Class Odometry2DPublisher

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public fuse_core::AsyncPublisher

Class Documentation

class Odometry2DPublisher : public fuse_core::AsyncPublisher

publishes a nav_msgs::msg::Odometry message and broadcasts a tf transform for optimized 2D state data (combination of Position2DStamped, Orientation2DStamped, VelocityLinear2DStamped, and VelocityAngular2DStamped, AccelerationLinear2DStamped).


  • device_id (uuid string, default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) The device/robot ID to publish

  • device_name (string) Used to generate the device/robot ID if the device_id is not provided

  • publish_tf (bool, default: true) Whether to publish the generated pose data as a transform to the tf tree

  • predict_to_current_time (bool, default: false) The tf publication happens at a fixed rate. This parameter specifies whether we should predict, using the 2D unicycle model, the state at the time of the tf publication, rather than the last posterior (optimized) state.

  • publish_frequency (double, default: 10.0) How often, in Hz, we publish the filtered state data and broadcast the transform

  • tf_cache_time (double, default: 10.0) The length of our tf cache (only used if the world_frame_id and the map_frame_id are the same)

  • tf_timeout (double, default: 0.1) Our tf lookup timeout period (only used if the world_frame_id and the map_frame_id are the same)

  • queue_size (int, default: 1) The size of our ROS publication queue

  • map_frame_id (string, default: “map”) Our map frame_id

  • odom_frame_id (string, default: “odom”) Our odom frame_id

  • base_link_frame_id (string, default: “base_link”) Our base_link (body) frame_id

  • world_frame_id (string, default: “odom”) The frame_id that will be published as the parent frame for the output. Must be either the map_frame_id or the odom_frame_id.

  • topic (string, default: “odometry/filtered”) The ROS topic to which we will publish the filtered state data


  • odometry/filtered (nav_msgs::msg::Odometry) The most recent optimized state, gives as an odometry message

  • tf (via a tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster) The most recent optimized state, as a tf transform


  • tf, tf_static (tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage) Subscribes to tf data to obtain the requisite odom->base_link transform, but only if the world_frame_id is set to the value of the map_frame_id.

Public Types

using ParameterType = parameters::Odometry2DPublisherParams

Public Functions



virtual ~Odometry2DPublisher() = default


void initialize(fuse_core::node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<ALL_FUSE_CORE_NODE_INTERFACES> interfaces, const std::string &name) override

Shadowing extension to the AsyncPublisher::initialize call.

Protected Types

using Synchronizer = fuse_publishers::StampedVariableSynchronizer<fuse_variables::Orientation2DStamped, fuse_variables::Position2DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityLinear2DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityAngular2DStamped, fuse_variables::AccelerationLinear2DStamped>

Object that searches for the most recent common timestamp for a set of variables.

Protected Functions

void onInit() override

Perform any required post-construction initialization, such as advertising publishers or reading from the parameter server.

void notifyCallback(fuse_core::Transaction::ConstSharedPtr transaction, fuse_core::Graph::ConstSharedPtr graph) override

Fires whenever an optimized graph has been computed.

  • transaction[in] A Transaction object, describing the set of variables that have been added and/or removed

  • graph[in] A read-only pointer to the graph object, allowing queries to be performed whenever needed

void onStart() override

Perform any required operations before the first call to notify() occurs.

void onStop() override

Perform any required operations to stop publications.

bool getState(const fuse_core::Graph &graph, const rclcpp::Time &stamp, const fuse_core::UUID &device_id, fuse_core::UUID &position_uuid, fuse_core::UUID &orientation_uuid, fuse_core::UUID &velocity_linear_uuid, fuse_core::UUID &velocity_angular_uuid, fuse_core::UUID &acceleration_linear_uuid, nav_msgs::msg::Odometry &odometry, geometry_msgs::msg::AccelWithCovarianceStamped &acceleration)

Retrieves the given variable values at the requested time from the graph.

  • graph[in] The graph from which we will retrieve the state

  • stamp[in] The time stamp at which we want the state

  • device_id[in] The device ID for which we want the given variables

  • position_uuid[out] The UUID of the position variable that gets extracted from the graph

  • orientation_uuid[out] The UUID of the orientation variable that gets extracted from the graph

  • velocity_linear_uuid[out] The UUID of the linear velocity variable that gets extracted from the graph

  • velocity_angular_uuid[out] The UUID of the angular velocity variable that gets extracted from the graph

  • acceleration_linear_uuid[out] The UUID of the linear acceleration variable that gets extracted from the graph

  • odometry[out] All of the fuse pose and velocity variable values get packed into this structure

  • acceleration[out] All of the fuse acceleration variable values get packed into this structure


true if the checks pass, false otherwise

void publishTimerCallback()

Timer callback method for the filtered state publication and tf broadcasting.


event[in] The timer event parameters that are associated with the given invocation

Protected Attributes

fuse_core::node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<fuse_core::node_interfaces::Base, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Clock, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Logging, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Parameters, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Timers, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Topics, fuse_core::node_interfaces::Waitables> interfaces_

Shadows AsyncPublisher interfaces_.

fuse_core::UUID device_id_

The UUID of this device.

rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock_

The publisher’s clock, for timestamping and logging.

rclcpp::Logger logger_

The publisher’s logger.

ParameterType params_
rclcpp::Time latest_stamp_
rclcpp::Time latest_covariance_stamp_
bool latest_covariance_valid_ = {false}

Whether the latest covariance computed is valid or not.

nav_msgs::msg::Odometry odom_output_
geometry_msgs::msg::AccelWithCovarianceStamped acceleration_output_

Object that tracks the latest common timestamp of multiple variables.

Synchronizer synchronizer_
std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::Buffer> tf_buffer_
rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>::SharedPtr odom_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::AccelWithCovarianceStamped>::SharedPtr acceleration_pub_
std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster> tf_broadcaster_ = nullptr
std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformListener> tf_listener_
fuse_core::DelayedThrottleFilter delayed_throttle_filter_ = {10.0}

A ros::console filter to print delayed throttle messages, that can be reset on start

rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr publish_timer_
std::mutex mutex_

A mutex to protect the access to the attributes used concurrently by the notifyCallback and publishTimerCallback methods: latest_stamp_, latest_covariance_stamp_, odom_output_ and acceleration_output_