Struct Context

Struct Documentation

struct Context

Base data structure that a Context will need in any DDS-based RMW implementation mapping one Participant to Multiple Nodes.

Public Members

rmw_gid_t gid

Global ID of the Participant that the Context uses.

rmw_publisher_t *pub

Publisher used to publish ParticipantEntitiesInfo discovery data.

rmw_subscription_t *sub

Subscriber used to listen to ParticipantEntitiesInfo discovery data.

GraphCache graph_cache

Cached graph from discovery data.

std::mutex node_update_mutex

Mutex that should be locked when updating graph cache and publishing a graph message.

std::thread listener_thread

Thread to listen to discovery data.

std::atomic_bool thread_is_running

Indicates if the listener thread is running.

rmw_guard_condition_t *listener_thread_gc

Awakes listener thread when finishing the context.

rmw_guard_condition_t *graph_guard_condition

Guard condition that should be triggered when the graph changes.