launch.launch_description_sources.any_launch_description_source module

Module for the AnyLaunchDescriptionSource class.

class launch.launch_description_sources.any_launch_description_source.AnyLaunchDescriptionSource[source]

Bases: LaunchDescriptionSource

Encapsulation of a launch file, which can be loaded during launch.

This launch description source will attempt to load a launch file based on its extension first, then it will try to load the file as a python launch file, and then as a declarative (markup based) launch file. It is recommended to use specific LaunchDescriptionSource subclasses when possible.

__init__(launch_file_path: str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution]) None[source]

Create an AnyLaunchDescriptionSource.

If a relative path is passed, it will be relative to the current working directory wherever the launch file was run from.


launch_file_path – the path to the launch file. It can be made up of Substitution instances which are expanded when get_launch_description() is called.