
Module for SignalProcess event.


Bases: ProcessTargetedEvent

Event emitted when a signal should be sent to a process.

__init__(*, signal_number: str | Signals, process_matcher: Callable[[ExecuteLocal], bool]) None[source]

Create a SignalProcess event.

Takes an optional process matcher, which can be used to match the signal to a process.

Since Windows does not support SIGKILL, the string ‘SIGKILL’ can be given instead of signal.SIGKILL. Handlers of this event can then check for the ‘SIGKILL’ string and do the appropriate thing on Windows instead of sending a signal.


either the string ‘SIGKILL’ or a signal.Signals

name = ''
property signal: str | Signals

Getter for signal, it will be ‘SIGKILL’ or match something from the signal module.

property signal_name: str

Getter for signal_name.

It will be something like (e.g.) ‘SIGINT’.