Typedef rosidl_event_message_create_handle_function_function

Typedef Documentation

typedef void *(*rosidl_event_message_create_handle_function_function)(const rosidl_service_introspection_info_t *info, rcutils_allocator_t *allocator, const void *request_message, const void *response_message)

Creates a ServiceEvent message for the service.

Instantiates a ServiceEvent message with the given info and request/response message. The message is allocated using the given allocator and must be deallocated using the rosidl_service_introspection_destroy_handle

Param info:

[in] POD fields of service_msgs/msg/ServiceEventInfo to be passed from rcl

Param allocator:

[in] The allocator to use for allocating the ServiceEvent message

Param request_message:

[in] type-erased handle to request message from rcl. Can be NULL.

Param response_message:

[in] type-erased handle to request message from rcl. Can be NULL.


The built ServiceEvent message. Will return NULL if the message could not be built.