Class Exception

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public std::exception

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Exception : public std::exception

Virtual parent class for the ecl exceptions.

This is the parent class for all ecl exceptions. It cannot be instantiated directly - it can only be sub-classed.

See also

StandardException, DataException, Exceptions Guide.

Subclassed by ecl::DataException< Data >, ecl::StandardException

Public Functions

virtual const char *what() const = 0

Virtual method for the error message output.

inline virtual ~Exception()

Default destructor.

Protected Functions

inline Exception()

Default constructor that does not configure the code location (used internally by the ecl when rethrowing).

inline Exception(const char *loc)

Configures the code location - make sure you initialise this with the LOC macro.


loc – : use with the LOC macro, identifies the line and file of the code.

Protected Attributes

std::string location