launch.actions.reset_launch_configurations module

Module for the ResetLaunchConfigurations action.

class launch.actions.reset_launch_configurations.ResetLaunchConfigurations[source]

Bases: Action

Action that resets launch configurations in the current context.

This action can be used to clear the launch configurations from the context it was called in. It optionally can be given a dictionary with launch configurations to be set after clearing. Launch configurations given in the dictionary are evaluated before the context launch configurations are cleared. This allows launch configurations to be passed through the clearing of the context.

If launch_configurations is None or an empty dict then all launch configurations will be cleared.

If launch_configurations has entries (i.e. {‘foo’: ‘FOO’}) then these will be set after the clearing operation.

__init__(launch_configurations: Dict[str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution], str | Substitution | Iterable[str | Substitution]] | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]

Create an ResetLaunchConfigurations action.

execute(context: LaunchContext)[source]

Execute the action.

classmethod parse(entity: Entity, parser: Parser)[source]

Return ResetLaunchConfigurations action and kwargs for constructing it.