Template Class Manipulator

Class Documentation

template<typename Derived>
class Manipulator

Parent template for c++ style stream manipulators.

This class uses a trick embedded within the curiously recurring template method to allow static inheritance (important in this case because the manipulator function call is template based). Manipulators have an advantage over the usual c++ style manipulators in that they are themselves classes (not functions such as std::endl). This means that they can retain state from one insertion to the next.


The manipulators defined in the ecl export a few global instantiations, namely

  • ecl::endl

  • ecl::clrscr

Using them follows the same pattern as for standard c++ style cout manipulators.

using ecl::streams::OConsoleStream;
using ecl::streams::endl;
int main() {
    OConsoleStream ostream;
    ostream << clrscr;
    ostream << "Dude" << endl;

Creating your own Manipulators:

Any manipulator that you wish to define must inherit from this parent class in the following manner:

include <ecl/streams/manipulators.hpp>

class MyManipulator : public ecl::Manipulator<MyManipulator> {
    template <typename OutputStream>
    void action (OutputStream& ostream) {
        // ...

See also


Template Parameters

Derived – : the child manipulator the crtp uses.

Public Functions

template<typename ODevice>
inline void insert(interfaces::OutputTextStream<ODevice, true> &ostream)

The static crtp virtual parent call.

This is exactly like a virtual function in a non-template c++ parent class, except it works for templates in the derived type. This function calls the derived class’ action() method with the same signature.

See also



ostream – : the stream to use for manipulation.

Template Parameters

OutputStream – : the output stream type.

inline virtual ~Manipulator()