.. _program_listing_file_include_rclcpp_strategies_allocator_memory_strategy.hpp: Program Listing for File allocator_memory_strategy.hpp ====================================================== |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``include/rclcpp/strategies/allocator_memory_strategy.hpp``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp // Copyright 2015 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef RCLCPP__STRATEGIES__ALLOCATOR_MEMORY_STRATEGY_HPP_ #define RCLCPP__STRATEGIES__ALLOCATOR_MEMORY_STRATEGY_HPP_ #include #include #include "rcl/allocator.h" #include "rclcpp/allocator/allocator_common.hpp" #include "rclcpp/detail/add_guard_condition_to_rcl_wait_set.hpp" #include "rclcpp/memory_strategy.hpp" #include "rclcpp/node.hpp" #include "rclcpp/visibility_control.hpp" #include "rcutils/logging_macros.h" #include "rmw/types.h" namespace rclcpp { namespace memory_strategies { namespace allocator_memory_strategy { template> class AllocatorMemoryStrategy : public memory_strategy::MemoryStrategy { public: RCLCPP_SMART_PTR_DEFINITIONS(AllocatorMemoryStrategy) using VoidAllocTraits = typename allocator::AllocRebind; using VoidAlloc = typename VoidAllocTraits::allocator_type; explicit AllocatorMemoryStrategy(std::shared_ptr allocator) { allocator_ = std::make_shared(*allocator.get()); } AllocatorMemoryStrategy() { allocator_ = std::make_shared(); } void add_guard_condition(const rclcpp::GuardCondition & guard_condition) override { for (const auto & existing_guard_condition : guard_conditions_) { if (existing_guard_condition == &guard_condition) { return; } } guard_conditions_.push_back(&guard_condition); } void remove_guard_condition(const rclcpp::GuardCondition * guard_condition) override { for (auto it = guard_conditions_.begin(); it != guard_conditions_.end(); ++it) { if (*it == guard_condition) { guard_conditions_.erase(it); break; } } } void clear_handles() override { subscription_handles_.clear(); service_handles_.clear(); client_handles_.clear(); timer_handles_.clear(); waitable_handles_.clear(); } void remove_null_handles(rcl_wait_set_t * wait_set) override { // TODO(jacobperron): Check if wait set sizes are what we expect them to be? // e.g. wait_set->size_of_clients == client_handles_.size() // Important to use subscription_handles_.size() instead of wait set's size since // there may be more subscriptions in the wait set due to Waitables added to the end. // The same logic applies for other entities. for (size_t i = 0; i < subscription_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!wait_set->subscriptions[i]) { subscription_handles_[i].reset(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < service_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!wait_set->services[i]) { service_handles_[i].reset(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < client_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!wait_set->clients[i]) { client_handles_[i].reset(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < timer_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!wait_set->timers[i]) { timer_handles_[i].reset(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < waitable_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!waitable_handles_[i]->is_ready(*wait_set)) { waitable_handles_[i].reset(); } } subscription_handles_.erase( std::remove(subscription_handles_.begin(), subscription_handles_.end(), nullptr), subscription_handles_.end() ); service_handles_.erase( std::remove(service_handles_.begin(), service_handles_.end(), nullptr), service_handles_.end() ); client_handles_.erase( std::remove(client_handles_.begin(), client_handles_.end(), nullptr), client_handles_.end() ); timer_handles_.erase( std::remove(timer_handles_.begin(), timer_handles_.end(), nullptr), timer_handles_.end() ); waitable_handles_.erase( std::remove(waitable_handles_.begin(), waitable_handles_.end(), nullptr), waitable_handles_.end() ); } bool collect_entities(const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { bool has_invalid_weak_groups_or_nodes = false; for (const auto & pair : weak_groups_to_nodes) { auto group = pair.first.lock(); auto node = pair.second.lock(); if (group == nullptr || node == nullptr) { has_invalid_weak_groups_or_nodes = true; continue; } if (!group || !group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { continue; } group->collect_all_ptrs( [this](const rclcpp::SubscriptionBase::SharedPtr & subscription) { subscription_handles_.push_back(subscription->get_subscription_handle()); }, [this](const rclcpp::ServiceBase::SharedPtr & service) { service_handles_.push_back(service->get_service_handle()); }, [this](const rclcpp::ClientBase::SharedPtr & client) { client_handles_.push_back(client->get_client_handle()); }, [this](const rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr & timer) { timer_handles_.push_back(timer->get_timer_handle()); }, [this](const rclcpp::Waitable::SharedPtr & waitable) { waitable_handles_.push_back(waitable); }); } return has_invalid_weak_groups_or_nodes; } void add_waitable_handle(const rclcpp::Waitable::SharedPtr & waitable) override { if (nullptr == waitable) { throw std::runtime_error("waitable object unexpectedly nullptr"); } waitable_handles_.push_back(waitable); } bool add_handles_to_wait_set(rcl_wait_set_t * wait_set) override { for (const std::shared_ptr & subscription : subscription_handles_) { if (rcl_wait_set_add_subscription(wait_set, subscription.get(), NULL) != RCL_RET_OK) { RCUTILS_LOG_ERROR_NAMED( "rclcpp", "Couldn't add subscription to wait set: %s", rcl_get_error_string().str); return false; } } for (const std::shared_ptr & client : client_handles_) { if (rcl_wait_set_add_client(wait_set, client.get(), NULL) != RCL_RET_OK) { RCUTILS_LOG_ERROR_NAMED( "rclcpp", "Couldn't add client to wait set: %s", rcl_get_error_string().str); return false; } } for (const std::shared_ptr & service : service_handles_) { if (rcl_wait_set_add_service(wait_set, service.get(), NULL) != RCL_RET_OK) { RCUTILS_LOG_ERROR_NAMED( "rclcpp", "Couldn't add service to wait set: %s", rcl_get_error_string().str); return false; } } for (const std::shared_ptr & timer : timer_handles_) { if (rcl_wait_set_add_timer(wait_set, timer.get(), NULL) != RCL_RET_OK) { RCUTILS_LOG_ERROR_NAMED( "rclcpp", "Couldn't add timer to wait set: %s", rcl_get_error_string().str); return false; } } for (auto guard_condition : guard_conditions_) { detail::add_guard_condition_to_rcl_wait_set(*wait_set, *guard_condition); } for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { waitable->add_to_wait_set(*wait_set); } return true; } void get_next_subscription( rclcpp::AnyExecutable & any_exec, const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { auto it = subscription_handles_.begin(); while (it != subscription_handles_.end()) { auto subscription = get_subscription_by_handle(*it, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (subscription) { // Find the group for this handle and see if it can be serviced auto group = get_group_by_subscription(subscription, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (!group) { // Group was not found, meaning the subscription is not valid... // Remove it from the ready list and continue looking it = subscription_handles_.erase(it); continue; } if (!group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { // Group is mutually exclusive and is being used, so skip it for now // Leave it to be checked next time, but continue searching ++it; continue; } // Otherwise it is safe to set and return the any_exec any_exec.subscription = subscription; any_exec.callback_group = group; any_exec.node_base = get_node_by_group(group, weak_groups_to_nodes); subscription_handles_.erase(it); return; } // Else, the subscription is no longer valid, remove it and continue it = subscription_handles_.erase(it); } } void get_next_service( rclcpp::AnyExecutable & any_exec, const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { auto it = service_handles_.begin(); while (it != service_handles_.end()) { auto service = get_service_by_handle(*it, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (service) { // Find the group for this handle and see if it can be serviced auto group = get_group_by_service(service, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (!group) { // Group was not found, meaning the service is not valid... // Remove it from the ready list and continue looking it = service_handles_.erase(it); continue; } if (!group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { // Group is mutually exclusive and is being used, so skip it for now // Leave it to be checked next time, but continue searching ++it; continue; } // Otherwise it is safe to set and return the any_exec any_exec.service = service; any_exec.callback_group = group; any_exec.node_base = get_node_by_group(group, weak_groups_to_nodes); service_handles_.erase(it); return; } // Else, the service is no longer valid, remove it and continue it = service_handles_.erase(it); } } void get_next_client( rclcpp::AnyExecutable & any_exec, const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { auto it = client_handles_.begin(); while (it != client_handles_.end()) { auto client = get_client_by_handle(*it, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (client) { // Find the group for this handle and see if it can be serviced auto group = get_group_by_client(client, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (!group) { // Group was not found, meaning the service is not valid... // Remove it from the ready list and continue looking it = client_handles_.erase(it); continue; } if (!group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { // Group is mutually exclusive and is being used, so skip it for now // Leave it to be checked next time, but continue searching ++it; continue; } // Otherwise it is safe to set and return the any_exec any_exec.client = client; any_exec.callback_group = group; any_exec.node_base = get_node_by_group(group, weak_groups_to_nodes); client_handles_.erase(it); return; } // Else, the service is no longer valid, remove it and continue it = client_handles_.erase(it); } } void get_next_timer( rclcpp::AnyExecutable & any_exec, const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { auto it = timer_handles_.begin(); while (it != timer_handles_.end()) { auto timer = get_timer_by_handle(*it, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (timer) { // Find the group for this handle and see if it can be serviced auto group = get_group_by_timer(timer, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (!group) { // Group was not found, meaning the timer is not valid... // Remove it from the ready list and continue looking it = timer_handles_.erase(it); continue; } if (!group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { // Group is mutually exclusive and is being used, so skip it for now // Leave it to be checked next time, but continue searching ++it; continue; } auto data = timer->call(); if (!data) { // timer was cancelled, skip it. ++it; continue; } // Otherwise it is safe to set and return the any_exec any_exec.timer = timer; any_exec.callback_group = group; any_exec.node_base = get_node_by_group(group, weak_groups_to_nodes); any_exec.data = data; timer_handles_.erase(it); return; } // Else, the timer is no longer valid, remove it and continue it = timer_handles_.erase(it); } } void get_next_waitable( rclcpp::AnyExecutable & any_exec, const WeakCallbackGroupsToNodesMap & weak_groups_to_nodes) override { auto it = waitable_handles_.begin(); while (it != waitable_handles_.end()) { std::shared_ptr & waitable = *it; if (waitable) { // Find the group for this handle and see if it can be serviced auto group = get_group_by_waitable(waitable, weak_groups_to_nodes); if (!group) { // Group was not found, meaning the waitable is not valid... // Remove it from the ready list and continue looking it = waitable_handles_.erase(it); continue; } if (!group->can_be_taken_from().load()) { // Group is mutually exclusive and is being used, so skip it for now // Leave it to be checked next time, but continue searching ++it; continue; } // Otherwise it is safe to set and return the any_exec any_exec.waitable = waitable; any_exec.callback_group = group; any_exec.node_base = get_node_by_group(group, weak_groups_to_nodes); waitable_handles_.erase(it); return; } // Else, the waitable is no longer valid, remove it and continue it = waitable_handles_.erase(it); } } rcl_allocator_t get_allocator() override { return rclcpp::allocator::get_rcl_allocator(*allocator_.get()); } size_t number_of_ready_subscriptions() const override { size_t number_of_subscriptions = subscription_handles_.size(); for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_subscriptions += waitable->get_number_of_ready_subscriptions(); } return number_of_subscriptions; } size_t number_of_ready_services() const override { size_t number_of_services = service_handles_.size(); for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_services += waitable->get_number_of_ready_services(); } return number_of_services; } size_t number_of_ready_events() const override { size_t number_of_events = 0; for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_events += waitable->get_number_of_ready_events(); } return number_of_events; } size_t number_of_ready_clients() const override { size_t number_of_clients = client_handles_.size(); for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_clients += waitable->get_number_of_ready_clients(); } return number_of_clients; } size_t number_of_guard_conditions() const override { size_t number_of_guard_conditions = guard_conditions_.size(); for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_guard_conditions += waitable->get_number_of_ready_guard_conditions(); } return number_of_guard_conditions; } size_t number_of_ready_timers() const override { size_t number_of_timers = timer_handles_.size(); for (const std::shared_ptr & waitable : waitable_handles_) { number_of_timers += waitable->get_number_of_ready_timers(); } return number_of_timers; } size_t number_of_waitables() const override { return waitable_handles_.size(); } private: template using VectorRebind = std::vector::template rebind_alloc>; VectorRebind guard_conditions_; VectorRebind> subscription_handles_; VectorRebind> service_handles_; VectorRebind> client_handles_; VectorRebind> timer_handles_; VectorRebind> waitable_handles_; std::shared_ptr allocator_; }; } // namespace allocator_memory_strategy } // namespace memory_strategies } // namespace rclcpp #endif // RCLCPP__STRATEGIES__ALLOCATOR_MEMORY_STRATEGY_HPP_