Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 """
00003 Description:
00004     This creates a concurrence with two states, one state, 'SET', waits three
00005     seconds before setting something in userdata, while another state 'GET'
00006     blocks while checking for thie userdata key, and only returns once it
00007     has been set.
00009 Usage:
00010     $> ./
00012 Output:
00013     [INFO] 1279226335.169182: Concurrence starting with userdata: 
00014             []
00015     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00016     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00017     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00018     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00019     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00020     [INFO] : >>> Waiting for data...
00021     [INFO] : >>> Set data: hello
00022     [INFO] : >>> GOT DATA! x = hello
00023     [INFO] : Concurrent Outcomes: {'SET': 'set_it', 'GET': 'got_it'}
00024 """
00026 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('asmach_tutorials')
00027 import rospy
00028 import asmach as smach
00029 import smach_ros
00031 # Define a state to set some user data
00032 class Setter(smach.State):
00033     def __init__(self, val):
00034         smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes = ['set_it'], output_keys = ['x'])
00035         self._val = val
00036     def execute(self, ud):
00037         # Delay a bit to make this clear
00038         rospy.sleep(3.0)
00039         # Set the data
00040         ud.x = self._val
00041         rospy.loginfo('>>> Set data: %s' % str(self._val))
00042         return 'set_it'
00044 # Define a state to get some user data
00045 class Getter(smach.State):
00046     def __init__(self):
00047         smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes = ['got_it'], input_keys = ['x'])
00048     def execute(self, ud):
00049         # Wait for data to appear
00050         while 'x' not in ud:
00051             rospy.loginfo('>>> Waiting for data...')
00052             rospy.sleep(0.5)
00053         rospy.loginfo('>>> GOT DATA! x = '+str(ud.x))
00054         return 'got_it'
00056 def main():
00057     rospy.init_node('smach_example_concurrence')
00059     # Create a SMACH state machine
00060     cc0 = smach.Concurrence(
00061             outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted'],
00062             default_outcome='aborted',
00063             outcome_map = {'succeeded':{'SET':'set_it','GET':'got_it'}})
00065     # Open the container
00066     with cc0:
00067         # Add states to the container
00068         smach.Concurrence.add('SET', Setter(val='hello'))
00069         smach.Concurrence.add('GET', Getter())
00071     # Execute SMACH plan
00072     outcome = cc0.execute()
00074 if __name__ == '__main__':
00075     main()

Author(s): Jonathan Bohren
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:27:48