Class AsyncSensorModel

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class AsyncSensorModel : public fuse_core::SensorModel

A sensor model base class that provides an internal callback queue and executor.

A sensor model plugin is responsible for generating new constraints, packaging them in a fuse_core::Transaction object, and passing them along to the optimizer. The asynchronous sensor model plugin is designed similar to a nodelet plugin, attempting to be as generic and easy to use as a standard ROS node.

There are a few notable differences between the asynchronous sensor model plugin and a standard ROS node. First and most obvious, the sensor model is designed as a plugin, with all of the stipulations and requirements that come with all ROS plugins (must be derived from a known base class, will be default constructed). Second, the base AsyncSensorModel class accepts node interfaces for a node that is hooked to a local callback queue and local executor on init. This makes it act like a full ROS node — subscriptions trigger message callbacks, callbacks will fire sequentially, etc. However, authors of derived sensor models should be aware of this fact and avoid creating additional sub-nodes, or at least take care when creating new sub-nodes and additional callback queues. Finally, instead of publishing the generated constraints using a ROS publisher, the asynchronous sensor model provides a “sendTransaction()” method that should be called whenever the sensor is ready to send a fuse_core::Transaction object to the Optimizer. Under the hood, this executes the TransactionCallback that was provided during plugin construction.

Derived classes:

  • must implement the onInit() method. This method is used to configure the sensor model for operation. This includes things like accessing the parameter server and subscribing to sensor topics.

  • may optionally implement the onGraphUpdate() method. This should only be done if the derived sensor needs access to the latest values of the state variables. In many cases, sensors will simply not need that information. If the sensor does need access to the graph, the most common implementation will simply be to move the provided pointer into a class member variable, for use in other callbacks.

    void onGraphUpdate(Graph::ConstSharedPtr graph) override { this->graph_ = std::move(graph); }

  • will probably subscribe to a sensor message topic and write a custom message callback function. Within that function, the derived class will generate new constraints based on the received sensor data.

  • must call sendTransaction() every time new constraints are generated. This is how constraints are sent to the optimizer. Otherwise, the optimizer will not know about the derived sensor’s constraints, and the sensor will have no effect.

Public Functions

virtual ~AsyncSensorModel()


virtual void graphCallback(Graph::ConstSharedPtr graph) override

Function to be executed whenever the optimizer has completed a Graph update.

This method will be called by the optimizer, in the optimizer’s thread, after each Graph update is complete. This implementation repackages the provided graph, and inserts a call to onGraphUpdate() into this sensor’s callback queue. This is meant to simplify thread synchronization. If this sensor uses a single-threaded executor, then all callbacks will fire sequentially and no semaphores are needed. If this sensor uses a multi-threaded executor, then normal multithreading rules apply and data accessed in more than one place should be guarded.


graph[in] A read-only pointer to the graph object, allowing queries to be performed whenever needed.

virtual void initialize(node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<ALL_FUSE_CORE_NODE_INTERFACES> interfaces, const std::string &name, TransactionCallback transaction_callback) override

Perform any required post-construction initialization, such as subscribing to topics or reading from the parameter server.

This will be called for each plugin after construction and after the ROS node has been initialized. The provided node will be in a namespace based on the plugin’s name. This should prevent conflicts and allow the same plugin to be used multiple times with different settings and topics.

  • name[in] A unique name to give this plugin instance

  • transaction_callback[in] The function to call every time a transaction is published


runtime_error – if already initialized

void sendTransaction(Transaction::SharedPtr transaction)

Send a transaction to the Optimizer.

It is expected that sensor model plugins will generate new constraints (packaged inside a Transaction) as a result of received sensor data. Instead of the Optimizer periodically checking for new transactions, we provide a “push” mechanism for the sensor model to send the transaction to the Optimizer immediately by calling the callback function provided by the Optimizer. This function will be executed by the SensorModel’s thread.

This should be called by derived classes whenever a new Transaction is generated, probably from within the sensor message callback function.


transaction[in] A Transaction object describing the set of variables that have been added and removed.

inline virtual const std::string &name() const override

Get the unique name of this sensor.

virtual void start() override

Function to be executed whenever the optimizer is ready to receive transactions.

This method will be called by the optimizer, in the optimizer’s thread, once the optimizer has been initialized and is ready to receive transactions. It may also be called as part of a stop-start cycle when the optimizer has been requested to reset itself. This allows the sensor model to reset any internal state before the optimizer begins processing after a reset.

This implementation inserts a call to onStart() into this sensor model’s callback queue. This method then blocks until the call to onStart() has completed. This is meant to simplify thread synchronization. If this sensor model uses a single-threaded executor, then all callbacks will fire sequentially and no semaphores are needed. If this sensor model uses a multithreaded executor, then normal multithreading rules apply and data accessed in more than one place should be guarded.

virtual void stop() override

Function to be executed whenever the optimizer is no longer ready to receive transactions.

This method will be called by the optimizer, in the optimizer’s thread, before the optimizer shutdowns. It may also be called as part of a stop-start cycle when the optimizer has been requested to reset itself. This allows the sensor model to reset any internal state before the optimizer begins processing after a reset.

This implementation inserts a call to onStop() into this sensor model’s callback queue. This method then blocks until the call to onStop() has completed. This is meant to simplify thread synchronization. If this sensor model uses a single-threaded executor, then all callbacks will fire sequentially and no semaphores are needed. If this sensor model uses a multithreaded executor, then normal multithreading rules apply and data accessed in more than one place should be guarded.

Protected Functions

explicit AsyncSensorModel(size_t thread_count = 1)


Construct a new sensor model and create a local callback queue and internal executor.


thread_count[in] The number of threads used to service the local callback queue

inline virtual void onGraphUpdate(Graph::ConstSharedPtr)

Callback fired in the local callback queue thread(s) whenever a new Graph is received from the optimizer.

Receiving a new Graph object generally means that new variables have been inserted into the Graph, and new optimized values are available. To simplify synchronization between the sensor models and other consumers of Graph data, the provided Graph object will never be updated be updated by anyone. Thus, only read access to the Graph is provided. Information may be accessed or computed, but it cannot be changed. The optimizer provides the sensors with Graph updates by sending a new Graph object, not by modifying the Graph object.

If the derived sensor model does not need access to the Graph object, there is not reason to overload this empty implementation.


graph[in] A read-only pointer to the graph object, allowing queries to be performed whenever needed.

inline virtual void onInit()

Perform any required initialization for the sensor model.

This could include things like reading from the parameter server or subscribing to topics. The class’s node will be properly initialized before onInit() is called. Spinning of the callback queue will not begin until after the call to onInit() completes.

Derived sensor models classes must implement this function, because otherwise I’m not sure how the derived sensor model would actually do anything.

inline virtual void onStart()

Perform any required operations to prepare for sending transactions to the optimizer.

This function will be called once after initialize(). It may also be called at any time after a call to stop().

The sensor model must not send any transactions to the optimizer before onStart() is called.

inline virtual void onStop()

Perform any required operations to stop sending transactions to the optimizer.

This function will be called once before destruction. It may also be called at any time after a call to start().

The sensor model must not send any transactions to the optimizer after stop() is called.

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr<fuse_core::CallbackAdapter> callback_queue_

The callback queue used for fuse internal callbacks.

std::string name_

The unique name for this sensor model instance.

node_interfaces::NodeInterfaces<node_interfaces::Base, node_interfaces::Waitables> interfaces_

The node interfaces.

rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr cb_group_

Internal re-entrant callback group.

rclcpp::Executor::SharedPtr executor_

A single/multi-threaded executor assigned to the local callback queue.

TransactionCallback transaction_callback_

The function to be executed every time a Transaction is “published”.

size_t executor_thread_count_ = {1}
std::thread spinner_

Internal thread for spinning the executor.

std::atomic<bool> initialized_ = false

True if instance has been fully initialized.