launch.actions.opaque_coroutine module

Module for the OpaqueCoroutine action.

class launch.actions.opaque_coroutine.OpaqueCoroutine[source]

Bases: Action

Action that adds a Python coroutine function to the launch run loop.

The signature of the coroutine function should be:

async def coroutine_func(
    context: LaunchContext,

if ignore_context is False on construction (currently the default), or

async def coroutine_func(

if ignore_context is True on construction.

__init__(*, coroutine: Callable[[...], Awaitable[None]], args: Iterable[Any] | None = None, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, ignore_context: bool = False, **left_over_kwargs) None[source]

Create an OpaqueCoroutine action.

execute(context: LaunchContext) List[LaunchDescriptionEntity] | None[source]

Execute the action.

get_asyncio_future() Future | None[source]

Return an asyncio Future, used to let the launch system know when we’re done.