launch.actions.set_launch_configuration module

Module for the SetLaunchConfiguration action.

class launch.actions.set_launch_configuration.SetLaunchConfiguration[source]

Bases: Action

Action that sets a launch configuration by name.

Launch configurations can be accessed by the LaunchConfiguration substitution and are accessible after being set, even in included LaunchDescription’s, but can be scoped with groups.

__init__(name: str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution], value: str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution], **kwargs) None[source]

Create a SetLaunchConfiguration action.

execute(context: LaunchContext)[source]

Execute the action.

property name: List[Substitution]

Getter for self.__name.

classmethod parse(entity: Entity, parser: Parser)[source]

Return SetLaunchConfiguration action and kwargs for constructing it.

property value: List[Substitution]

Getter for self.__value.