j])
00103                 {
00104                     // If the start time of a channel's possible burst occurs
00105                     // before the merged burst's end time, then exit the
00106                     // loop because there is a possibility of a merge later.
00107                     if (*times_[j] <= list_[i].end)
00108                         stop = true;
00109                 }
00110             }
00112             if (!stop)
00113             {
00114                 // There is no possibility for this burst to merge with future
00115                 // bursts on other channels, so let's get it out of here
00116                 final_.push_back(list_[i]);
00117                 delete_indexes.push_back(i);
00118             }
00119         }
00121         // Delete any elements that were finalized (in reverse order so we don't
00122         // lose any elements unintentionally)
00123         if (!delete_indexes.empty())
00124         {
00125             std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator r;
00126             for (r = delete_indexes.rbegin(); r < delete_indexes.rend(); r++)
00127                 list_.erase(list_.begin() + *r);
00128             delete_indexes.clear();
00129         }
00130     }
00131 }
00142 void BurstMerger::updateTime(int index, const ros::Time* t)
00143 {
00144     if (times_[index])
00145         delete times_[index];
00147     if (t)
00148         // Start time of this channel's possible burst
00149         times_[index] = new ros::Time(*t);
00150     else
00151         // Null pointer means that there is no possible burst on this channel
00152         times_[index] = NULL;
00153 }
00165 burst_calc::burst BurstMerger::merge(const burst_calc::burst& b1,
00166                                      const burst_calc::burst& b2)
00167 {
00168     burst_calc::burst x = b1;
00169     burst_calc::burst y = b2;
00171     // Swap x and y if:
00172     //   y ends before x
00173     //     OR
00174     //   x and y end at the same time AND x starts before y
00175     if ((y.end < x.end) ||
00176        ((y.end == x.end) && (x.header.stamp < y.header.stamp)))
00177     {
00178         burst_calc::burst temp = x;
00179         x = y;
00180         y = temp;
00181     }
00183     // If x starts before y, merge x and y
00184     if (x.header.stamp < y.header.stamp)
00185     {
00186         ros::Time start = x.end;
00187         x.end = y.end;
00188         unsigned int index = 0;
00190         while (start >= y.dishes[index].header.stamp)
00191             index++;
00193         for (unsigned int i = index; i < y.dishes.size(); i++)
00194             x.dishes.push_back(y.dishes[i]);
00196         // Append y's channels to x's channels
00197         x.channels.insert(x.channels.end(), y.channels.begin(),
00198                           y.channels.end());
00200         return x;
00201     }
00202     // If x does not start before y, then y contains the entire burst
00203     else
00204     {
00205         // Append x's channels to y's channels
00206         y.channels.insert(y.channels.end(), x.channels.begin(),
00207                           x.channels.end());
00209         return y;
00210     }
00211 }

Author(s): Jonathan Hasenzahl
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:12:30