actuator_array_driver Documentation

actuator_array_driver: A base class for an ActuatorArrayDriver node

This package contains a base class for an Actuator Array Driver. This is intended for use with chains of R/C Servos or other similar devices where position (and velocity) commands are sent at irregular intervals, as opposed to the tight, real-time control loop of the PR2 Controller Manager system.

This base class performs some standard functionality, such as parsing joint limits out of the robot_description, subscribing to a 'command' topic, publishing on the 'joint_states' topic, and setting up a 'stop' and 'home' service call. This is designed to work as a stand-alone driver for controlling/tele-operating a chain of servos, or in conjunction with the Actuator Array Joint Trajectory Action. However, this is provided as a convenience only, and is not required for successful operation with the Actuator Array Joint Trajectory Action.

actuator_array_driver is a base class for an ActuatorArrayDriver node.

This package contains a base class for an ActuatorArrayDriver. This is intended for use with chains of R/C Servos or other similar devices where position (and velocity) commands are sent at irregular intervals, as opposed to the tight, real-time control loop of the PR2 Controller Manager system.

This base class performs some standard functionality, such as parsing joint limits out of the robot_description, subscribing to a 'command' topic, publishing on the 'joint_states' topic, and setting up a 'stop' and 'home' service call. This is designed to work as a stand-alone driver for controlling/tele-operating a chain of servos, or in conjunction with the ActuatoryArrayTrajectoryController. However, this is provided as a convenience only, and is not required for successful operation with the ActuatoryArrayTrajectoryController.


This package contains a base class for an ActuatorArrayDriver. The base class has capabilities to read the robot_description, subscribe to the 'command' topic, publish on the 'joint_states' topic, and creates a 'stop' and 'home' service. However, the actual communication with the underlying hardware is left to the designer of the derived classes.


The ActuatorArrayDriver base class contains pure virtual functions, and cannot be used directly. Instead, a class should be derived from the ActuatorArrayDriver base class, and custom implementations of the 'command_()', 'read_()', 'stop_()', and 'home_()' must be coded that communicate with the underlying hardware. Additionally, a custom constructor needs to be implemented that, at the very least, sets the joint names in the joints_ map, and initializes the publishers/subscribers/etc. A call to the included 'init()' function in the base class can perform the latter step if desired.

Author(s): Stephen Williams
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:00:24