launch.conditions.launch_configuration_not_equals module

Module for LaunchConfigurationNotEquals class.

class launch.conditions.launch_configuration_not_equals.LaunchConfigurationNotEquals[source]

Bases: LaunchConfigurationEquals

Condition on the value of a launch configuration.

This condition takes an optional string expression that is compared with the value of a launch configuration. If the value is not equal to the launch configuration value, then this Condition evaluates to True. The expression may consist of launch.Substitution instances.

If None is provided instead of a string expression, then the condition evaluates to True if the launch configuration is set.

Deprecated since version 1.1.0: Replaced by the more universally usable substitutions: ‘EqualsSubstitution’ and ‘NotEqualsSubstitution’

__init__(launch_configuration_name: str, expected_value: str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution] | None) None[source]
describe() str[source]

Return a description of this Condition.