Class AsyncParametersClient

Class Documentation

class AsyncParametersClient

Public Functions

inline AsyncParametersClient(const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeBaseInterface::SharedPtr node_base_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeTopicsInterface::SharedPtr node_topics_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeGraphInterface::SharedPtr node_graph_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeServicesInterface::SharedPtr node_services_interface, const std::string &remote_node_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t &qos_profile, rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)

Create an async parameters client.


use rclcpp::QoS instead of rmw_qos_profile_t

  • node_base_interface[in] The node base interface of the corresponding node.

  • node_topics_interface[in] Node topic base interface.

  • node_graph_interface[in] The node graph interface of the corresponding node.

  • node_services_interface[in] Node service interface.

  • remote_node_name[in] Name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] The rmw qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

AsyncParametersClient(const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeBaseInterface::SharedPtr node_base_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeTopicsInterface::SharedPtr node_topics_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeGraphInterface::SharedPtr node_graph_interface, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeServicesInterface::SharedPtr node_services_interface, const std::string &remote_node_name = "", const rclcpp::QoS &qos_profile = rclcpp::ParametersQoS(), rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)

Create an async parameters client.

  • node_base_interface[in] The node base interface of the corresponding node.

  • node_topics_interface[in] Node topic base interface.

  • node_graph_interface[in] The node graph interface of the corresponding node.

  • node_services_interface[in] Node service interface.

  • remote_node_name[in] (optional) name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] (optional) The qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

template<typename NodeT>
inline AsyncParametersClient(const std::shared_ptr<NodeT> node, const std::string &remote_node_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t &qos_profile, rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)



use rclcpp::QoS instead of rmw_qos_profile_t

  • node[in] The async parameters client will be added to this node.

  • remote_node_name[in] name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] The rmw qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

template<typename NodeT>
inline explicit AsyncParametersClient(const std::shared_ptr<NodeT> node, const std::string &remote_node_name = "", const rclcpp::QoS &qos_profile = rclcpp::ParametersQoS(), rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)
  • node[in] The async parameters client will be added to this node.

  • remote_node_name[in] (optional) name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] (optional) The qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

template<typename NodeT>
inline AsyncParametersClient(NodeT *node, const std::string &remote_node_name, const rmw_qos_profile_t &qos_profile, rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)



use rclcpp::QoS instead of rmw_qos_profile_t

  • node[in] The async parameters client will be added to this node.

  • remote_node_name[in] Name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] The rmw qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

template<typename NodeT>
inline explicit AsyncParametersClient(NodeT *node, const std::string &remote_node_name = "", const rclcpp::QoS &qos_profile = rclcpp::ParametersQoS(), rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group = nullptr)
  • node[in] The async parameters client will be added to this node.

  • remote_node_name[in] (optional) name of the remote node

  • qos_profile[in] (optional) The qos profile to use to subscribe

  • group[in] (optional) The async parameter client will be added to this callback group.

std::shared_future<std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter>> get_parameters(const std::vector<std::string> &names, std::function<void(std::shared_future<std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter>>)> callback = nullptr)
std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor>> describe_parameters(const std::vector<std::string> &names, std::function<void(std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor>>)> callback = nullptr)
std::shared_future<std::vector<rclcpp::ParameterType>> get_parameter_types(const std::vector<std::string> &names, std::function<void(std::shared_future<std::vector<rclcpp::ParameterType>>)> callback = nullptr)
std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>> set_parameters(const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> &parameters, std::function<void(std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>>)> callback = nullptr)
std::shared_future<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult> set_parameters_atomically(const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> &parameters, std::function<void(std::shared_future<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>)> callback = nullptr)
std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>> delete_parameters(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters_names)

Delete several parameters at once.

This function behaves like command-line tool ros2 param delete would.


parameters_names – vector of parameters names


the future of the set_parameter service used to delete the parameters

std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>> load_parameters(const std::string &yaml_filename)

Load parameters from yaml file.

This function behaves like command-line tool ros2 param load would.


yaml_filename – the full name of the yaml file


the future of the set_parameter service used to load the parameters

std::shared_future<std::vector<rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult>> load_parameters(const rclcpp::ParameterMap &parameter_map)

Load parameters from parameter map.

This function filters the parameters to be set based on the node name.

If two duplicate keys exist in node names belongs to one FQN, there is no guarantee which one could be set.


parameter_map – named parameters to be loaded


InvalidParametersException – if there is no parameter to set


the future of the set_parameter service used to load the parameters

std::shared_future<rcl_interfaces::msg::ListParametersResult> list_parameters(const std::vector<std::string> &prefixes, uint64_t depth, std::function<void(std::shared_future<rcl_interfaces::msg::ListParametersResult>)> callback = nullptr)
template<typename CallbackT, typename AllocatorT = std::allocator<void>>
inline rclcpp::Subscription<rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterEvent>::SharedPtr on_parameter_event(CallbackT &&callback, const rclcpp::QoS &qos = rclcpp::ParameterEventsQoS(), const rclcpp::SubscriptionOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT> &options = (rclcpp::SubscriptionOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT>()))
bool service_is_ready() const

Return if the parameter services are ready.

This method checks the following services:

  • get parameter

  • get parameter

  • set parameters

  • list parameters

  • describe parameters


true if the service is ready, false otherwise

template<typename RepT = int64_t, typename RatioT = std::milli>
inline bool wait_for_service(std::chrono::duration<RepT, RatioT> timeout = std::chrono::duration<RepT, RatioT>(-1))

Wait for the services to be ready.


timeout – maximum time to wait


true if the services are ready and the timeout is not over, false otherwise

Public Static Functions

template<typename CallbackT, typename NodeT, typename AllocatorT = std::allocator<void>>
static inline rclcpp::Subscription<rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterEvent>::SharedPtr on_parameter_event(NodeT &&node, CallbackT &&callback, const rclcpp::QoS &qos = rclcpp::ParameterEventsQoS(), const rclcpp::SubscriptionOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT> &options = (rclcpp::SubscriptionOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT>()))

The NodeT type only needs to have a method called get_node_topics_interface() which returns a shared_ptr to a NodeTopicsInterface, or be a NodeTopicsInterface pointer itself.

Protected Functions

bool wait_for_service_nanoseconds(std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout)