launch.event_handlers.on_action_event_base module

Module for OnActionEventBase class.

class launch.event_handlers.on_action_event_base.OnActionEventBase[source]

Bases: BaseEventHandler

Base event handler for events that have a source action.

__init__(*, action_matcher: Callable[[Action], bool] | Action | None, on_event: LaunchDescriptionEntity | Iterable[LaunchDescriptionEntity] | Callable[[Event, LaunchContext], LaunchDescriptionEntity | Iterable[LaunchDescriptionEntity] | None], target_event_cls: Type[Event], target_action_cls: Type[Action], **kwargs) None[source]

Construct a OnActionEventBase instance.

  • action_matcherExecuteProcess instance or callable to filter events from which process/processes to handle.

  • on_event – Action to be done to handle the event.

  • target_event_cls – A subclass of Event, indicating which events should be handled.

  • target_action_cls – A subclass of Action, indicating which kind of action can generate the event.

describe() Tuple[str, List[LaunchDescriptionEntity | Iterable[LaunchDescriptionEntity]]][source]

Return a description tuple.

handle(event: Event, context: LaunchContext) LaunchDescriptionEntity | Iterable[LaunchDescriptionEntity] | None[source]

Handle the given event.

property handler_description: str

Return the string description of the handler.

property matcher_description: str

Return the string description of the matcher.