Class DocBookOutput

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class DocBookOutput : public ecl::CmdLineOutput

TClap class used for generating docbook output.

A class that generates DocBook output for usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args.

Public Functions

inline virtual void usage(CmdLineInterface &c)

Prints the usage to stdout. Can be overridden to produce alternative behavior.


c – - The CmdLine object the output is generated for.

inline virtual void version(CmdLineInterface &c)

Prints the version to stdout. Can be overridden to produce alternative behavior.


c – - The CmdLine object the output is generated for.

inline virtual void failure(CmdLineInterface &c, ArgException &e)

Prints (to stderr) an error message, short usage Can be overridden to produce alternative behavior.

  • c – - The CmdLine object the output is generated for.

  • e – - The ArgException that caused the failure.

Protected Functions

inline void substituteSpecialChars(std::string &s, char r, std::string &x)

Substitutes the char r for string x in string s.

  • s – - The string to operate on.

  • r – - The char to replace.

  • x – - What to replace r with.

inline void removeChar(std::string &s, char r)
inline void printShortArg(Arg *it)
inline void printLongArg(Arg *it)